Whats a good way to grind a lot of pepper? Looking into buying a pepper grinder but it seems like the electronic ones are kind of shitty.
Whats a good way to grind a lot of pepper...
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Dude weed lmao
Get two large flat stones, place pepper in the middle and then run on the top one spinning it and grinding the pepper
why do you need to grind so much pepper?
throw a bunch in a food processer
Every once in a while a marinade or a dish will require a significant amount of pepper. I've usually been buying those disposable pepper grinders and already ground pepper but if I can get something that handles both it'd be nice
>tfw my pepper mill is only 8" tall
a coffee grinder
Uh dude, he said he needs to grind pepper not coffee.
so what, you can grind pepper in coffee grinder I do it all the time,
your next cup of coffee will have bit of pepper in it big fucking deal
actually gives interesting twist to coffee taste
and to take it further sometimes I do add (ground) bit of pepper and sprinkle cinnamon into my coffee
don't be such ridicules purist
I use an old coffee grinder within 10 seconds i have superfine pepper. I make alot of rubs so i require alot of milling. Coffee grinder buddym
mortar and pestle, the bigger ones are great for, you know, grinding lots of spices.
This user has accidentally reached enlightenment. Pepper on tea or coffee is fucking godly.
are you an actual retard?
On tea? Get a grinder, a peppercorn medley, and one of those wire mesh tea balls, and make tea out of the pepper itself. It's actually really good, although your roommates might think you're mentally ill.
no you are the retard here, maybe google "benefits of black pepper oil" and learn how good black pepper is.
9 Incredible Benefits Of Black Pepper Essential Oil.
10 Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits You Won’t Believe.
I'm using moka pot and on top of the coffee grounds I grind bit of black pepper around 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon.
It gives great kick to coffee and black pepper oils are very beneficial and healthy.
Open your mind don't be walking door knob calling others retards before you understand the topic.
Apologize to this user for insulting him.
I use a mortar and pestle to grind pepper as well as all other spices. Come up to my level, plebe.
>preferring health benefits over the taste
>die anyway and you could not enjoy it
coffe with spice tastes like shit only simpletons mix stupid shit with coffee
you too are, retarded
why do it with hands when you can use MACHINE? I got tired of this pestle and mortal shit
I hate seeing shit that "stone ground" like that's a good thing.
Rough natural stone like the granite pictured there is a conglomerate of minerals and crystals, it is brittle, anisotropic, and easily fractures and continuously sheds sand-like pieces. But I guess you like bits of abrasive quartz in your food, good for you. My peppercorns will pass through a well engineered, ergonomic and adjustable sharpened steel grinder, thank you very much Mr.-stone-age-was-way-better.
very good points.
this user know his stuff.
you stone age morons read his post and learn.
I've considered trying it so many times and never went for it. Might just give it a go now.
Where can I get this exact grinder?
Just buy an inexpensive coffee/spice grinder that you only use for spices. Buying whole spices is more economical, they stay potent longer, and the flavour is simply better than pre-ground spices.
>b-but muh machine, does great until it breaks in 2 years and I throw it in the landfill, specially placed a great distance from Trump's and his cronies' properties
Good goyim, very, very good goyim.
>grit in my hand ground spices using a granite mortar.
Lel, no. Rub the pestle against the mortar with as much pressure as you can exert and examine the basin. There's nothing. Wasteful goy! Good consumer! Waste more, my fine goy friend!
PROTIP: If you get too high, like extreme paranoia high, just sniff freshly ground pepper. Should reduce your high pretty quick
My marijuana grinder has lasted like 6 years, i doubt grinding dry peppercorn is going to be an issue. All you need is a tighter mechanism for finer particles, possibly a system that uses multiple successive gears of different sizes. All this shit probably already exists if we're applying the tech to excess and entertainment.
Pure truth.
>so what your next coffee will taste like pepper
You sound like my mother. Goddammit, what makes you assume I want pepper flavored coffee?
HERB grinder, bro.
Did you ever read the complex descriptions of the various tones and tests particular coffee has,
similar like they have for wines, and how many times term 'black pepper' comes up, very often, for wine and for coffee,
so nothing wrong adding little bit extra pepper to your brewing device, it gives that interesting 'kick'. Try it sometimes.
a world without pepper
kek. I'm fucking lost for words you asshole
This right here.
we are fucked. manual labour disappears fast. how sad was that to watch.
Just so you all know that I'm reading this thread sitting naked wearing only a gown
Electric spice grinder is what I use
yea one of those coffee/spice grinders is desu the easiest way.
>drinking coffee for the taste
no user you are the retard
you are a simple tasteless little faggot if you really think someone who enjoys coffee for the taste is a retard
no i just don't like or want to drink actual garbage
who the actual motherfuck would use the same grinder for coffee AND spices
also samefag
look, i get it, you're trying to be all fuckin smart and shit with your health articles and trying to defend yourself
if you fucking served me coffee with pepper in it i'd pout it in your shoes you pathetic waste of putrid shits oh my god
do i even need to try and explain why that's a really, really retarded idea? or are you people ACTUALLY that fucking downs?
nice proof read dipshit
Ok buddy, we heard you the first time.
Screencapture this rare cunt.
He is unusually stupid and exotically fucked in both sides of his brain.
There's a difference between
>bu-buh muh health articles!!!! pepper in coffee is healthy!!!!
>i genuinely enjoy it for the taste and that is okay
shitting on people that actually enjoy coffee because you're getting shit for defending your shit with linking us to two bullshit health articles makes you sound fucking retarded. you cannot be blind to that.
definitely samefag
yes Sherlock shit eater, because both of us mix CAPS and lower case that is a fucking solid evidence.
Go and finally end your miserable life tonight faggot, you are so useless and brain dead
Couple of things about samefagging.
Try and make it a little less obvious. Making two consecutive posts on a mildly slow board in less than fourty seconds.
I'm and . I think that's pretty fucking obvious.
the single best kek here is that coffee is okay and pepper in coffee tastes like vomit in a cup.
Based OXO has never disappointed me.
Best Pepper Mill I've ever had. Fast, well designed, even grind. And fairly priced.
>the beginning of that insult
shit, i think i found the
those things are fucking magical, i've had one similar to that for like a year. same general design, just not that brand.
no coffee is a vomit and faggs who are drinking coffee are plain stupid thinking they are so cool that smoke is coming from their asses.
i always laugh at morons searching for perfect cup of stupid coffee, lol
no wonder coffee drinkers and Volvo drivers are the most disgusting people on earth
why you gotta make me refer back to a post i already made, man.
I use a old coffee grinder
It's been cleaned, obviously
here, for my spices i bought a 80s coffee grinder from ebay for like $15. Had it for about five years, but I use something more specific for black and white pepper. Call me a fag but I don't like mixing black & white pepper with certain flavors.
Only coffee drinkers will pay $500/pound for coffee that some ugly fucking rat eat and ejected with other shit from his smelly ass
and coffee morons will faint to get a chance to get a sip of that shit and pay $500/lb for it.
You have to be mentally unstable to do that.
Might as well brew shit made by goats, looks very similar in shape to coffee beans.
man you are still on this shit aren't you
just fucking give up dude, nobody gives a shit.
either b8 or mentally deficient
>literally anybody on this site having the money to buy luwak anyway
stop being so triggered
go and drink some rat shit coffee to calm down
would this drill trick work if I filled the grinder with coffee beans?
if i do that, it'll be tomorrow, and I'll deliver pics.
but don't worry coffee faggots, after the rat's shit is cleaned off and the coffee is packaged in nice shiny bag
and proper price tag is attached you will sacrifice your monthly food budget to buy small beg of it.
The World’s Most Expensive Coffee Quite Literally Comes from a Rat’s Butt.
Rats! We give them love. We give them a home. We give them all the food they can slowly eat.
Aside from the occasional snuggle (or scratch), they don’t give us too much in return, though. That is about to change.
Welcome to a world in which a rat’s butt can create delicious coffee.
Using the digestive tract of an animal to make gourmet coffee is nothing new.
People have been harvesting beans from elephant dung for years now.
The civet, also known as the toddyrat, is getting in on the act, helping to produce the world’s most expensive coffee.
Great Britain’s Harrods department store is now selling Terra Nera coffee, which is made from civet rat-processed beans, for $227 a bag.
That’s right. $227 for a tiny bag of coffee.
Sure, that might sound like an outrageous sum but isn’t it worth it to be able to tell your friends and family what they’ve just drunk an entire cup of?
Someone is liable to faint.
but like, nobody here was even talking about the rat shit coffee
you brought that up because of salt
so you see i enriched your knowledge base
now you know
nah you enriched me thinking you were a sperg. i knew about it, but nobody was talking about it.
what's sperg
grinding pepper is a meme
it's short for "A person with Asperger's Syndrome"
It's still a valid point.
Yeah you could use it for herbs if you wanted to.
so tell us why you have this Asparagus Syndrome
were you born with it?
pepper grinder size/cock size proportion