If I'm cooking a pork shoulder/butt in a slow cooker, should I leave the bone in or take it out? Will it make much difference in the flavor is the slow cooker will end up overcooking it anyway?
Pork Shoulder Slow Cooker
Leave it in. If nothing else, it's easier to just pluck it out when it's done cooking.
slow cooker is a meme
just braise it in the oven
always leave the bone in unless you are stuffing it though
>slow cooker is a meme
It is, but I can't turn down the convenience of
leave it. adds flavor.
also, what's your end game? half assed bbq/pulled pork? if so, that's the main way i know when im done smoking/resting mine. if i can't pull the bone out with very little effort i put the thing in the oven/cooler to finish or rest until it slides out like it didn't belong there.
>half assed bbq/pulled pork?
Yes, simple sandwich meat
Bone in, fat side facing up.
Why fat side up? Should I trim off any of the fat or will most of it render out anyway?
>just braise it in the oven
What difference does it make
slowcooker copypasta
Leave the bone in. Also, once finished fry it up in some lard and make some carnitas.
not a bad idea, though I don't have any lard
As the fat melts it will baste the meat. Leave it all on, you can always just skim off any unwanted fat later.
K stick some chunks on a pan for the oven and spoon some of the fat over the chunks and then broil. You get crispy sides still and it's good
isn't bone-in cooking a meme? Doesn't it just slow down the cooking of the meat surrounding the bone because of the way the heat penetrates?
quit asking if shit's a meme. it's fucking retarded and it doesn't pose a serious answerable inquiry.
it adds flavor to the meat that the bone is in. if it increases cook time and you don't have time for it, you're cooking the wrong thing for your schedule.
any single thing i've ever cooked was because i knew my schedule and it fit.
no one should be buying a 7lb butt and complaining that it takes 6.5-8 hours on a smoker, 8-10 hours in a slow cooker.
bone in is for flavor the same as using roasted bones for stock.
then make your slow cooker bbq and enjoy it. pull the thing out whole and have the satisfaction of pulling the bone out clean and with ease and shredding it. use the left over drippings to add to a homemade bbq sauce. i always do this whether it's the drippings from inside the foil wrap of a smoked brisket/shoulder or just the drippings from a beef roast in the slow cooker. i make brown gravy with the latter.
do you have a kettle? i made this on a medium sized weber kettle and it was fanfuckingtastic. it definitely takes some tending, but the reward is worth the effort to me. you have to make a semi circle on the outside of the charcoal grate with wood placed every 6 inches or more if you like, and rotate the grate and the meat in order to keep it from cooking on direct heat and burning/drying out, but damn is smoked better.
>slow down
This might be an issue.. if you weren't already slow cooking to begin with
it's not really drippings, it's more like a pool of liquid
Don't cook anything in a slow cooker
you subhuman piece of shit
fuck you
>Don't cook anything in a slow cooker
too late, I cook everything in the slow cooker
Leave it in, the bone will almost be able to slide out when done.
I take it you don't throw down 45-50 hour work weeks.
none of these assholes do.
Just hopping in this here thread. Saw your post. I too am SmokingWeberKettleFag. Your setup interests me. It looks like you have your meat and dripping/water pan directly in the center and I noticed you said something about a semicircle of charcoal/wood and then rotating it.
I normally just put a water/dripping pan on half then my charcoal and wood on the other. Put my grate on. Put my meat over the side with the pan. Can you elaborate on this semicircle and rotation since you have the meat and pan over the middle?
Or am I reading this wrong?