How to cook healthy foods Veeky Forums?

How to cook healthy foods Veeky Forums?

>1g protein per lb body weight

brb eating 200g of protein

lose weight then you fat fucks

>200lbs is fat
how short are you?

I'm a trim 180lbs at 6'2". There's just nofuckingway I'm gonna eat 180g of protein on a daily basis.

user I have some bad news, if you're shorter than 6'5" at 200lbs you're pretty fat
Post a picture of your body if you think otherwise


Keep in mind the infographic was made by Veeky Forums bulkers. You're probably someone who can think of a more creative thing to do with a chicken breast than just bake it.

>user I have some bad news, if you're shorter than 6'5" at 200lbs you're pretty fat
>Post a picture of your body if you think otherwise

Nice deflection but you are literally and empirically overweight.

Stop eating

Chicken breast is something I rarely eat. Not a fan of the chicken in the supermarket, and not willing to splurge for better very often.

What about frozen fruit? I live in the shitty poor part of a big city so fresh produce is kinda hard to come by :(

6'6 and 245lbs. Considered "overweight" by bmi.

Maybe try picking up some weights?

>user I have some bad news, if you're shorter than 6'5" at 200lbs you're pretty fat

6'4, 225lbs. "fat"

With sources of extreme heat.

Yes, BMI is much less effective at the height extremes and for serious weightlifters and athletes, that's true.

The odds are you're neither. Feel free to post a pic of yourself and prove me wrong though.

>b-b-but this guy who can bench 8pl8 has a lot of muscle and breaks the scale so that means I have a lot of muscle and so do I
>n-no that's just muscles jiggling when I jump! 11%BF BRO

Fruit is all sugar

>well you are right my blanket statement was wrong but that d-doesn't c-count you're still fat because projection

Fuck off, cancer.

You are delusional, post a picture of your fat gut already.

You don't work out as much as either of those men, and you're statistically unlikely to be above 6'.
Just prove me wrong if you can, we all know BMI isn't perfect but I'd bet the farm it applies to you.

Nice argument

>post pic
You first sunshine. Don't forget to timestamp :)

I didn't claim my weight was healthy or that I worked out enough to break the BMI scale, you did.


>fat ass projecting his fat on everyone else
Stay Veeky Forumsizen.

I weigh less than 200, that's for sure.

Your denial is palpable

prove it fatty :)

Hey thanks for ruining my thread

You're the one who posted that awful image not us. Delete your thread and make a new one that doesn't attract Veeky Forums faggots if you really want to talk about health.

Here bro, grabbed one off my facebook for you. Let's see yours now.

Conceptually your thread was ruined from the beginning, because your thinking is all wrong. Foods are not healthy or unhealthy. It's your pattern of eating that is healthy or unhealthy. Sure, for many foods anything more than a once in a while indulgence would probably be unhealthy. But the point is as soon as you start thinking of foods themselves as healthy you have to buy into some kind of nonsense, dividing foods up into good and bad foods. That's no way to eat if you give a shit about food. The trick is to consume a variety of foods without a calorie surplus at the end of the day. This is easier if you shy away from sugar and calorie dense foods on a day to day basis. But there's no p[articular food that qualifies as "healthy" in isolation from your lifestyle patterns.

Disgusting hood trash

Sweet ring

Ground Ostrich or Buffalo are good substitutions, try that.

dat dere kidney stone diet


He's not even close to black retard.

Just cook green stuff

And make sure green stuff is about half of what you are eating

You fuck

>wear a shirt two sizes too big
>gut outline is still visible
>he thinks he's skinny
loving every laugh

Former Veeky Forumsizen here. Board used to be great, and now it's cancer. There is no tl;dr for fitness, so just lurk for a while and figure it all out properly. Whatever you're eating, it isn't enough anyways.

>two sizes too big
>doesn't even pass my zipper
>makes up gutline
lmao @ your projection

Where's your pic, fatty? :)

That shirt is too big user, I'm not "projecting" anything I can literally see your flabby stomach poking out.

Pics in shirts are absolutely meaningless, they can make someone jacked look like trash or make someone fat look normal, you need to be shirtless

>he says as he still hasn't posted a pic
lmao @ your sad life

Imagine being a hamplanet and going online calling everyone who's significantly less heavier than you fat. Autism.

>1g protein per pound bodyweight

Veeky Forums why are you so dumb? you already ruined your own board stop bringing your trash here.

Post a shirtless picture and prove to me that this isn't the outline of 20lbs+ of pure lard

>literally going into mspaint to edit my pictures
>literally begging me to post a pic of me shirtless
>as he still hasn't posted a picture of himself
I can fucking smell you from here kek

I never claimed to be healthy, I just said I was under 200lbs. You can be under 200lbs and still be fat. I am fat. I weigh 180lbs. You weigh more than me, and you look fat. Unless you are 6'5", you ARE fat.

Now, let's see that gut chubbalump, if you really were skinny you'd hop on the first chance to prove me wrong and post a shirtless. Since you aren't, you'll just reply with insults about me. I'm not going to reply to you again unless you post a shirtless picture, fatass.

>long ass angry sentences
>still no picture

don't bother, he'll just dodge and try to get you to post a pic of yourself even though it's about him

>hehe no I won't post a pic of myself
>but you have to post a pic of yourself shirtless or you lose :^)
Kek. Too much of an oldfag to fall for that one buddy. Go back to your containment board.

Explain why I need to post a picture of myself to prove that you are fat.


Explain why the highlight of your day is trying to prove anonymous users on a Cambodian arts and crafts board are fat?

That is not an answer, answer my question and then you can ask one.

Why do I need to be skinny for you to be fat?

Any time anybody ever calls a food healthy, my brother chimes in
>no food is healthy
>everything is the same
>everything is protein, fat, and carbs
>everything has micronutrients
which is basically all just an excuse for him to drink four or five pepsis a day because, hey, fruits and vegetables are just sugar too!
Very annoying but I don't really care enough to call him out.

not an argument

>Veeky Forums would call the one on the left fat
>he's also the tallest
really makes you think


That is what you said, no?

I have to prove I look better than you to say you look bad, right?

congrats, your autism outlasted my desire to bait you. a winrar is you

No problem fatty, just come back if you ever wanna try again