Sup/ck/ I haven't been on this board for about 2 years. Was wondering if paleo was still a meme

Sup/ck/ I haven't been on this board for about 2 years. Was wondering if paleo was still a meme.

I find it helps me lose weight quicker when I start my cut for summer.

What are your opinions ?

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Just eat less you fat fuck.

Its moved onto infowars and its pretty much your standard "lose calories and water = lose weight diet"

>haven't been on this board for about 2 years.
Interesting coincidence, same here and i also wonder the same thing.

But I will say I've been paleo for ~8 months and lose weight at an extremely sustainable rate, roughly 1 pound per 2 weeks or so. I should also mention I'm BMI ~21 already so losing weight isn't critical, but paleo works well for me.

Glad to hear I'm using it as a stepping stone to keto diet so I can really lean out for summer.

mum now knows about it and I see it on restaurant menus


What is the difference between Atkins, paleo, and keto?

At first glance at the thumbnail, I thought those carrots and potatoes were cigarettes.

Atkins is keto with a brand name and a points system. Paleo is veggies and meat with few nuts and fruit, mostly berries. There is a lot of crossover. Keto is a biological mechanism, but is also considered a diet

Ive lost 28.4 pounds since January 16th doing keto ama.

Yes it's a meme

This is literally just a guy talking about how much he loves bread.

How on earth does this prove anything.

There's nothing to prove, he's just talking about how he feels about the Atkins diet.

I lost 100 pounds on keto. My gf wants to do Paleo now but I don't see any real reason. There's no science behind it besides "muh whole foods" and it seems just as restrictive as keto but for no specific reason.

The main reason I feel keto is successful is that it limits your appetite so you don't eat all fucking day. When I'm eating low carb it seems like I eat until I'm satisfied but not stuffed full of food.

Do you get super constipated on keto, and if so how do you deal with it. When I was on keto I would just drink black coffee every other day to shit.

OP here I find paleo to be a good transition into keto as its a naturally low carb diet with plenty of potential for protein. I think it wouldn't be as a shock to your system in fact an easy transition from paloe to keto as opposed to normal diet to keto. Less of a transition period.

If you can get your gf on paleo shell have discipline to transition to keto as you've to count macros and be more rigid. Godspeed user

paleo is still BS. our ansestors actually ate everything. because they didnt know what was good or bad and their was only one way to find out.... you cant pick and choose bits of a diet that you like that just makes you no better than a veggo
>how do you know when someones a veggo? they will tell you.
same thing with all these other diets on the market. they all dont work.
>you want a diet that works? eat less, move more. and portion control.

i suppose you will lose weight when they remove half of your colon

>stop eating fast food and processed shit to lower calories
>eat more fibrous vegetables to also lower calories and increase satiety
>lose weight

Has anyone tried whole30

She did keto with me and also lost the same amount of weight. She just says she is sick of keto. Also she really likes sweet potates