so why is this a thing?
Hipster restaurant food
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fierce competition in the restaurant industry has lead to many novelty bullshit ideas like niggerfaggot slabs of wood and skateboard decks for plates or a trashcan full of french fries
theyre just being quirky to make up for being shit. like IPA's with edgy names and almost every indie band
What's the appeal?
Is that a fucking skateboard?
No, it's a mongoose you dumb fuck
Those fries are pissing me off
What restaurant is this and how do I know you're not faking?
rocks """"reimagined"""" as """""""food"""""""
>so why is this a thing?
Millennials and white people.
Novelty. Fine dining is seen as stuffy and old fashioned by many who are still willing to pay decent $$$ for good food. Being playful with the plating shows the kitchen is not at all stodgy.
>here you go sir, ingredients served separately so you can prepare it the way you like :)
>that'll be $31.95 plus tip
That's kind of cute, honestly.
>it's okey when japa do it
Weebs not welcomed.
These types of restaurants aren't designed for boring assholes like you.
tfw no mini umbrella to eat food from
I mean if someone did this in, like, the 90's as a gimmick and not a restaurant feature it would have been kinda cool
That ain't my jam. But it doesn't tweak my autism either.
I didnt know mongoose made skateboards, fuck off wood pusher.
heh you know it's funny a friend of mine was waking up a hobo sleeping in the lobby and I've never seen someone go from sleeping to swinging a skateboard so quickly in my life.
this is the kind of place that some girl takes me to without forewarning it's a freakshow and I wind up asking the waitress what the fuck do they think they are doing.
I love it when news of restaurant closings frequently pop up in my city's Eater feed.
Idgaf, that's fairly creative and cool.
B-but I like the little shopping cart.
Nothing's more fun than dumping a jar of spaghetti and sauce out on a plate like you're serving shitty leftovers.
I don't understand what the raw garlic and spring onions are for. Are you supposed to smash them with your shovel?
Would you eat food on a tennis racket?
how do we stop millennials from ruining the planet?
Ingeniously executed.
>eating out of a dog bowl
fitting desu
I see no problem here.
Who cares? It's their planet now. Let 'em do whatever they want.
>Pork stone
Kowabunga dudes!
Yes, porkstone. It's a thing, google it. So named, because it looks just like a slab of pork.
The "pork belly" stones are quite popular in China. Good luck charm
I all honesty, they won't be capable of doing a worse job than we are doing, currently.
Why do they serve burgers and steaks on wooden boards? I remember the first time I encountered this I was enraged by how gay and impracticable it as but now I see it everywhere. A few places have also started serving their shit in the style of a 50s diner and on these flimsy plastic trays like a cafeteria.
>Get mountain of fries on dumb wooden board
>Have to be careful not to swipe the fuckers onto the table
Someone reintroduce plates to the restaurant industry please
well this is tasty looking rocks
I would walk out
You would let them keep your money?
who pays before eating?
fuck you amerifat shitcunt
>not "pomme frittes"
>order a burger
>the buns are black
Yuropoor retart
get a load of these rocks
hot porkstone dick
Kill Kill Kill
to take a pic for instagram of course
>dumb millennial or average woman goes to gimmicky restaurant
>takes 100's of selfies with gimmick food on a wood plate and cocktail in a jam jar
>post on social media
>girl gets her hit of dopamine
>restaurant gets free advertising
>both parties win
only negative side effect is it makes normal people cringe
>tennis rackets
>shopping carts
>wooden planks
my only 2 concerns are health laws and the restaurants probably going through 5 dishwasher's a week.
it's hard enough to keep a dishwasher hired as it is without them ragequitting or being shit 90% of the time.
And nobody would give a fuck you sack of shit, go back to Wendy's.
give it 5 years and it'll be so normal that some whackjob restaurant will be an absolute madman and serve a burger on a plate
As someone who washed dishes for two years, absolutely this. It's already dirty, mind numbing and tedious. I'd fucking die if I had to keep racquets clean.
>mfw imagining a dishwasher cleaning a pile of shovels
Quite the mental complex you got there buddy
Not him but I'm pretty sure that's from the VIP bit of the Wimbledon championships and so you paid for that before you went in on your ticket price.
Post the black 'za already
>Pandering to autism
Bring them a bunch of different size spoons and your costumers will never leave
manchildren have no tastebuds, and even in their 30 have that whole "dad would be so mad, this is EPIC" mentality.
If this is "fun" to you, I'm sorry to tell you you are the soulless, shallow sack of shit. You still watch the Simpsons religiously, don't you?
>people are paying money for that 2$ worth of junk food just because "le lol so randuumb, muh instagram will be le jelly"
the real racket in the picture is the business practice of that place
So that's were they get their ideas for the street food made out of cement
would eat. bushido cooking code has been followed and the result is an unpretentious triumph.
You know what, im going my own hipster joint. Im gonna burritos from costco. Microwave them and serve them for $15 a plate but heres the catch. THE PLATE WILL BE UPSIDE DOWN! Fucking GENIUS!
What does the stick part rest on?
>stick part
Me too. I feel an inordinate amount of rage looking at that.
>I'm totally jaded about making food and you should be about eating it!
>so come join us, we make you cook it and serve food on popsiclewear to eat while you sit in a centrifuge
>today's special: "funny pun name for reheated leftovers"
Maybe you should try other cuisines and dishes instead of opting for another burger that has to be dyed entirely black and dropped by spelunkers from the ceiling just so you dint feel like you're still eating the sake shit.
Do you live in an alternate reality where what you've described is common?
Is this a joke? Some sort of special request? I would refuse to eat this.
They're designed for hipster retards like you
>Pic is a trowel
I bet you think a spade is the same as a shovel too
>Some usage prescriptions prescribe that the words "spade" and "shovel" should be held in contradistinction (piercing and digging [spade] versus scooping and moving [shovel]). Natural language does not widely follow these prescriptions; it more often treats "spade" and "scoop" as contradistinguished subsets under "shovel".
This is every person under 20 the fuck are you from, retard? Even third world shitholes like Muslim war zone do that shit.
Now come with me and seize the means of production.
>Even third world shitholes like Muslim war zone do that shit.
Riiiiiiiight... Come on, it's time to go back to the home, you haven't even had your pills today.
>it makes normal people cringe
There's nothing wrong with that. Normal people eat frozen pizza with ranch dressing. Fuck them.
>Shart in mart detected
>Many people use the terms “shovel” and “spade” interchangeably. But did you know that they’re actually very different tools?
You're such a retard you think pulse and heart rate are the same
Just bite into that full bulb of garlic, senpai.
>that fag who can't argue anything without whining about nationality
You laughed at me because I'm different... I laugh at you because you're all the same.
>Being this buttmad about being proven wrong
>Pencil dick detected
>You laughed at me because I'm different
That's not why we laugh at you user.
Minature versions of regular-sized things are fucking cute, but that thing is probably a bitch to wash properly, which means it's probably not washed properly.
The little shopping cart is fucking hilarious.
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with. Just goes to show how shitting on someone's nationality only ropes other people into your dumb argument. Stop doing that.
>I-I-I-mmm t-t-totally not that g-g-g-guy
Whatever you say shart, whatever you say
Served on a shovel, on top of a plate.
eurotards, everyone
that constant obsession must have brain damaged you guys
Most of this is horribly expensive stuff, so they probably pay staff better than most places
Food is an art also. Are you some sort of fascist?
This is some of the most irritating shit I've ever seen.
The smug radiates off of it.
I would beat the cunt snot out of anyone I saw eating those fries out of a tiny shopping cart.