This baby would go great with a side of Hunt's Ketchup!
ITT: Images that make your mouth water
These would be soooo good with soy sauce!
ewww i think i can see worms
Hang yourself
You too
kek butthurt rarecuck
you literally eat dog food
Go to bed Donny you dumb, fat, useless, tasteless so called President.
Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault.
They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!
just go to if you are going to shitpost this hard you degenerate pieces of shit
i grilled some rib eyes earlier and they were just like that.
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate.
>He eats flesh of dead animals
You're mentally ill.
I like this thread. As Veeky Forums's nominated Veeky Forums amassador I'd like to thank you for your contribution to my board, I look forward to seeing the discussion.
Just cooked up this baby just the way I like it. Bone appetit!
A big hard throbbing cock.
Now that makes my whore mouth watery.
protein deficiency can make you mentally ill
If your meat has worms in it, you shouldn't buy it.
as a chinaman im offended by the concept of ketchup on steak
i've eaten dog and ostrich but ketchup on a perfectly fine steak is an abomination
XD Im so triggerd XD!!!
Take your degenerate bullshit out of here.
[s]and also tell me where to find the uncropped version[/s]
Oh fuck you, I googled how to do strikethrough on here and that's what I got. I don't visit very often.
bone app the teeth*
You made this same fucking trash thread yesterday, idiot.
Keep it that way.
Or at least
lurk moar
It's bone Apple teeth Nobby.
This would go good with some Bearnaise.
Approved by the president
Black forest Gateau
all those worms look so delicious
man I love being a subhuman who loves rare steak and shitting my pants
it's barn ample feet you fucking retard
I had med rare pork the other day. Am I going to die?