cashier got mad at me for buying all the bananans. now hes not getting any of my bnana pie.
Cashier got mad at me for buying all the bananans. now hes not getting any of my bnana pie
bitchin post
Did he scan them individually to prevent electronic interfettence?
wicked post
Aren't you supposed to weigh them beforehand?
i don't work at wal mart
why do i know this
Because the PLU numbers are the same throughout the country so if you have worked at any grocery store, or used a self scan, you've seen the numbers pop up before.
This is absolutely bananas.
you can't possibly get ALL those bananas up your tally man
if you went to the self checkout you could have hidden some steaks in that pile of nanners and "accidentally" entered the banana code instead of ringing up the steaks.
You have to eat ALL the bananas.
I was once in Morton Williams and a crackhead black guy behind me was buying like a 100 three-packs of butter. Can anyone explain this to me?
Hate it when i punch p4053 instead of p4048
I go to the store every 2-3 days (small fridge, can't carry much with a tote, using legs) and get 8 200g packs of körniger Frischkäse, sth like curdy cottage cheese.This one cashier once noted that I buy a lot of it.
From then I avoided checkout by her for 6 months, and always made sure to never do the same cashier twice in a row.
Why are they shaming me
Bulletproof coffee for max test levels.
She was just trying to make small talk. She wouldn't do that if she thought you or your buying habits were weird. You're on Veeky Forums, though, so you probably have an inferiority complex if that's how you reacted to that. Myself? I always use self-checkout to avoid this very nonsense
not how you spell 'narnas
what's with the p at Walmart we just use the number and hit enter?
absolute madman
4 0 1 1
guess he didn't care for your monkeyshines, OP
no, man..
there's a scale on the scanner; he has to scan every bunch of bananas. it's basically what makes this a good thread, man.
Maybe he had a lot of weed and wanted to do some baking
Op that bananas are too many
Pls stop
This reminded me of something humorous. When I was stationed in Korea some time ago bananas at the base commissary were a rationed item where you could only buy a certain number each month. This was because the Korean Nationals married to soldiers would attempt to buy them all to sell on the korean black market. They had to put a video camera above the counter with a sign stating if caught fighting over bananas your commissary priveleges would be revoked. When they wheeled a cart of new bananas out for restocking, the old korean aunties would descend on the cart like a flock of vultures. God forbid if you were inadvertently in their way - they'd run you down like a freight train.
I once ordered 25 big macs and the guy got an attitude with me
>are you serious? you really need to call ahead for stuff like this
shut up nigga, who the fuck calls ahead to mcdonalds? Earn your $5 for the hour and make my buggas!
I buy a fuckload of butter whenever I make a particular type of boiled crawfish. It's a Cajun-Vietnamese fusion recipe that's popular around Houston (Houston has a ton of Viet immigrants).
>Why are they shaming me
They aren't. They're just making conversation.
they get upset because messes their to order/to stock numbers up. They have x number ready to go based on averages and it makes them work without the computer telling them how much to make.
>file name has tumblr in it
>I bought all these bananas
Sure you did fag
Should have gone back to the department and have them give you a banana box
then change the averages, motherfucker! That's corporate shit, a lackey at the store shouldn't worry about that
>"Sorry sir, something bought too many burgers and made us a lot of money in one night"
>Well gosh darnit whatre we gonna do!!
Theres someone higher up to handle the stock if someone orders more than usual. An employee that gets pissed off over nothing pisses me off. I'd rather cook my own food than buy from an asshole. Most likely people like that look for any reason to get mad because they wanna get paid for doing nothing.
"soul food" is 90% butter.
I don't know what that other guy was talking about, but they want you to call in large orders like that so they can start getting it ready in between all the other orders they're taking. It fucks up their response time quotas (which is a huge thing corporate pushes on them) and forces them to drop everything and stop taking orders for the 20 minutes it takes to put together 25 burgers.
>something bought too many burgers
What the hell are you?
ach Bernd weiste...
You must be making a lot of banana pies. Surely you could spare a slice for him.
sorry, I meant somebody lol
that crossed my mind for a milisecond actually, makes sense. Calling ahead saves the customer time too.
Yeah Im a manager at a Zaxbys and our service times are automatically recorded. It kills me when illegals pull up in a van and order 15 Wings and Things.
Calling ahead gets the restaurant prepared for it and they'll make sure to have the food cooked before you get there and they can still serve their regular business while it's made.
"Are you serious?" probably wasn't the right response but you could see how it puts them in a tough situation.
When I'm confronted with orders like that I give them a good estimate on how long it will take and then "suggest" that they call ahead or order online so it'll be ready when they get here for "their" convenience.
>go to Lidl to buy körniger Firschkäse after work
>shelves empty because of grubby faggots like you
>being racist
>being homophobic
>call someone meaty because they eat lots of high protein cheese
>dumbass SJW gets mad because the only thing they ever learned is pronouns
yeah sometimes you dont plan your meals ahead or just didn't have time to do it, that's why those responses offensive and out of place often.
Make them wait as if they called ahead, whatre you gonna do -I like that you suggest they order ahead for their own convinience -but workers that make them feel guilty is so weird to me. I've had a couple of experiences with twitchy workers while ordering one regular meal. I usually try to ease their tension any way I can, but they expect me to start arguing so we never get anywhere.
This is my worst nightmare. I mean if it's said with a sort of shameful cadence or some sort of judgement. I swear I didn't buy it to bother you fella lol. Although I once had a guy at the checkout that was so charming, he was bad at it, but he really tried: he commented on literally every thing in the line with optimism or a helpful suggestion lol. And once there was this chubby gay guy who was really helpful and even as a striaght man I thought he was adorable.
Also you can't assume "Are you serious?" is automatically facetious. 25 Big Macs is a lot of waste for a misunderstanding.
you can tell when you're there. There's not much to assume when you're face to face but I guess that depends on how honest op is
>Buy a bunch of food
>They get mad at you for giving them mney
I saw Guy Fieri at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
P for produce
infetterance, you moran
I've seen this with Ramsay and Trump, who did this start with?
they all did it
Ryan Gosling
This is a well known meme photo. You aren't clever by calling the OP a liar.
That said, OP is a LIAR.
Have faith muh nigga
You know that the cashier isn't actually on commission, right? It doesn't matter how much money you give Uncle Mickey, they get payed minimum wage and you're making them put up with a bunch of shit.
morton williams. you a new york fag?
You're a dumb brainwashed nigger faggot if you think people will EVER not be racist and "homophobic." That is, your understanding of humanity is supercicial garbage you've gleaned.from the television.
I was, but moved to the Bay Area for school. Yet to encounter any crackheads buying butter.
>oh no someone help! user is making that poor cashier do his job!
I think the implication is the cashier doesn't give a fuck about you giving him money, retard.
>help! help! he doesn't know I don't care about his money!
No, I'm not a cashier. Just helping you understand the post you were replying to better. Happy shitposting.
I'm a cashier and I fucking love it when a huge-ass order comes through. The longer it takes me to do an order the more it encourages people in the back of my line to find another line, the less work I do in an hour. And usually people with big orders aren't in a rush so I can slow down even more chatting with them while bagging all their shit one by one because it's scattered everywhere. On busy days I can score as little as five customers per hour. Good shit OP.
Are American B2C shops allowed to sell as much as they like to one customer?
Because here there are regulations on how much a single person may buy based on his protected need. The lines are kinda blurry so most shops don't really enforce it but if they get caught they will get penalized.
Usually, yes. Sometimes there a limits to specific items. I remember a really good deal on whole young chickens, 49 cents per lb, obviously some sort of clearance, that was limited it to either 2-3, can't remember exactly, per customer. I believe some liquors are that way as well.
this, saw a guy who was obviously some sorta junkie whip out at least 50x200g of butter, he was really let down too when the cashier told him they cant sell him that much butter
What was his plan
I'd have walked out with that gumball machine as well 2bh
I visit this Baltic store weekly and always buy 5 to 20 kohuke.
They've only got one cashier and while I've considered I probably look pretty weird, I don't feel ashamed since curd snacks are God's gift to mankind.
I really really like this image
How to tell someone's never worked food service, the post
how to tell someone's a gay guinea anal-homo millennial faggot socialjewish BITCH, the post
I'm glad I'm not the only one who experienced this.
This is most probable theory.