>post-stone age
>people eat with these unironically
Post-stone age
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I used to hate them, but had to use them out of necessity for a while, and now they are pretty comfy for most food. God tier for pulling olives jarred in oil.
try eating pho with a fork and you'll understand
Stop being so flyover.
Imagine being such an unabashed newfag you try to repeat a popular thread from the day before simply for replies.
Strangely enough, europeans until the 1700's and americans until the 1800's ate with their hands. There was no fork.
On the other hand, the lowest of the peasants were using chopsticks in Asia hundreds of years before that. Who are the barbarians again?
imagine not being here yesterday
>europeans until the 1700's and americans until the 1800's ate with their hands
From wikipedia with references:
The fork did not become popular in North America until near the time of the American Revolution.[1] The curved fork used in most parts of the world today was developed in Germany in the mid 18th century while the standard four-tine design became current in the early 19th century.
Yeah, it's why the Japanese considered Europeans barbarians on first contact in the 1600's. They ate with their hands like Chimpanzees.
Europeans were using sophisticated, multi-pronged eating utensils before the Arabs and Turks. There's archaeological and written evidence to verify this. I don't know about Asians because it's not my specialty.
it's the better way to eat small things that are getting dipped into sauces, as well as noodles
it's kind of silly, think about eating pasta with a fork and the fact people need work arounds like using the spoon or something to assist the fork
sticks just work
From the History channel, barbarian offspring:
When Catherine de’ Medici wed Henri II in 1533, she brought along a set of eating forks from her native Florence. Members of the French court scoffed at what they considered a typically Italian affectation and continued to plow through their meals with hands and knives. The tool finally gained respect in 1633 when Charles I of England magnanimously declared, “It is Decent to use a Fork,” thereby ensuring clean hands and unburnt fingers for generations of future eaters.
Fucking barbarians. And that's just the southern europeans. It didn't migrate to the great white nordic and germanics until much later.
What a superior white culture. Still eating with their hands when asian peasants are eating with utensils. Sigh, I guess that's why every graduate level statistics class is 90% asian, lel.
The first documented use of the fork for eating food was from Persia In the 900's, idiot.
Alternative facts don't work. Try again.
I detect a triggered honky
Republican """facts"""
To keep the orange crap off my fingers.
how do you eat with chopsticks "ironically" ?
>He stabs croutons with a fork and breaks them in half
Chopsticks are far better for eating a salad with than a fork.
What is a spoon?
What is a knife?
Are you american?
That said, using a knife and fork/spoon is starting to spread in asia. Because, you know, it's superior.
Amerifat here who got taught chopsticks by a family friend when I was about six. They're great. I use them all the time. Two sticks, throw in garbage when done, no cleanup. What's not to love?
once you become proficient they are like finger extensions, meaning you can do things like you would with your fingers without getting burnt or dirty.
that's basically it for me. i still use knives, forks and spoons when i deem them more appropriate. i'd rather be able to use something than not be able to. enjoy the rest of your life, thanks for reading.
what's wrong with pho?
I hate eating with them but they're god tier for certain types of cooking. Precise manual control of individual pieces of boiling lava hot food.
I remember in that movie, Beckett, where Henry II thought he was such hot shit for eating with a fork. Was that movie just full of shit? Did they just not have forks in any capacity in the 12th century? I mean it is a 1964 film so I don't know how much they cared about historical accuracy back then.
I like my chopsticks because they are made of wood instead of metal and i dont like using metal utensils as much , just a personal gripe
>try eating soup with a fork
It's like an extension of your hands.
All food is finger food.
I use them most in one of three situations:
1) cooking
2) eating noodles
3) getting food out of tight spaces such as bread from the toaster or pickled things from a jar
I don't eat Cheetos often enough where I need to worry about getting orange crap all over my fingers.
Forks were once used widely in east Asia, but it became a logistical issue at some point. China has been experiencing explosive population booms for hundreds, if not thousands of years, Chopsticks are just easier and cheaper to make than cutlery
I'm asking about fork usage in Europe though. Sure the commoners ate with their fingers, but I could see royalty using utensils that early.
To be fair, most europeans used knives to eat. Granted, said knives were also used to craft, fight, dig, and just about anything else the wielder needed to do so it's not necessarily
>everyone lives in the usa
why are flyintos so dumb?
Most commoners couldn't afford enough metal to even make eating utensils. At best you had your trusty knife but you really couldn't call that sanitary.
The prevailing theory is that it was seen as heretical to use utensils, God gave you perfectly good hands to eat with and you spite him by not using them. The transition from primarily eating with hands to using utensils happened gradually throughout different parts of Europe from 1500 to 1900.
hands are objectively a better way to eat for most non-liquid food
Nowhere does this imply that the fork became common throughout europe before in America
There isn't a single chopstick using country that eats anything besides western food with a knife and fork.
>most commonly consumed "western foods" aboard are the hotdog and hamburger
well you tried
Your reading comprehension is garbage
>that eats anything besides western food with a knife and fork
>leaves a huge semantic hole in their statement blames someone else
it's like you don't even know where you are
If it's takeout with disposable utensils, I prefer plastic forks. Disposable wooden chopsticks may have splinters and the cheapest ones have this nasty bleached chemical smell to them.
uhm, no. not unless you like your food warm to cold.
so unless you only like to eat solid food that's warm to cold, then yes, hands are 'objectively' better.
Underrated photo. Nicely done.
The idea of knives at the table is pretty barbaric. The idea behind chopsticks is that the knife is in the kitchen, and everything leaves the kitchen ready to eat.
sure is /r/asianmasculinity in here
would you prefer i use my fucking metal stab sticks you mongoloid.
food should be eaten near room temp
If the food is too hot for your hand it is too hot for your mouth
Yes a lovely blue rare steak
i said eaten, not prepared
I don't think we're trying to start a race war right now, the only argument here is that chopsticks are inferior to forks
any properly cooked steak would not be uncomfortable to hold in your hand
You mean when I've reverse seared a steak and it comes fresh and hot out of the pan I can eat it with my hands and won't burn myself?
You've never had food right off a grill?
You should let any steak rest after removal from direct heat before consuming, giving it more than enough time to be at a comfortable temperature, Remember, if its too hot for your hands, its way the fuck too hot for your mouth as the skin on your hands is amongst the most heat resistant on the body
I've already rested the steak when it comes out of the oven.
Dunno about you but my mouth can tolerate heat far better threw my fingers can. Food that is hot to the touch can comfortably go into my mouth no problemo.
This. Once you git gud at them they're much better for eating pretty much all food. Only reason to really use a knife and fork is if you somehow get food that needs to be cut.
They're an all-in-one multipurpose tool that leaves your other hand free for important things like drinking and smoking.
This as well, a pack of 100 pairs of disposable chopsticks is $1-2 at best
>if its too hot for your hands, its way the fuck too hot for your mouth as the skin on your hands is amongst the most heat resistant on the body
hurr durr I'm a retard
Ever had hot coffee or soup before dumb ass? Your mouth has this thing called saliva. Water is a fucking insulator. Stop posting.
>eating 70 degree steaks and soups
>if its too hot for your hands, its way the fuck too hot for your mout
>In all experiments, the chosen mean preferred temperature for drinking was around 60 °C (140 °F)
No fork isn't the same as no knife.
Do you even cutlery?
I think they are fun.
I do it for fun in Chinese restaurants. The fork is clearly better
From eatingutensils.net history of the fork:
Sadly majority of Europe embraced the fork only by 18th and United States only after the end of American Revolution and early 19th century.
Yep. Your alternative fact just got BTFO, kellyanne.
There's literally nothing wrong with eating with your hands
Forks were a regional German thing in the 18th century, and they actually brought it to America before it was popular with typical europeans
>From the History channel
stopped reading right there
I'm well aware you can't read, but the history channel has written items too. Maybe when you finish your remedial 4th grade reading class you'll be able to make out some 2 syllable words. Until then, keep watching youtube!
>Arabs and Turks
> I don't know about Asians
They are asians... do you mean you don't know about orientals?
>the fact people need work arounds like using the spoon or something to assist the fork
I've eaten pasta with a fork my whole life and never needed a spoon, I'm not sure how that would even come into play
In common English usage, Asians refers to specifically East Asians, as opposed to Middle-easterners and Indians
No, orientals refers to the far east and south east asia. Asian refers to india, pakistan and the middle east.
Dude, people do not use the term "Orientals" anymore, and haven't for quite a while
For noodles, you spin the fork in the curvature of the spoon to create a round mass of curled noodles to put in your mouth.
Pic related is from Ancient Rome
you've never been to the midwest, have you
proper etiquette is to only use a fork
I live there currently
Hell, they don't even use the term "oriental" in the south anymore.
You may find some very elderly English speakers that use the term scattered across the country, but the fact is, in common English usage, the term "Asian" refers to East Asians, and not Arabs from the middle east and usually not Indians or Persians either
Stop wringing your hands and gnashing your teeth and see for source.
Normally, they were used as cooking and serving utensils among the very rich. It did take hold among the rich as an eating utensil during the Byzantine Empire due to contact with Persia. It began to be used first in Italy and slowly spread to France, but not to the rest of Europe until the 18th century and the US after the revolution in the 19th century. This is well documented, some posts in this thread reference sources.
Ever tried stabbing freshly steamed dumplings with a fork?
>use chopsticks everyday for my entire life
i can't imagine life without them
I wonder if Japan has reverse weeaboos that get triggered when someone uses a fork to eat fries the same way weeaboos here feel the need to tell everyone not to eat sushi with chopsticks.
They probably have that, and also reverse flyovers who go bezerk when someone expresses any interest in, knowledge of, or awareness of "abroad" and start raving about the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere and we should have finished off the baka gaijin when we had the chance
The Orient refers to the region East of Europe. It's derived from the latin word for east. That's why middle-eastern harems are a common theme in orientalist art.
>eating croûton
These things are disgusting, only in salads to make it look pretty.
>current year
>not eating exclusively with your hands
The confusion here is that Americans use 'Asian' to refer to East Asians (Chinese/Korean/Japanese etc) but in Europe or mainly Britain Asian is usually used to mean those from South Asia (Indian sub-continent), both of these conventions are due to predominance of immigrant populations from those respective areas.
Ofcourse all the peoples are technically Asian as they're from Asia, but because it is such a diverse continent regional specifics are more useful.
To confuse things further, the classic concept of 'The Orient' (as opposed to the occident) meant the Eastern Roman Empire which then came to be the middle-east, Turkey, Palestine etc (which incidentally is also part of Asia).
However in Britain, 'the orient' and in by extension the term 'orientals' has now come to mean East Asians and the Far East in general, albeit an old fashioned and perhaps un-PC term now.
Just thought I'd try and clarify this because it seems to be something people stumble on all the time when you have Americans and Europeans together talk about 'Asia' and 'Asians'.
There's also the fact that in some countries "Asian" is a slur whereas in others "Oriental" is the slur
They used the spoon and knife you utter tard
>finished off the baka gaijin
you mean the Chinese and Koreans, come on get with the programme
that and chances are whenever you eat at a chinese place you're the only one of your friends who knows how to use them.
Yeah nah. You're wrong mate.
>The prevailing theory is that it was seen as heretical to use utensils
t. Professor Asspull