>go to restaurant
>see chef walk out of the bathroom wiping his hands on his apron
Go to restaurant
Other urls found in this thread:
>open menu
what's wrong with that? Wouldn't it imply he washed his hands?
>walking to restaurant
>see chalkboard outside
>"Manager's special!"
>"Fish of the day:"
you can't be this stupid.
>open refrigerator
>notice milk is one day past expiration
You shouldn't even be taking your apron into the restroom, forget not knowing if the idiot is wiping his half assed washed hands on there or his piss dribble.
I would stop my cooks before they left the kitchen and have them take off their aprons. It's common sense ffs.
The apron isn't to protect you from the food. Its too protect the food from you. What's the point if you contaminate it?
Veruca "Coal Burner" James.
>go to local feeding trough
>menu lights up when you open it
>not a single item has a price next to the name
i am not in the right tax bracket to eat here.
>look at menu
>chicken Caesar salad
>shrimp Alfredo pasta
>build your own anything
>all day breakfast
>appetizers include jalapeno poppers and mozzarella sticks
>any food item described as "Asian"
>Buffalo anything that's not a chicken wing
Stop being such a huge fucking pussy, jesus christ.
>Coal Burner
>chicken Caesar salad
what's wrong with this?
>go into indian restaurant
>get a glimpse of the kitchen
>naked indian guy literally squatting over a pot of curry shitting into it
>walk out
Like shrimp Alfredo chicken Caesar salad is a tell. Its presence on a menu tells you the restaurant is bullshit. No serious chef would put these items on a menu. So you know the place is not run by a chef. It's run by someone who takes inspiration from chain restaurants, and the food will taste like chain restaurant food. I'm not gonna pay for that.
Every single laminated menu serving any kind of American or American hybrid food seems to include the Chicken Caesar (if it’s Mexican, it will be a Chicken Caesar Taco). Why? Two reasons, neither of them hopeful.
The Chicken Caesar is the default meal for America eating out. Don’t know what to have, have the Chicken Caesar. Everything else looks like crap? Have the Chicken Caesar. Hard to screw it up. The Chicken Caesar exists because everything else about American cuisine at the major chain restaurants is of relentlessly dubious quality. Greens are greens, and chicken breast doesn’t taste like anything anyway, and I’ll lay odds that the dressing you get at Ruby Tuesdays, TGIF’s, Cheesecake Factory, Appleby’s—fill in the blank—comes out of the same jug. But the point is, we don’t care really what it tastes like, only that it tastes like the last one we had, that it’s consistent. McDonald’s learned the effectiveness of that strategy early on.
I cringe when I see the Chicken Caesar because it represents an embrace of the misinformed and unimaginative American diner, who for better or worse continues to shape our menus. I’ll have a salad, the reasoning goes, because it’s healthy (let’s disregard what it’s slathered with), and I’m hungry so let’s pile on some chicken breast, the skim milk of the protein world. I’m not saying it’s not healthy, that I don’t like salad or that I think it would only be laudable were it a deep-fried pork belly Caesar (though I’d definitely give it a go if I ever saw that on a Cheesecake Factory—we could batter it and call it the Chicken Fried Pork Belly Caesar!).
All I’m asking is for the corporate bodies that determine the menus of our mass market sit-down restaurants to consider a few more options beyond the mediocre Chicken Caesar. Put a little imagination into it!
Well said.
Ah I see, the label of it. Yes I agree lots of chains give shitty chicken ceasars, but a good caesar, like a good wedge, is wonderful. But I usually make that from home with real ingredients.
>wander near the restaurant kitchen after a meal in Sai Kung
>one of the cooks is scooping rice from the pot into bowls with his BARE HANDS
>MFW I had two bowls for dinner
omg people who cook touch your food with their bare hands? ewwwwwy!
kys retard. people like you are the reason why states keep passing disposable glove bills even though it's been shown they harbor more bacteria than proper handwashing
Not an argument.
I just looked it up and the point of an apron is explicitly to protect you from the food. What you're saying doesn't even make sense.
Well the other user is saying it's in poor taste to go out with your apron and I agree. That's a big no-no.
But wiping your hands on apron is gross. Your apron has old food on it and moisture will only make that worse as well as transfer to your hand. It's also a general sign of poor hygiene, if he's too lazy to wipe his hands with towels (and take off his apron) really makes you think how often he washes his hands in the kitchen in general.
Mayne that user can't be, but I can. Not everyone has been in the food industry to know apron rules - not everyone even owns/uses an apron ever for that matter.
Likewise if the apron was for the purpose of protecting the food from contamination, then it would be a terrible idea and should be more akin to a gas mask as some of the most contaminating parts of the body are not covered by clothes let alone an apron.
>but a good caesar, like a good wedge, is wonderful.
Agreed. But places that make a good Caesar, maybe table side would never offer chicken in it as an option. The chicken is the give away that it's a shit place.
Smokehouse is brety gud tho
Actually seeing this sort of thing grosses me out too even though it's totally illogical. People use their hands in dough all the time, toss salad (the green kind) with their hands at times, and I do the same sort of thing but anytime I have reason to suspect someone touched my food (particularly in their home kitchen) it seems so gross and makes me wonder how well they wash their hands.
Then again I once made cookies at home and in rolling the dough out on the table I ended up with cat hair in some. I didn't realize until I had given them out... So maybe it's one of those things where I know how gross I am and project it onto others.
Please don't twist my words. Handling food with washed hands before cooking is fine, that's what every cook does.
What I take issue with is still handling it mere moments before serving it, because I'm essentially at the cook's mercy at that point. He might've washed his hands, sure, but he could also have been scrubbing down stovetops, handling unwashed vegetables, or cutting raw fish before I spotted him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt after my initial disgust, especially after I suffered no ill effects, but the potential for danger remains.
And before you yell at me about sushi chefs, there was absolutely no good reason why he couldn't have done what any other restaurant would do and grabbed a ladle to scoop it out. Call me a scaredy-cat if you will, but I simply don't get why people keep risky habits when safer, better alternatives exist.
Yeah I'd rather have a plain cesar. I see what you mean, throw the cheapest protein they can to try and upsell.
Yeah glove rules are stupid. Speaking from experience, all you get is nasty ass gloves and a bunch of moisture trapped underneath. Breading ground for bacteria. Now you have to change gloves constantly and wash your hands. Total waste of time.
Doesn't matter. You think gloves are immune to bacteria? What could he have done with his hands that he couldn't do with gloves?
>throw the cheapest protein they can to try and upsell.
Exactly. And who does this? Not good places. It's chain restaurants and places where the menu was inspired by chains. The same is true with chicken/shrimp Alfredo pasta - if the place made a really good Alfredo they wouldn't be offering chicken or shrimp as options in it. That's Olive Garden level shit.
If you honestly don't think that every restaurant does shit like this then both I and my Michelin Star laugh at you.
My point is that the chicken/shrimp Caesar and Alfredo have become very real symbols of mediocrity, to the point where their appearance on a menu is practically an assurance the place is mediocre at best.
>tfw you live in a shithole midwestern city that has nothing but chain restraunts block after block or mom and pop diners attempting to copy it
I cant take it anymore pls god no more burgers or chicken fried steak
Proud of his shit food culture flyover detected.
>go to restaurant
>they have a waitstaff
I never been to any high-end restaurant that serves a generic chicken caesar salad.
>I can't read: the post
In case it wasn't clear the first time, let me reiterate:
1. There is no good reason why I should trust someone who strolled out of a closed kitchen to plunge their hands into cooked food. I have eaten at good sushi restaurants, and I was comfortable with being served raw ingredients there because they all had open kitchens where I saw almost everything they did, including washing up. Even then, I take care not to overindulge, because all the kitchen prep in the world won't stop a contaminated batch of fish.
2. Not only did I say nothing about gloves (which I do disagree with because they breed carelessness), you haven't given me a reason why he couldn't have used a ladle either. And I sure as shit have more faith in a ladle, because it's much less likely to have wandered somewhere it shouldn't have.
I am aware that eating out is an exercise in trust, and I may have unwittingly eaten at kitchens with dodgy practices. Seeing them in person, however, is no less disgusting, not least because they're almost always lazy habits rather than 'traditional skill'.
Chicken fried steak is pretty good.
>There is no good reason why I should trust someone who strolled out of a closed kitchen to plunge their hands into cooked food
Then don't go out to eat. Your food, in ready to eat stage, is being touched by hands of not only your cooks, but by waitstaff to make it look prettier.
>And I sure as shit have more faith in a ladle
What if it was dropped and not sent to the dish pit?
You just seem extremely misinformed to what happens in a kitchen. It's chaotic, it's fast paced, it has people who don't care. If you're this germaphobic, don't go out to eat.
>only likes shitty overpriced hip restaurants with a separate menu for their craft beers
>is more concerned with tumblr/instagram pics of his meal and writing a yelp review than actually enjoying the food
>didn't vote for Trump
Only one of those three is true.
Is this where you become a cuck?
Dude what about the Piss Mist? You know when your urine stream hits the urinal and a fine mist of piss goes aerosol and contaminates everything around it? The piss mist dude. Thats why you dont bring beverages or any other shit into the bathroom. The shit and piss mist.
>piss mist
Not a problem if you just piss directly into a condom/ziplock and flush that instead.
>t. indian guy
>piss and shit mist
what the fuck?
You can't be serious.
I have a catheter that goes into a camelbak under my shirt. I don't even have to stop a conversation to piss, and I can keep pissing all day and people will only think I'm rapidly developing bad posture or a beer belly, depending on how I wear the bak.
Step it up.
>go into Indian restaurant
>glimpse into kitchen, see people working in a clean looking environment
>enjoy a delicious meal
>pay my check and thank them for a lovely experience
>go home
>write 4 star Yelp review.
that's an obvious obsurd joke you fucko; YER SUPPOSED TO LAUGH
nobody needs to compensate for the clenliness of indian restaurants
you forgot
>shit tumeric scented needles
My dad is Gordon Ramsay and he says you're an idiot.
Or he could, y'know, go to a restaurant which has good hygeine standards and tries not to over handle the food.
Not sure where you've worked (probably nowhere considering you're on Veeky Forums) but I wouldn't want to eat there.
>go to restaurant
>order food
>food comes out
>no quinky sauce
>ask waiter for quinky sauce
>"what's quinky sauce?"
>I just fucking walk out without paying
Just telling you how most restaurants are senpai. You don't have to like it, but that's how it is unless you're paying hundreds of dollars to go to a Michelin star one.
Also, there is nothing unhygienic about a cook or waitstaff, who practices good handwashing, from touching your food.
poppie's a-gonna make-a da special pizzaa just-a for-a you-ou
alright desu, cooks never touch your food once it's ready to eat and only plate it with utensils. happy?
what is quinky sauce?
>go to gay strip club
>accidentally touch a gay dancer boy's hand
>now he won't leave me alone
>not a single item has a price next to the name
Nothing makes me panic more than when faggot fancy assholes give you a menu and there's no prices on it.
>Look at appetizers
>Mozzarella sticks are over a dollar per stick.
I love me some mozzarella sticks but fuck me if I'm paying 7 dollars for five of the little fucks.
>go to restaurant
>see chef walk out of stall while wiping his ass with his apron
>puts on said apron and walks right back into kitchen
hey pajeet
Is that Lala?
>go to restaurant
>see a scat fetishist that I kind of half know working in the kitchen
I mean, how do you explain to a table full of half-strangers that you know ANY scat fetishist, nevermind that you can identify one working in the kitchen?
I said my dog was sick and left
You're a degenerate fuck.
Why do you know a scat fetishist?
>Approach restaurant.
>Note the signs on the door,
>One of them states that this place is a gun free zone.
>Turn around and leave.
>reverse image search
>no results