Alcohol thread
Post alcoholic stories
Alcohol thread
Post alcoholic stories
>be me
>just turn 21 this year
>drink some hard cider
>watch some stuff with friends online
>go to bed
>wake up sober
Crazy shit man, idk how you guys do it.
>be me
>start drinking
>don't think about drinking for months, potentially years
>Drinking strong beer
>Few litres in
>Really drunk
>Go to sleep
>Wake up with a broken toe and bruises on my hands
>Never blacked out or felt any pain before going to sleep
>Toe stopped hurting after like 2 weeks
Don't know how it happened
>start drinking in the morning on the weekend
>pass out early in the day, wake up at 7pm
>assume its 7am the next morning, proceed to drive to work fucking hammered
>wow theres no traffic today, what the fuck is going on?
>get to work which is 45 minutes away with no traffic only to realize my mistake
>holy shit i need help
What's a healthy amount of alcohol to drink? Am I setting myself up for health problems if I have 2-4 beers 3-4 nights a week?
Maybe 10 more years down the line. Mild fatty liver here at 31. Been drinking daily since 20.
Bought alcohol today. It isn't enough.
Strange thing about blacking out, a lot of times you don't remember blacking out.
So, you blacked out and broke your toe, but don't remember it. It happens to the best of us. Blackouts are very strange indeed. I've even had it happen when I typed shit on the internet and woke up the next morning, saw it and never would have realized that was my post.
They don't do nothing for a toe. They give you some percoset and let it fix itself
no stories. all i do is drink and watch the sopranos.
>decide to get trashed one night
>around 1am decide to pass out
>wake up around 4am, put hand to head and feel something sticky
>go check it out, whole left side of face is covered in blood
>massive slash above my eyebrow clean up and start investigating
>no blood anywhere in my apartment, not even a stain on my bed
>finally found a drop in the middle of the carpet
>still don't know what happen, have a scar now
...did you survive?
Yea thing is I remember going to bed. Weird
I didnt even see a doc, but it fixed itself just walking was massive pain
I cut back drinking significantly. Went from a handle every 2 days down to a handle a week, sometimes a day or so more.
I feel better.
>be about 15
>class trip to berlin for a couple nights
>staying in a shitty hostel
>naturally we all hid alcohol and got wasted at night
>one of the nights two wasted dutch dudes push themselves into our room and get into bed
>eventually coax them out, feel it was already a funny story to tell people
>about an hour later they walk in sober as can be
>one flashes ID and says they're undercover cops looking for a cocaine bust
>says we're clean on that account but they're busting us for underage drinking and telling all the teachers
>room full of teenagers start freaking out, some of the girls crying because their parents will find out, etc
>eventually one says "i can't keep this up" to the other
>both start laughing their fucking asses off saying they pulled it out their ass
>showed ID was literally just a regular drivers licence
>both walked out and we never saw them again
>everybody too scared to keep drinking for the night
One thing I noticed about reducing my blackouts after I went through the hassle of losing a cell phone during one, was to focus on something all the time if you're out drinking. Nowadays, I make it a point to continually check for my cell phone and it keeps me focused enough that the blackouts are much less frequent. Unless I'm at home. That's a whole different thing.
>some of the girls crying because their parents will find out
this is why women don't deserve rights
O boy do I have some stories for you. Let's begin with the first.
>be me, 14 year old high school freshman
>be at party for like the 4th time
> drink 2 or 3 beers
>smoke weed for the second time so fairly stoned
>have older kid buy me a pint of whiskey
>my first time with a whole pint to myself
> proudly walk into house where party is occurring holding my pint
>douche bag says "user, you can't handle that"
>cap that shit and pound the thing
>feel like the fucking man
>for like five minutes
>become completely fucked
>decide I need to shit
>puke all over bathroom while shitting, and I don't even really know the girl throwing the party lol
>end up passed out in the lawn for a whil
>dad has to come get me
That one sucked, but isn't really the worse, maybe in the top 5
lmao you fucking alcofags are pathetic
it's all fun and games until your brain literally turns into swiss cheese by the time you're 25
Ya dude we are quite aware of how much we are fucking ourselves, it's pretty shitty.
wine is so garbage
just give me malt liquor
>not vodka+gatorade
If you're reading the thread you're probably one of us. Welcome.
Got a DWI in December and got convicted a week ago. Lawyer said most of the time he gets first offenders off but my BAC was so high that it was impossible. I blew a .27 and the cops were talking to me about how they were impressed by how conscious and coherent I was. I wasn't swerving or anything, just pulled into a gas station without using a blinker. Now I've got a DWI on my record for the next decade. FUCK.
Talk to your lawyer. Depending on the state you may be able to get it expunged after 5 years or so. It'll cost a bit, but for employment purposes it might well be worth it. A DWI on record can be a death sentence for getting a decent job.
I did. He said 10 years. I'll be 33 when it's gone.
got 4 grams of gorilla glue today at the dispensary for $40, limiting myself to beer/weed, no more liquor. 6 pack at night with healthy food and lots of water, no more anxiety/shakes every morning.
Going back to AA tonight after a 3-4 month relapse.
I'm functional and really only drink on the weekends but it's starting to spill over into my regular life. Monday's are fucking terrible. Feels like the walls are coming in, shaky, sweating, hot flashes, horrendous anxiety and paranoia.
Here's to hoping I do better this time. Gf drinks like shit as well and she's gonna clean up too.
Wish me luck fellow alcs, I want out of this cycle.
Underage drinking isn't illegal in yurop
Just underage purchase
Don't buy "twisted tea" it's made from beer and has a nasty after taste. Hard iced teas made from vodka are much better!
Yeah you can drink aged 5 in the UK, as long as it is at home, and I think age 14 if you are with your parents in a restaurant.
Trying to quit finally. It took a couple of friends to get me to go to the gym with with them so maybe that will help me decrease the amount that I'm drinking during the week. Here's hoping.
Good job.
I'm trying to quit too but I keep relapsing. I'll go 3 days, get the shakes and the cold sweats and really give it a try but i always end up back at the liquor store on the 4th day. I don't even get wasted anymore, I just drink enough to feel better :(
ALthough on saturday I drank a bunch of whisky and blacked out and embarassed myself.
Medically supervised withdrawal first > making lifestyle changes first. If you have tremors when you cease drinking, go to a fucking hospital.
Shit loads of alcoholics have got driving convictions, it's just part of the nightmare. I just narrowly avoided prison last year for my second DUI. I never want a license again, I just don't know wtf I'm doing when I black out.
This, pretty important.
If I ever have kids, I'm going to tell them early on that alcohol will kill them. The best thing they can do is never entertain the idea of drinking. There is rabid alcoholism on throughout my maternal/paternal family. My surname roughly translates to "the drunk" (not posting it here, it's an uncommon last name). Two of my immediate family members had died-drunk-in-a-bathtub type deaths.
I always thought I could drink and not be an alcoholic like my parents were. What a meme. I started drinking at 21 and within six months I was fucking obsessed. Ended up quitting before I turned 22, and my dad is working on the same at 47. Mum still lives with her enabling alcoholic fiance, really worried about her health. Fuck me, I did the same thing with pot when I was a teenager. Fuck these addictions, I will keep my cigarettes and caffeine and that's all.
This fucking stupid