discussion on beef jerky, recipes, prep, or just any amazing jerky you've had
Beef jerky ITT
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For some reason I can never justify making my own jerky because I'd rather just cook the beef properly. I buy store jerky like crazy though.
the best spicy jerky is either pic related or jalapeƱo jack links
one of the best flavours, imo
Get a dehydrator. Also, find a recipe that you'll like. My recipe; soy, worshire, fresh garlic and onion. let thin sliced beef marinade in the sauces for 2 to 3 days then dehydrate = divine jerky. It makes such good beef jerky that people will crave when they feel like something salty and savory.
hey what brand do you recommend? Thanks for showing me this majestic thing
You oogaboogafags always post "biltong" in these jerky threads yet never once have you tards given a recipe for it. Fuck right off.
Biltong is shit anyway, just like seth efriken people
Working in a meat market makes me love and hate beef jerky. I guess it keeps me employed.
I'm using a dehydrator atm to make my first batch of beefy jerk. I have a couple questions.
1. Will this make my electric bill skyrocket?
2. How long should I put in the beef and when should I flip it?
k tnx
Made this once. Was dank but I was scared to leave it out at room temp
then dont
make it when you want to eat it and leave it in the fridge and dont make too much. jesus this is common sense
No shit, but it'd be nice to make jerky for its original intent (preservation pre-fridge). To take innawoods for instance
please answer I'm getting scared
1. No
Dehydrators don't use much, look at the wattage on the label
2. If you have a round dehydrator you'll need to rotate the trays every couple of hours. How long it takes depends on a while bunch of shit.
or just google
its pre easy
salt vinegar spices air
u mustve had bad biltong then desu. im yet to have a jerky that can compare and ive had all sorts of jerky. i live in australia tho. but i have tried american jerky and i gotta admit its even worse than australian jerky. didnt think it could get any more processed. literally all pieces looked the exact same, like 2cmx2cm squares of jerky... weird...
Nesco makes a decent entry level dehydrator that isn't too expensive. If you're primarily planning to use it for jerky, make sure to get at least the 500watt model, particularly if you plan to buy extra trays. I have one with I think 12 trays and it can dry about 10lbs of Beef at a time, though do be aware at that capacity, I have to rotate the trays closer to the fan at the top otherwise I get uneven drying. I'm seriously considering upgrading to the 1000watt model for more reliable drying.
1000watt model with the included 8 trays
>marinade for 2 to 3 days
This meme needs to end.
Yeah 24 hours is really all you need for thin strips of beef. That will soak through even the leanest top round.
I make my own jerky with a dehydrator. Never tried seppo jerky tbqh m80
Does anybody else put paprika on their jerky? Shits good but I'm a paprikanigger
will try salt+vinegar+black pepper next time
with a lil paprika if u sniff my drift ;)
Use it in my cure all the time. I pretty much start with Pic related as my "base" cure and then customize it from there depending on what the order requests.
Only downside to using this is that the jerky will have a slightly sticky exterior due to the higher sugar content inside of it. But the overall taste is so versatile, I pretty much have stuck with it. I can make the final cure as sweet or as spicy as I've needed to with it.
Big John's jerky is gold. I'll order a couple pounds every once in a while off their website and basically go into a salt coma for a month. The BBQ and fiery BBQ are too good to put down. The steak fries are thick and meaty. Can't recommend it enough.
Why does everyone use a dehydrator rather than a smoker?
I'd use a smoker.
Problem is getting the smoke low enough where you're drying instead of cooking the meat is a right pain in the ass. You either have to use a fancy electric smoker with precise temp control or fuss with a charcoal/wood smoker like crazy to control the fire down to the proper temps. Dehydrators are faster prep and offer more consistent results.
>Asian beef jerky > Regular beef jerky
Less healthy though