>"anything else?"
>can i have a plain baked potato?
>"nothing on it?"
>nothing on it please
>brings potato with butter
Why do restaurants do this? Do they know what plain is?
>"anything else?"
>can i have a plain baked potato?
>"nothing on it?"
>nothing on it please
>brings potato with butter
Why do restaurants do this? Do they know what plain is?
>ordering a baked potato at a restaurant
just stay home next time
It was just a side, dickhead.
>order baked potato
>don't get anything with or on it
Are you fucking stupid
Don't seriously tell me you want to eat a pile of bland starch and salt, or do you leave out the seasoning too?
Do you have tastebuds?
What's wrong with butter?
Can I not like plain potatoes? I love the texture and the warm comfort. I just wanted a plain potato for my meal.
Im lactose intolerant
Then you're weak, your genes are weak and your children will inherit this weakness, ensuring that they will not last the winter.
why are you eating garbage at a restaurant that you can just make at home
>some allergy to food
I swear to god, every fucking time.
Can we all just admit we've completely lost it trying to fit into some tribe of food group allergy sufferers and live like everyone else, except about 5% of the population did, 50 years ago? There were hardly any food allergies then.
It was a side not my meal dickhead
i didn't ask if it was your meal or your side faggot i asked why are you eating shit at a 80% mark up when you could make it at home for a fraction of the price
Plain is with butter. Not-plain is with chilli and cheese.
>not enjoying plain potato
How destroyed are your taste buds from fast food and cigarettes?
Then you should be telling places you're lactose intolerant when you go out to dine anyway. Plain baked potato is typically accepted to have butter. Ask for a baked potato with no butter, and tell them you're lactose intolerant.
Neck yourself, genelet
Butter has barely any lactose.
It's huwts my tumtum :(
Their norminess cannot be overrode by a simple command
what's your source and how can you prove that your source isn't based on old research and just simply lack of identifying an allergy as the medical field was clearly less widespread and knowledgeable?
I mean, life-expectancy was way lower as well. I'm sure a fuck load of people died as reactions to allergies of all sorts, and they chalked it up to choking to death or something. what you're saying HAS to be completely retarded, no?
You'll never be white with that attitude.
>Comes with butter
No. Plain means it has nothing on it
what is with all the race-baiting stuff on Veeky Forums recently? just curious. as a white guy I'm not bothered by it, but it's just fuckin' weird. it's all over the place.
I like a plain potato, but salt and pepper helps. A spoon full of salsa or pico is good too.
I mean you're right it's always there but I'm definitely seeing it more often in the past couple weeks or so.
fucking george soros shills posting on my board dude
>$0.25 food item heated in an oven
That'll be $8.99 plus tip please.
Really OP? not even chives, bacon, broccoli, salt and pepper? Whats the point of getting anything plain? Plain burgers are shit, plain pizzas are not as good, and plain water sucks.
Not even ketchup on it?
You should ask for tallow instead of butter if you're lactose intolerant.
Japan serves plain potatoes and plain yams.
Problem is that you don't live in Japan.
Yeah, life expectancy 50 years ago was a wopping 6 years less, almost all of which can be attributed to the decline of cigarette smoking.
There is an insidious desire (no, I don't know the derivation) among people today to "belong" to tribal groups, no matter how outlandish or restrictive they might be.
Association with gluten intolerant folk, lactose intolerant, tomato intolerant, potato intolerant, and Oxygen intolerant come to mind.
>I'm lactose intolerant
If you're not too stubborn to try anything on a potato, try vegan butter and cheese