Hello Veeky Forums,
A friend of mine told me that this tool is to get honey from a pot. Is that true
Hello Veeky Forums,
A friend of mine told me that this tool is to get honey from a pot. Is that true
Here's the electric version.
That tool is for making Mexican hot chocolate.
Nope, that's used to froth a traditional Mexican drink
Dammit, beat me to it.
its filthy
the joke is that you get "honey" (vaginal secretions) out of the pot (the vagina). nice one user.
No, it just looks like a honey wand.
No. You should be eating creamed unpasteurized honey. A spoon works best.
>No don't eat this healthy superfood, eat this superior healthy superfood
>You're an idiot for eating healthy superfood A when I eat healthy superfood B, which is Superfood A but actually more processed.
Fuck off
it's a sounding wand.
I don't know about the Mexican thing, but in the U.S., things like that are usually honey drizzlers.
Personally I always thought they were stupid. A spoon works better and is easier to clean.
Yes, this is for frothing mexican drinking chocolate (mexican chocolate boiled in water, constantly agitated with this to froth it manually)
A honey drizzler holds more than a spoon and doles it out more slowly, but it's a fraction of the size of this. It's the size of a dandilion, while this is 18 inches long, with a head the size of a billiard ball.
Even without the size, the loose rings wouldn't make any sense on a honey drizzler.
Fuck you. Pasteurized honey is stupid. It destroys some of the health benefits, and creamed honey is less messy. Also if you're American there's a decent chance your liquid honey is just corn syrup.
What health benefits? It's fucking sugar. Anything other than carbs is going to be trace quantities.
>health benefits of eating sugar
lol, ok
What's this for?
They used these in the bad ol' days before squeeze bottles were invented.
Right, I'm wrong because you don't read...
>Also if you're American there's a decent chance your liquid honey is just corn syrup.
I use mine for prostate stimulation and rectal cleansing.
He's right, though. Except that it's everywhere. Fucking China exports fructose as fake honey just like it puts melamine in petfood.
You forgot to turn your fake trip off.
Borneo has a real trip now.
>while this is 18 inches long, with a head the size of a billiard ball.
my willy
all of you people are fucking idiots. but its no surprise Veeky Forums cant do a 2 second google check to understand what honey's health benefits are. most of you haven't even tasted real honey I imagine.
Thays a "molinillo" (pronounced mole-ee-nee-yo). Used to make traditional mexican chocolate with water to make a foamy sweet drink served cold. Go to Cholula Puebla to taste it in its purest form, specially on summer or spring-break.
Hahaha, thanks for understanding. I totally didn't get it.
what are these supposed to do? like I dont get how they work. they just get left over, covered in honey. what are you supposed to do then? use it as a stirrer? thats a bad idea, it would ruin the wood.
clean it after use? what a waste of honey
You're supposed to leave it in the honey. Why would it ruin the wood?
how do you close the jar?
and it would ruin the wood if you wash it too often, or use it to stir, the wood is low quality, and it swells.
honey jars typically have a small opening in the jar for the honey wand to stick out of
why would you wash it or use it to stir? honey is antibacterial. if you're not retarded and use it or your honey pot for anything besides honey there's no issue.
we're surrounded by idiots and endless summer but it somehow always manages to get worse