This is an unironic question, are there any good reddit cooking boards?

This is an unironic question, are there any good reddit cooking boards?

Actually yes.
It's worth a look.

yes, please tell me which are good

Fuck off back to ETS, shillbot.

Kys yourself.

I am also interested in this, maybe I can finally take a break from this shithole for a week or so

don't know what ETS is, guess I'll go back to /pol/

die in a ditch fag



/r/1200isplenty is the way to go

only fatties or thots need to cut down to 1200

better recipes in there than keto/food/cooking/whatever which is basically bacon and eggs circlejerks.

Simple meals with simple ingredients, no fuss, no muss.

/r/seriouseats is a bit of a kenji circle jerk but if you like SE it's good
City specific subs are pretty good for local dining.

Veeky is my favorite reddit cooking board desu

Not rly cooking but r/shittyfoodporn can be pretty entertaining. Probably the sub I frequent the most. Though I don't get why this is the worst submission. What's the name of it here again? Something with a hur-... Doesn't look appealing in any way, but still totally edible.

There is literally no difference between Veeky Forums and reddit apart from a voting system


shittyfoodporn has been infested with keto idiots

I'm okay with that, cuz keto really promotes some shitty fucking food


what I mean is there is a ton of people on there posting about how great a hot dog smothered in cheese and complaining about why its on SFP

Oh yeah the keto cult is super annoying. >Hurrdurr I'm actually losing weight eating this stuff! It's magic!
Then someone replies like:
>wait a minute, you're telling me I can eat bacon and butter all I want and actually lose weight?!?!
Cue never ending comment chain. Keto is a shit diet like all diets, but keto especially sucks because you pretty much have to eat like that forever to not gain all your weight back.

/r/ketorecipes is great if you're into that

That's not true at all you stupid faggot


I don't even know how to navigate that place. It's such a complete and utter clusterfuck.

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

don't bother its slowly dying