>Nicely done Aubrey, you're really getting a good sear on that
Thanks chef, haha, you really inspire me
>Thanks Aubrey, you inspire me too, your vibrancy and youth, they bring me back
That's cool chef, your word means a lot....
>Oh watch out bud, you're gonna burn that!
>Drake is something on your mind? Your drifting off the road to Flavor Town.
Oh, nothing Guy haha, don't worry about it
>You can tell me Drake, come on nigga
*Drake looks longingly into Guy's eyes, he has wanted this for so long, but how can he continue?
>Shhh Not another word big boy *as he places his barbecue covered finger on Drakes lips
*Drake licks the barbecue sauce off sensually, he's firming up
>Damn Drake, I think you're heating up down there
*Grabs Drakes cock with a firm grasp
>Seems to be well done
*Throws Drake onto the salad bar and proceeds to rip his pants off and bend him over
>You wanna know my secret ingredient?
*Suddenly Gordon Ramsay bursts through the door
Bloody fookin hell, what is THAT?
*Walks over to the stove, turns up the heat
*Ramsay exits
*Guy nuts in Drake anus
Nicely done Aubrey, you're really getting a good sear on that
Thank you
ngl made me chuckle though the ending was a bit weak tbqhwyl
I've unironically read fanfiction that reads just like this. Goofy ending and all
there's a manga also. The fuck was that shit callled?
>reading manga
it was years ago, get out of my ass about it
Bokurano Oukoku vol. 5 Culinary Tease
Someone please direct me to the nearest eye bleach station - thanks.
pretty funny, if not slightly degenerate.
>Bokurano Oukoku vol. 5 Culinary Tease
>complaining about people reading manga on a Tuvan throat singing board
>Guy Fieri being anywhere near a salad station
He eats salads though
Gay out of ten
Not gay as in attracted to the same sex but gay as in schoolground "this is a low quality not funny thing"
this was funny
this was hilarious
reddit get out
>t. newfag
>not browsing reddit
that's literally the first time that catchphrase has made me laugh
thank you so much.
Why would anyone browse reddit
Why would anyone browse a Cameroonian poultry-farmers-only singles board?
I've always known anybody who uses this was a piece of newfaggot trash, and I'm glad to have my opinion so blatantly validated for once.
i enjoyed reading this.
a suggestion would be including a line from one of drake's "take care" or "dreams money can buy" into the conversation as a natural statement. this could create the possibility that the abum line was either inspired by this interaction, or the album line inspired the incident. itd be interesting.
but still great. screenshotted for myself.
I wonder why no one uses an hero anymore
*Suddenly Gordon Ramsay bursts through the door
*Ramsay exits
Fucking bravo Big Boy!
Have a beer
fuckin shit is sideways what do I look like leonardo decaprio? shit
How did I know this would turn into a gay thing from the very first line?
Because you have a gay mind
The name "Aubrey".
6/10 it was ok