>Raw white onions
Shit "Food"
> tfw working a large scale organic garden during peak Oklahoma summer (that means it's hot as hell)
> harvesting some small onions
> decide to taste one, cause why not
> never tasted so much spicy "onion" flavor in my life
> immediate regret
> no amount of water helps; want to vomit twenty times
> have to finish work with hot onion breath in 100+ degree weather
Never again
>"French" fries
>hot dogs
>cream of kumquat
Yeah french fries are terrible.
Freedom fries are where it's at!
Anything white is gross in my mouth lmao
>any yellow cheese
Jesus i did this one time with a wild onion when I was a kid and I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for the rest of the day
If your fat disgusting ass is sucking some dude's dick the least you could do is swallow his load. You should be grateful for the dick.
I love swallowing loads from people of color. Anyone who isn't proactively breeding with a POC is literally part of the problem.
I was gay before I was trans. This isn't how this works. All these tears about me hating onions. Do you dummies latch onto anything white???? Milk???? Onions???
>I was gay before I was trans
You're literally a man dressed as a woman sucking black dicks. How much sissy porn did you watch on /gif/ for this to happen? Your parents must be proud.
Being this butt hurt nobody likes white people shit food. wow.
I never even mentioned white people or food retard. I'm not even white myself you projecting idiot.
>white people food
Latin and asian people would like to have a word with you...
>I just can't stop replying to shitposts
You are what's wrong with the internet
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Correction *raw white onions
Again, latin and asian people would like to have a word with you...
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
>disliking raw onions
Nice child palate you got there
They are great on Burgers or in salads.
>child palate
Excuse me, "mature" user.
Are you literally 5?
French refers to how they're cut
quit falling for weak bait
>he doesn't enjoy the health benefits of onions
Enjoy your high cholesterol OP.
Plain Greek yogurt
shit taste like sweaty pussy
I'm fairly convinced that everyone in the world is just pretending to like them.
For me, it's cardamom.
>if you cook something it completely loses nutritional value
Cheese, aside from good cheddar, pepper jack, gouda and some smoked cheeses is fucking gross.
You have never gotten any.
No its not the French took credit for they're invention even though America invented all sigmificant foods
Same as with crepes, which were invented by Bretons until they were stolen by the French
Onions get their taste from sulfur. If there's little sulfur in the ground, onions are more mellow and sweeter.
If sulfur is completely absent, well, I assume onions grown on that dirt taste more like apples.
Wow way to oust yourself as a virgin.
Are you five? Only a kid would use an insult like that.
Anything Murican or English. Only fried shit food from shit countries
Would it be fine to eat raw garlic and raw onion in the morning everyday?
After watching that movie, Holes, years ago, that question always stuck to my head.
Like how much raw onion and raw garlic could your body tolerate?
anything cilantro. Tastes EXACTLY like green stink bugs smells to me. Fucking abhorrent.
sorry you missed out on THE BEST mexican food, everything they make tastes like ass without cilantro
Well I don't live in the US so it isn't and issue around here. Sucks when asians use it as garnish though. That shit poisons anything it touches.
>having such inferior genetics that delicious food tastes like soap
i pity the damned
It doesn't taste like fucking soap you mouth breeding retard. Unless you think soap tastes like stinkbugs (it does not).
How would you know what stinkbugs taste like?
>like green stink bugs smells to me
Evidently I don't
I wish you could taste cilantro for what it really is
It's like the fox and the grapes here, man that cilantro sure is sour, innit
>He doesn't drink milk
>He doesn't eat ice cream
>He doesn't eat bread
Processed cheese product
Boxed mac n cheese
Hamburger/Chicken/Tuna Helper
TV dinners
Oatmeal prepared as a porridge
Potato chips
Any peanut butter that isn't just ground-up peanuts with salt
I've grown to appreciate bitter foods but I still cannot enjoy grapefruit to this day.
Who the hell eats raw white onions on their own? Raw onions are pretty delicious over a homemade chili or hotdog.
>replying to obvious bait.
who the fuck eats grapefruit to begin with
You know nothing Jon Snow
Check out this motherfucking badass. Scope his patrician tier lunch.
>raw motherfucking onion
that's a turnip you turd
raw white onions have their place. doner wouldnt be doner without raw onions.
french fries and hot dogs shouldnt be eaten every day, but are still perfectly fine foods. never had cream of kumquat so idk
grow up
processed cheese is definitely a niche food
any yogurt is best served with fruits, nuts, or granola, greek or not.
tomatoes are great. sauce, raw, fried, etc.
soft cheese is delicious
confirmed never been to america or england
apparently cilantro is great but i dont care for it either. i dont even get the soap taste, i just dont like it.
tv dinners and helpers are definitely shit: way to go getting the first one of the thread. boxed mac n cheese is actually not bad every once in a whiel, but not nearly as good as proper mac n cheese either. its really more like the slighty more highbrow version of ramen. the rest of your choices are jsut opinions.
grapefruit is excellent, especially if you can get it fresh in florida
I unironically wish I had a fat slice of tomato with some salt and pepper thanks to your post
wew get a load of this faggot
Garlic only tends to make your pits or breath smell when cooked.. raw garlic may leave a taste in your mouth but you won't reek of it.. try eating it with a little parsley as well, neutralizes the scent... onions, idk
Any vegetable yuck
Tomatoes are so gross
Why did those medieval niggas always let their bread touch the table? Were plates simply not good enough?
Monks kept things very clean.
>peak Oklahoma summer (that means it's hot as hell)
can verify. Drove through OK in the summer. It sucked but I did get some road sex there. Not as weird as Georgia though (boiled peanuts, really?)
those lot lizards are cheap in OKC huh?
It was with my gf. The entire basis of the trip was to pick up her family member in Texas. He had cats, so I drove the 25hr drive by myself.
On the way down, a toothless man pulled up in a tractor after we had finished and asked us if we were ok.
I'm glad I''m not the only one. I used to love it until I got the shits and vomited. Even the smell made me nauseous.