What's one thing you can cut out of your diet that makes a world of difference?

What's one thing you can cut out of your diet that makes a world of difference?

My suggestion is chips.

id cut out you



Chocolate, now my skin is smooth a f

I went from having animal products at almost every meal to only having them once or twice a week. Dropped 15lbs and lowered my cholesterol by a lot.

Im glad to see youre still keeping up your daily cum

refined sugar. if you must eat bread, whole grain quality bread (no fucking HFCS wondershit)


This fatass girl I know always complains about how her foot has issues. It's because she's putting so much pressure on it from walking around while being fat. Doc told her to diet, cut out soft drinks. She swears she only drinks water, but ever time I see her, she's downing a few cans of coke.

I'd fuck her if she wasn't my friend's girlfriend though, she's one of those nice submissive fat chicks with a large rack and a cute face. God damn I wanna bury myself inside her. It must feel like happy.

you make me sick



You ever smell a fat girl, user? Especially one that's been sweating? You can stick your dick in a quart container of lukewarm sour cream and have basically the same experience.

I would say cheese and oils. I use wayyy too much butter / olive oil when I cook and literally everything tastes better with cheese.

More importantly I need to cut out alcohol. I drink about 1.5 bottles wine / 1/2 bottle hard liquor or like 10 beers a day. I might have a problem.

All you can eat buffets. I can down 3000 kcal easily in a one.

Alcohol (excluding where it is cooked)
Gluten (nothing stupid, but by cutting gluten you're cutting simple carbohydrates, which are bretty bad)

Cutting gluten does literally nothing, cutting back on carbs is however a good idea.

A bullet.

Thats what i said you stupid twat
I mean if you cut gluten then you have to cut out bread and pasta by default

>What's one thing you can cut out of your diet that makes a world of difference?

Why don't you just cut back on carbs then? You ruined a perfect post with this gluten bs

Cutting back on potatoe chips, fried shit, olive garden lvl "pasta" and soda is obviously a good idea. But going full anti-carb is tard tier. Anybody thinking about going entirely without carbohydrates should aim a gun to their head or eat some whole grain bread, oats or some rice and go exercise like somebody else is holding a gun to their head. There is nothing wrong with carbohydrates, in fact your body NEEDS carbohydrates, just not the processed garbage sugars and starches.

Also, op, if you're looking to loose weight you need to get out and exercise. Start with taking the stairs and going on walks. Go to the gym or think about training to run a 10k if you're fucking serious...

All sodas.

anything you didn't make yourself


It's the bane of my existence. My diet would be on point if it wasn't for the fact I'm practically addicted to it.

Actually you can survive with almost no carbs, getting almost all sugar though ketosis. It's not ideal, but it's possible

>carbs are bad


Where do you think you are?



fried food

Probably unscented talc.

Already had one hospital visit over it clogging my insides up, resulting in constipation that required surgical treatment but fuck me if it isn't addictive.

another ck HQ post

t. Virgin with standards progressively lowering without their realization

It's only a problem if it's controlling your life and making other things harder to do.

sodi pop

Yeah but surviving =/= healthy

ethan pls go


If it makes you feel better, I know exactly what you are talking about.

Burger + fries + soda = the lunch special = $6.19
Burger + soda = no longer the special = $7.59
Cafeteria is retarded so I guess I'll have to stay fat

there are complex carbs and simple carbs
simple one are found easily in junk food
doctor say that I need complex ones to get fit, like certain type of fruit and integral bread
im not that smart in biology so I could be wrong


I would call you a retard but there's 1 girl like that that i know.

I don't like fat girls but she's the only exception. Cute face, shy, giant bazoopers, good fat distribution. Doing her must feel like a world of softness and good feelings.

A lot of people say soda... I only drink diet soda. I don't get what makes regular soda so good. All the simple sugar I can do without. Some people are like "diet soda tastes gross " really? There is like a whole array of alternative drinks from all the sugary stuff.

But really I just try to cut out bread

What the fuck

#1 - soda
#2 - chips/snacking between meals in general
#3 - alcohol


Going paleo actually makes a world of difference, I suggest everyone tries it.

This is the single best change any fatty can do to lose weight. They probably get 500 or more daily calories (depending how fat) on soft drinks alone.

What fucking fat person is drinking soda every day and going "I wonder why I'm not losing weight"?
Is it an american thing?


Fatass here, I quit soda last year and lost fifty pounds.

The answer is always soda.

Yes, actually. I have to put up with landwhale coworkers bitching about how far they are all the time, then I can only watch in awe and pity as they shove soda, sugar and cream filled coffee, sweets and fast food value meals down their throats.

Even worse they constantly whine about how skinny I am even though I still have bitch tits and they target my other skinny coworkers and I to try and eat more.




>My suggestion is chips.

It would make a difference.

I would die of starvation.


I cut out any drinks with sugar in them, only things I drink is water and hot tea neat. Lost 25lbs still a fat as fatass at 325lbs.

Any food after like 930/10 pretty much.

Any drink that has calories, especially from sugar, and especially that you consume daily or nearly daily (soda especially, but beer also)

Desserts - maybe once in a while, but if you cut out daily sugar and have a piece of fruit instead, your taste buds will adjust and you won't miss anything

Look at your daily diet and see if you compulsively, regularly consume anything high in calories. Sometimes I've caught myself gaining weight, and realized that it was specifically caused by a particular thing I was eating regularly (like I was putting too many nuts in my oatmeal, or using too much butter on my bread with dinner, etc).

> gluten
> literally a protein
> cutting a protein makes you eat less carbs

Nigga I made low-carb bread using vital wheat gluten when I was on atkins. I even made seitan out of it when I was too poor to afford meat.

I know this feel. I went to high school with one, and she was always flirting with me but I was too busy trying to suck dick (srsly) to consider women at the time.

Anyway, she's chubby but not like total landwhale mode, likes cats and animu, would probably have liked nothing better than to wake me up with a blowjob and fresh made cookies, works in a bakery and is submissive af

Coke/Fizzy Drinks
Sweets that aren't Dark Chocolate
White Carbs


Most people just can't process it well, and dairy (at least in the U.S.) is not healthy at all. There are obviously worse things like pop, fast food, etc., but milk is just so commonplace, and most people would benefit from minimizing milk in their diets.

>Most people just can't process it well,

My ancestry is from the 0-15% area and milk doesn't agree with me, causing bad back acne. I consider it something like a delicacy, not something to have everyday.

I need help with this.
I know soda is bad for me. I just drink it because it's here. I don't even like it anymore. The caffeine hurts my throat half the time. But I've never found a better solution. I get tired of water too quickly.

>I get tired of water too quickly.
>mfw i drink nearly a gallon of water a day

Isn't that bad for you if you do it EVERY day?

Literally nothing wrong with drinking a gallon of water a day as long as you're still eating normally.

If it was distilled water then maybe.

Not that i've had so far, except maybe going to the pisser more often and my body not holding as much water weight

Done nicely for my skin tho

It's literally bad for you if you don't drink about gallon a day.

Baked goods generally and beer. Worked for me. I've never drank a lot of soda but if you do than that would probably be my pick

That's wrong.
It depends on your body size and activity level.
There is no "recommended daily water intake" for anyone. Just drink when you're thirsty and you're being 100% healthy.


People seriously have no idea how much damage that shit does

Wew lad

Are you not in the US? People drink >1000 calories a day on soft drinks alone

I knew a(n obese) guy who literally only drank Pepsi

Not that it's a common diet item but pop tarts, that shit will get you fat as fuck.

Dairy. It's incredible what a difference it makes.

Easy. Here's what I cut out:
>american "cheese"
>spray anything
>canned frosting
>soda (i still drink la croix)
>fast food (with the exception of Chick-Fil-A)
>pink slime
>non grass-fed beef

Refined sugar

Animal products

I drink like a hobo, but I drink a ton of water at night. It couldn't hurt I figure. I haven't taken a solid shit in a long time though.

Milk/White Chocolate. Nowadays if I want to satisfy my chocolate craving, i eat a baking bar or 99-100% cacao chocolate

Lactose intolerance is a symptom of a larger human issue with milk. The fact you do not have lactose intolerance makes you a mutated freak

The best answer

>Fruit and vegetables.
Fruit has a fuck ton of sugar and vegetables are expensive water, basically. Eat both in moderation, up your protein intake, and your wallet and body will thank you.

energy drinks, if you use them.

Go back to /fat/ you dumbass

Vegetable oil, followed by anything processed, followed by grains, followed by sugary fruits like bananas and oranges, followed by root vegetables, followed by fatty meat (meat from fat animals like grain-fed cows and pigs)

Now you're eating healthy food. You don't need anything outside veggies, lean meats and if you want it some healthy fruits like blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and tomatoes.

>In bread

This is why the US is 100% imbecile.
White flour is already pretty much 3 seconds of digestion's away from glucose anyway

Diet soda causes your body to expect a sugar rush, as it's receiving such an indication from sweet taste receptors, leading your body to believe it's calorically deficit upon not receiving the expected sugar and thus chase calories by triggering hunger.

It essentially makes you want to eat more sugar. Not to mention the fact that it's all the bad chemicals of soda minus the most natural ingredient- the sugar.

>get rid of grains

Yeah, eliminate the one food group that was exclusively responsible for the rise of every civilization. Makes sense if you're an anarcho-primitivist who thinks we can return to hunter-gatherer economies.

News flash, people weren't fat even as recently as 80 years ago unless they were extremely rich and ate shitloads of refined sugars and fats. Retard.

I've recently switched from beer to liquor straight. Not sure it's making a difference but I do feel less bloated

>HFCS ubiquitous

That's what happens when you subsidize a few multinational corporations so they control the vast majority of ameritard food supply.

Let's make 'murrica great again by granting even larger welfare subsidies and tax breaks to megacorporations and give them an even freer hand to rob and poison our citizens. Land of the free - for corporate pillagers.


>don't like sweets like cookies or ice cream
>trail mix is fucking expensive
>only option is chips

>This was the 3rd post
Extremely shameful

We prefer the term homo-superior

milk was a big one for me. I would eat like 5 bowls of cereal a day, wayyy too much cholesterol.

shit would literally kill you

That's more than the weekly limit for booze per week, nevertheless per day, but I'm not really in a position to judge you, considering how much I drink.