Stop drinking free water

Stop drinking free water.






>the process of purifying, bottling, and distributing water should be free
gee gee no re

>Bottled water is almost as expensive as soda when you buy small size
>While containing only one of the ingridients
>While containing the cheapest ingridient

Nestle is a shit company. Do not buy their shit products.

>bottled water can cost more per gallon than fuel

And people say the (((memes))) are not true

>the most important ingredient
your corn syrup, artificial flavored, bullshit is for plebs. It has limited uses besides giving tubbies diabetes faster than the inevitable heart attack.

I live where they bottle dasani. I'm good thanks.

unfortunately i have no choice because women have put so much estrogen in the water supply with their birth control, it's actually unsafe for men to drink

if youre drinking it from a plastic bottle youre already getting the same dose of xenoestrogens


Move to Mississippi. They have a law to teach abstinance only in sex education. No birth control or flouride in our ground water. It's simply a coincidence we have a teenage pregnancy rate of 30%, kek.

Praise the lawd a'mighty!

the point is that a gallon of water costs like 2c you fucking douchebag

you can't filter fake estrogen from water, bottled water will also contain estrogen.

but it doesn't

Nigger I got my own well that's drilled into an aquifer. Citytrash will never know this feel.

in my city we have 40 free drinking fountains 24/7 from may till october, and they cost us 40k eurodollars per year

Nestle keeps trying to convince everyone that global water crisis can be solved by privatizing it all.

Yea it could be. Make water available for everyone but you have to pay for every drop of it. Do it and we pick up fucking arms