New to Veeky Forums. I'm very interested in Dixie dishes.
Which kind of teabags do I need to use for pic related?
Southern Dishes
Any cheap black tea will do.
Thank you
what is this?
Presumably sweet tea.
Lipton is the go to, but any cheap black will be fine. Also, add just enough sugar so that there's a tiny layer on the bottom that can't be stirred in.
Iced Sweet Tea, something southerners adore. I love regular Ice Tea too so I'm gonna make it myself. It's diabetes as fuck though
Do not do this. Real southern sweet tea isn't ridiculously sweet
Dixie dishes:
>Muh saltpork
>Muh Churches Chihkun
>Muh tea
>Muh vinegar BBQ sauce
>Muh Yankee h8
>Muh Soulfood™
>Muh soggy bread bc humidity
>Muh Crisco
I hate you Dixie trash, stop coming to the North East to watch leaves turn...
This post contains almost everything that's wrong with this website. Congrats, I guess.
Stop poaching our culture, then.
You are forbidden from using mason jars or any spices, whiteboy.
>spices were used as currency, more valuable than gold and jewels
>slaves had boats and money to trade in spices
Just stop...
Any black tea will work, doesn't have to be cheap. My family has always done "Sun Tea" where you put the tea bags and water into the pitcher, cover with plastic wrap and let it sit on the porch/deck in the sun for a couple hours. Add sugar if you like, add some ice and enjoy.
They were more valuable than gold back in Europe because they had to be shipped back on a very dangerous voyage. In equatorial regions spices were literally dirt-common.
The mason jars were certainly a white invention though.
Says who? I feel my teeth dying with every sip. I usually just get water, or tea if I can go pour it myself. If you order tea, it always comes out sweetened. It doesn't make sense to a lot of people over there that you'd drink iced tea without sugar.
>If you order tea, it always comes out sweetened
I've lived in the south all my life (36 now) and I've never experienced that. They always ask if you want "sweet" or "unsweet".
I was in North Carolina for a while. It was military, but I into that sort of thing a lot. I was a transplant so it felt like I was a tourist, but when I'd ask for iced tea, I always got sweet tea with ice in it. I could've been more specific though.
Luzianne is the only correct answer.
The only correct answer is red rose, in the sun
Actually it is, but the idea is that there would be a large pitcher with ice and drank somewhere in the southern heat. The ice would melt tempering the sweetness
> (OP)
>Dixie dishes:
>>Muh saltpork
>>Muh Churches Chihkun
Am not a nigger so idk
>>Muh tea
>>Muh vinegar BBQ sauce
What's wrong with grilling?
>>Muh Yankee h8
The north east are to blame for their egos
>>Muh Soulfood™
>>Muh soggy bread bc humidity
>>Muh Crisco
>I hate you Dixie trash, stop coming to the North East to watch leaves turn...
And which dishes do northerners have?
Seriously, I wouldn't know since I'm a europoor
your opinion is fucking dumb.
i've never eaten salt pork
i hate fried chicken joints
i drink green tea
fuck eastern nc bbq sauce
i have friends all over yankee land
soulfood is only good if it's made at home, not by niggers like you trying to cash in on a culture
never had the soggy bread experience, never heard of it
crisco is popular across the entire fucking county from what i gather.
you're a hateful hypocrite piece of shit, aren't you?
>The north east are to blame for their egos
A lot of people still overdo the sugar. Granted, a lot of them fail to understand you have to brew the tea strong to compensate for the ice as well.
>red rose
>sun tea
Enjoy your food poisoning.
I am legit triggered by the NC BBQ hate. You people are animals and deserve nothing.
Quick off the cuff BBQ rankings:
KC > Memphis > NC > A full outhouse > Texas.
On both counts
SC tops everywhere fucking faglord. Lipton is OK. Tbh the best brand is SUZEANNE. but idk how wide spread that is. The secret to good sweet tea is make sure u make it hot..Add sugar through simple syrup, not just sugar to hot water. How sweet u make it is up to you.
Baking soda is what makes it tho. I think it's one tsp to a qt or something of sweet tea. It makes the drink as smooth as hell.
Also always serve with ice. Good sweet tea does not need lemon. Drink on a rocker. Cracker barrel had some.good ones
Sweet tea, it varies from delicious to brown Kool-Aid.
Not common enough apparently, Genghis Khan established a global empire off trading spices on the silk road. Exotic foods are interesting to people everywhere. Koreans LOVE American BBQ for some reason.
you forgot about
>muh fried catfish
>muh gator tail
>muh hush puppies