Knockwurst, weisswurst, bratwurst

Knockwurst, weisswurst, bratwurst.

You must choose. But choose wisely.

Scheissewurst please!
T. German

Weisswurst > bratwurst > knockwurst

Weisswurst, when properly served. OP's image is a perfect example of how to fuck up because you don't know what the fuck kind of sausage you're using. Fucking sad.

Weisswurst the goat.

Please explain.

>go to German restaurant
>sausage platter comes with 2 sausages
>you pick from those 3
Fuck you, Germans. I know you people have a sadistic side, but you don't have to turn dining out into a Sophie's Choice situation. Just give me a platter with all three.

Pinkelwurst is the bestwurst.

Johnsonville brats

I'm making Bratwurst, Kielbasa and Hot Italian Sausage tomorrow.


This. Weißwurst Meisterrasse.

I don't understand the difference, but the rightmost looks good

Love and progress

That and hillshire farm were all I knew growing up.

weisswurst fur breakfast, bratwurst for lunch, and knockwurst for dinner

grilled a weisswurst !!!!!!

fucking burgers, you are retarded beyond comprehension, you probably mix cheese and maccaroni and call it italian cuisine

>use italian pasta
>use italian cheese
>"this isn't italian!!"

Weiss, hands down the best German sausage.

You are the wurst.

you have to boil white wurst (at around 80-90°). Never ever fry it. And never ever eat it after noon.

I forgot to mention: You have to peel it before you eat it.

Weißwurst > bratwurst > Cockwurst

Implying the artificial yellow shit Americans throw on """pasta""" is anything close to cheese

it's knackwurst, not knockwurst

... but Weisswurst tastes better grilled.

It's called Knackwurst you Kackwurst :>

Whichever one tastes like hot dogs

I've heard both.

I don't fucking care. You don't fucking grill fucking weisswurst you flyover piece of shit

>autistic screeching

weisswurst forever nigga

How would Veeky Forums describe the taste to someone whose never had it?
Is it similar to sausage?
I love spiced sausage.

You can do whatever you want with food.

Also, fascinating that you're calling someone a flyover for grilling a sausage,,, given the predominance of German heritage in rural America.

Perhaps your defensiveness and hyper-sensitivity over minutiae is a defense reaction to low self-confidence and personal experience. Rather than attack someone for not living in a major city or grilling a sausage, you should reflect on your lack of achievements and why you must live vicariously online and derive a sense of self-worth and accomplishment by simply living where you were most probably born.

In short, living in an urban area is not special in Western cultures and does not denote inherent worth or superiority. Seek from within.

How is it prepared then untermensch?

Boiled is the traditional manner.

those dont even have the correct shape you wanker

weisswurst is shorter and stouter

>Arguing over a white sausage


I thought you were supposed to suck the meat into your mouth through a hole in the end of the casing? And yes I'm serious.

some people do that, but most prefer cutting it open lengthwise, and then scraping the filling out so that you end up with two halves, which can be eaten easily without taking it in your hands.

Delicious corn syrup wursts



What happens if you eat it after noon? Is it something like what happens in Gremlins if you feed them past midnight?

The best cheddar in the world is from Vermont.

Get fucked.

no. in old times, the meat mix was no longer fresh after noon.
and for frying a white type of wurst, people should really try 'wollwurst', that stuff is just great and meant for frying.

All you'all are the wurst. Make your own so you know what's in it. Pic related: Kielbasa due for smoking tomorrow; bratwurst on the left, and Italian fennel sausage on the right.

You eurofags gave up all rights to food value when you began to suck at the corporate tit, just like 'murrica.


buddy there has to be a limit somewhere. not everyone wants to make every fucking thing they eat from scratch. especially sausge

prove that this is your pic.

Lel, faggot. I don't know what kind of person you are to think that I would make up pics and stories on an anonymous korean snake hunting forum.

What kind of man do you think I am?

Ok. Here's a shot from the refrigerator angle with a tray of homegrown garlic underneath, you simpering faggot. Reverse google that, tard.

You're probably the same googad that runs around screaming about samefagging in every thread where more than one person disagrees with your asinine opinion.

lol I made you take another pic.

he made you make another post

Are you a pro sausage maker or a hobbyist?

Never seen so much garlic in a kitchen begore

There is no need for that much garlic.

I used to be obsessed with german food. Let me tell you, for all the hooplah, weisswurst isnt that great. It's fine, but I prefer a broiled italian sausage

Weisswurst every time

German here. What is knockwurst?

Why do I have to choose? They're right there?

Pinkel (with cooked kale) and Blutwurst are best Würste.

theres a really good german butcher just up the road for me and they have like tonnes of different sausage types including these
if ive never tried em before, which one should i get, and should i have it like a regular sausage ie with mash potato and peas and shit or is there something special i should do with it

I'll bet the burgers mean the Knackwurst. Speacking of which, I still have one in storage, time to cook it with some Sauerkraut and mustard for a fine meal.

Hello, reddit.

Is this pasta? If not then why waste your time on his dumb post?

Maybe they are Asian women.

Good like finding a halal German sausage, Ahmed.

>Grilled Weisswurst

As a Bavarian I am offended