What is your favorite kind of wine?
What is your favorite kind of wine?
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Depends man. I don't drink much wine anymore, but I like a chilled crisp white, like savignon blanc. I like lighter reds like pinot noir, or some dark fruity ones too.
>What is your favorite kind of wine?
>implying i'm a gay
white, dry
riesling boo, dryer the better
drier. wow, i need to sleep.
Expensive wine
sangria, it's like fruit punch but for adults
pink moscato.
[spoiler]i cut my red wine with sprite[/spoiler]
yeah but fruit punch tastes good.
A bullet
Chianti or Port, if I'm drinking wine I'm already not eating well, might as well drink something made for decadence.
That's like asking me what my favorite food is
People who have a favorite of one thing usually either know very little about that one thing, or they have shit taste. The two usually go hand in hand
Tonight I'm having sherry
>hello I am a pretentious cunt here to ruin your thread
That's all you really needed to say
I know nothing about wine but the red stuff can be good. The white ones are good when they are crisp pinos but the buttery chardonnays are shit. Oaky chardonnays aren't much better but the buttery ones I can't drink.
Rose can be good with a light lunch too.
he is a faggot but he's right. you wouldn't go into a record store and walk up to the owner, who has dedicated some serious amount of time to music, and ask what his favorite album was. he'll give you 20 different ones spanning decades.
>waah waah I bet he likes stuff I don't like mommy make the mean man stop having his opinions
You seem lost, perhaps you should try /r/food/
Cheap merlot
>Veeky Forums
>drinking wine
don't you mean bud ice and fireball?
>bud ice
if you lurked more you'd know steel reserve is the correct choice.
Why cheap?
So I can buy a lot
Love a good Port. I'm a lightweight so 2 glasses of a strong Port gives me a nice buzz
>implying I haven't been on this Taiwanese haircut instruction manual about 4000 times longer than I should have
My dad lives near Niagara falls, Canada. They have many wineries there. His neighbors family brings over a bottle of every batch they make, so he literally has hundreds of bottles lying around. There ice wine was really good, but the red is amazing too. I usually drink beer, the only time I drink wine is at his place. his girlfriend is starting to make her own, just started last year. It is really a thing around Niagara region apparently.
White just like my women
Best wine I ever had was an Egri Bikavér or Bull's Blood when I was in Hungary. But I also love Zins.
Everything else tastes like grape peels imho
dry, one-dimensional and void of any substance?
who hurt you
Chianti or Malbec
Basically any wine from the Loire region of France, but especially Vouvray. I feel like it goes well with everything.
Good lad.
California champagne is superior desu
I don't even believe that I just wanted to make myself laugh.
haha get trolled HARD nerd
Barossa Shiraz
I dont like wine very much so I usually keep a bottle for cooking
But if I get sad Enough I can finish the bottle and then go out for more
I believe you mean Californian sparkling white wine kek
Someone else's.
red grape
Dolcetto Dogliani
i was honestly just about to post an Orson thread
I'd like to start drinking wine. What should I start with?
I've had wine in the past but only some of the dark colored (red) ones. And I've 100% painted my wall with stains opening them. They didn't taste too great.
I need an easy wine that will hopefullly taste good and not stain my walls.
Fucking Chopping Mall.
Super Tuscans for red
Gruner vietlener for white
muuhhAAAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh THE Frencsh schampagne!
>Californian champagne
No such thing friend
$5aud cleanskin Shiraz from my local shady Vietnamese run bottle shop.
Enjoy most wines I've tried except for the most dry and anything that's more than slightly carbonated.
Cannot stand champagne.
Whatever is in the glass closest to me,.
Rioja region wines are always good.
St. Emillion
Champagne is a province in France and champagne is the wine from Champagne
California is not Champagne, so Californian wine is not champagne
The Champagne come from the Champagne "region" in France.
Just call it the "California".
So what do you call a champagne like product that comes from a region other than champagne? how do they sell bologna products outside of bologna? What do they call it? Your logic is dumb tb h
>champagne like product
Sparkling wine.
>how do they sell bologna
tl;dr It's totally legal in the US for Cali to sell "champagne" despite whatever laws the Euros pass and there's nothing they can do about it
Sparkling wine is different from champagne though.
I honestly envy you 95% of that shit is undrinkable. Had a few good ones, from Csutorás, Bukolyi or Thummerer, but on the average, it's some musty, moldy CS-Blaufränkisch cuvée.
I don't get why people shit on this grape. It might not be the most exciting or refined thing in the world to drink but it has its place.
Don't get me wrong I am no fan of the wild-west style labeling in the US that says "buyer beware", and I don't want to sound like I'm defending the loophole, but there is enough variation in style and quality even within proper champagne wine that bitching and moaning about California champagne is the wrong battle to fight. They've shown they can make champagne that tastes pretty much like champagne. Same as their bordeaux knockoffs. California has a lot of problems when it comes to wine but this isn't anywhere near the worst.
If you want to bitch and moan about California selling substandard fake goods, take a look at what they call "chablis wine".
It's a profitable grape because you can grow a fuck ton of it on a small amount of land, meaning it's overrepresented in cheap shitty wine that doesn't even bother trying
Since the hipsters decided it was the next big thing it seems like there's been more attention paid to the decent stuff but there's a reason for the reputation
I wasnt shitting on it, Weninger or Dúzsi make great Kékfrankos wines. I was shitting on Egri Bikavér, because the committee responsible for it's quality assurance is corrupt as fuck, and most of the Bikavérs in the market ar indeed dull, musty Cabernet Sauvignon - Blaufrankisch cuvées.
Also this, I have to agree. If you want to buy a good bottle, make sure it's Austrian, and not some knock-off.
Lambic framboise inb4 not wine its better than wine
>Since the hipsters decided it was the next big thing
I don't get this. The backlash was practically instantaneous - as soon as it increased in popularity people were bitching about it. Yet these same people gave zweigelt and grüner-veltliner a pass.
Maybe that's part of why.
>Yet these same people gave zweigelt and grüner-veltliner a pass.
They did? Well maybe gruner veltliner but zweigelt gets shit talked by the same people shit talking blaufrankisch
But the gruner veltliner fad predated the "blaufrankisch isn't what you think!" meme by like 10 years
Merlot by far
not even memeing
Yeah. I was in the business ten years ago and really thought grüner was going to be the next big thing. Then the recession hit right when that was gathering steam, and I got out of the business. I'm happy to see its popularity has increased. But I still think zweigelt is super underrated. Not as a fine wine, but it's a great daily drinker, especially in warm weather.
GV is an old meme, I have to agree.
Part of the zweigelt and balufrankisch bashing is that these people are used to their mega purple california reds, and when they meet something that doesnt deliver what theyre used to, they simply assume that wine is bad.
TLDR; blaufrankisch and zweiglet bashers are uncultured pretentious fucks.
When a meme goes full mainstream every idiot can have an opinion, and when idiots have opinions the opinions are idiotic
I knew the day had come when I went into a random korean-owned liquor store and the guy was recommending an "australian" zweigelt. I was like "australia? that's interesting" and he was like "yeah this is the next big thing!" completely oblivious to the *austrian* flag painted on the cap
Also GV is shit tier, call me a pleb, IDGAF
Wines vary wildly within the same grape, so I tend to like many things from all styles.
Overall, I prefer dry reds.
Also, discussing varieties is and old meme.
Why varietal wine? It can be interesting, but cuvées tend to outrace them, if made well. It also confuses the customer and makes marketing harder. i never understood wineries who make 10+ varietal wines and 5-6 cuvées. I mean, what's your point? How do you expect people to recognize you?
Nothing wrong with Merlot.
It's extremely common, and it's probably the best red to give someone who hasn't had wine before. Usually goes fine by itself or with food without issue.
>zweigelt and balufrankisch bashing
I kinda wonder if it's a little bit of lingering tarnish from the '85 scandal.
>Also GV is shit tier
There are plenty of shit tier ones out there, but some really great wines can be made from that grape. Sommer made a consistently good one last time I checked.
>iscussing varieties is and old meme.
So is the Parker scale, but that's not going to make it go away.
>lingering tarnish from the '85 scandal
Most of the people who do it werent even born back then. But who know, you might be right.
>that's not going to make it go away
I know. It just makes me sad how our country's wine industry is racing towards the abyss with this stupid fucking furmint fad. I mean, it's an okay grape, but blended with lipovina it's even better. And also, people here genuinely believe that furmint is getting international recognition, and keep pushing the variety. While it's really only got some minimal attention because it's something new to the west.
It's like when the average /b/ poster gets smiled on by a girl, and he takes that as her becoming his girlfriend. I dont wanna be around when he brings her flowers.
Red wines.
Rare Earth Organics/Charles Shaw became they're certifiably veganfaggy, but only the dark ones by CS are vegfaggy, which is fine by me because I don't much care for white wines anyway.
I like Merlot a lot as a cheap wine.
and north korea can call itself a democratic republic, doesn't mean it is one.
Try blackberry wine. Sweet yet cheap
There is a California champagne by Paul Masson.
Same. Basically anything with temperanillo in it is good in my book. I only really got into wine during a trip around the rural areas of northern Spain, so my tastes are geared towards cheap Spanish table wine.
>CS are vegfaggy
Yet loaded with arsenic at the same time. >my tastes are geared towards cheap Spanish table wine.
The French might give you shit for that, but I wouldn't. If you're going to drink cheap table wine Spain is solid as fuck.
>If you're going to drink cheap table wine Spain is solid as fuck.
This. Hell yes Spain.
Chianti Classico (it has a black cock on the neck of the bottle) or a really nice Cabernet.
Champagne is a region in France. The wine grown in Champagne is called Champagne. There is not a region of California called Champagne. There is no Champagne from California it's just sparkling wine.
But Americans take great glee in using legally protected names from other places (particularly France) as generic terms for a style of product. So in America you have Champagne and Burgundy from California, though labeling any California wine either of those names would be illegal anyplace else in the world.