eating alone is really pathetic
Eating alone is really pathetic
are you saying you never not eat with someone
but i hate people
>eating alone is really pathetic- 2 posts and 1 image reply shown.
being this co-dependent. OP, this is a big sign of borderline personality disorder.
breakfast with mom, lunch at school, dinner with mom
underage ban
what are you on about?
Two of the biggest indicators for borderline personality disorder are co-dependency (constantly needing somebody) and constantly being worried about what people think about you, specifically strangers
A person who doesn't like to eat alone or fears it, displays both of these characteristics at the highest level.
a person who eats alone is a loser
Found the highly feminine low test beta
Not OP.
I have Borderline Personality Disorder but I eat alone and would rather do that.
And to set the record straight, codependency isn't an issue for all people with BPD nor is it solely definable under BPD.
People can be codependent without it. Or they could have other mental illness issues.
not an argument
I'm constantly worried about what others think of me to the point of absurdity, but I don't constantly need somebody and actually don't have any friends. Diagnose me now, armchair doc.
This is correct, but with that said, high codependency is a trademark of BPD
It wasn't intended to be as your comment wasn't an argument either
Eating alone is for people who like to watch stuff while they eat, stuff their faces, over eat, under eat, or many of the above.
If you consider people like that losers, well then I'm so glad that you've found a way to feel superior.
General anxiety
>Eating alone is for people who like to watch stuff while they eat, stuff their faces, over eat, under eat, or many of the above.
Is this some weird form of projecting?
>doesn't like to eat alone
>doesn't have friends to eat with
Well, I believe you have something along the lines of Multiple Personality Disorders or Schizophrenia. Please seek legit help.
How is it projecting? I'm totally for eating alone. I'm not OP.
I eat alone because I like to watch stuff while I eat.
>If you consider people like that losers
>watch stuff while they eat
Yes. Loser millennial. No attention span. Hooked to electronics.
>stuff their faces
Big time losers. Lack of self-control.
>over eat
>under eat
Anorexic. Weak-willed. Fragile. Insecure. Big time loser.
>many of the above.
Ah yes, the overeating undereating obese anorexic!
>It wasn't intended to be as your comment wasn't an argument either
not an argument
>Ah yes, the overeating undereating obese anorexic!
Exactly, that's exactly what I was talking about. The average person. Overweight and underweight, that over eats and under eats and watches stuff while they eat!
I'm so glad you understand.
This your level of autism atm
Why don't you go have fun with your frie--
Oh wait.