redpill me on grains of paradise Veeky Forums
Redpill me on grains of paradise Veeky Forums
Anyone who uses the term redpill unironically is a gullible retard.
i don't think you know what gullible means because it makes zero sense in this context
anyone who uses redpill unironically is a /pol/newfag
how is this tumblr?
/pol/ is a autistic shitposting fest
huge echo chamber hugbox
go back to /pol/ newfag
Every one in this thread can fuckinh kill themselfs
how will you kill yourself?
It's like black pepper but twice as good and 10 times as expensive.
Buy it from a middle Eastern or African market or online, never pre-ground.
I just wanted to shitpost, man. I got too excited.
My bad.
What's the point?
it's grown in africa and that's far as fuck from paradise lol