everyday an alc thread on Veeky Forums
here's an alternative, let's post this everyday!
everyday an alc thread on Veeky Forums
here's an alternative, let's post this everyday!
After only a week of cutting the booze and cigarettes i dropped 10lbs (mostly water im sure) and the dark circles under my eyes are starting to fade
>This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking
You exercise and cut your hair?
>You exercise and cut your hair?
I know what you're trying to say, but uhh...
Yeah. The alcky probably doesn't run or groom that often.
Not drinking is so boring I start grooming and exercising just to fill up the day.
I also have more confidence when inter acting with people, which is weird.
nothing wrong with getting drunk desu
Mfw mixed sleeping pills with rum this weekend and almost died.
>I don't need alcohol to have a good time.
Neither do I. but I use it as a guarantee that I'll have a good time.
staying sober sounds a bit and miss
Notice the swelling of the face has deflated, the surfaced capillaries have receded, eyes less bloodshot and puffy and wrinkles/creases have faded.
Yeah he shaved but the "weightloss" is just inflammation from alcohol consumption finally deflating.
I don't need alcohol to have a good time, but it certainly makes shitty social gatherings and settings enjoyable.
Coming from eastern europe, I was amazed what westerners consider a "drinking problem"
Its more of an excuse as to why things didn't work out and a not give a fuck attitude.
I keep the boxes of the bottle I bought just to remind me how much I like liquor.
What if you never drink booze or smoke? These dark circles under my eyes aren't healthy looking and I can't seem to get rid of them.
I feel like things are starting to get out of hand again. I'm starting to fuck up the work schedules, because I'm too wasted at night to figure it out. I'd probably help if I had a hobby besides shitposting on a Panamanian weevil exchange forum.
Alcohol and cigarettes were the drug of choice for our grandparents. We're supposed to whine about back pain and get 5 different prescriptions for opiates.
I don't post in or read those alc threads, they're full of whiny bitches.
If I don't drink I won't sleep and being tired all day feels worse than a hangover. I've had insomnia my entire life and it is the only thing that works.
Except for a small glass of cheap champagne on new years, I haven't drank anything in 4 months.
I got sick with a bad cold at the beginning of November, and spent a whole week taking cough medicine (normal dosage) and after I got better I just didn't feel like drinking anymore. And 4 months later I still don't have even the slightest desire for it. Thinking about being drunk doesn't sound fun at all to me anymore, it just makes my skin crawl and I feel embarrassed about how I used to be.
I had been trying to quit for a couple years before that because I've hit my early 30s and I've heard that's basically the end of the line of having your body bounce back from treating it like crap, and I don't want to be a disgusting old man by the time I'm 40.
I had already started exercising and eating right/counting calories.. which is all a fuck-ton easier now. Lost 40 lbs so far, and about 15 more to go. After that I'm going to join a gym and build some muscle.
I used to feel like crap all the time, and drinking was what made me feel better for a little while. Now I legitimately feel awesome all the fucking time. I always thought people were full of shit when they talked about feeling this way.
wow if you stop consuming huge amount of excess calories you lose weight really makes you think....
does being sarcastic make your dick look bigger?
you realize it's just an illusion, it's still small.
i call that my thursday afternoon
Yeah you do cut some weight pretty quickly and look better, but that pic is still bullshit. Clearly more zoomed in on the left to make him look fatter, and the untrimmed beard and dopey smile are just for effect too
I hate when people do this on quitting drinking forums. Especially when it's a female and they get soo much attention because of it. Most of the time they post after like 30 days and look no different other than better lighting, makeup, hairstyle, outfit, etc. I think most people know it's bullshit, but your not going to call someone out on something like that when they're trying to kick an addiction. Better just to stay positive in groups like that I guess.
the degenerates are just going to use this as their new thread
I'm giving this a shot to see if I can drop a few pounds. I've gone from drinking daily to once a week, usually Saturdays. Nothing to report yet, but I hope it's as successful for me as it was for this guy.
I didn't drink at all during January and most of february, didn't get drunk on feb just had a couple of beers a couple of times which was nice.
To be completely honest i didn't really feel any different after that first month, most people say they feel super energetic and so much healthier. I just felt the same except i wasn't jolly in the evenings.
You're gonna feel either more hungry or thirsty, that was my experience when cutting down. Water and coffee helped for that.
i told myself yesterday i was gonna stop until may. im tired of the hangovers and feeling like shit at work
Every Sunday night, I think, "maybe stop until next weekend"
Had a clean day yesterday and today looks good so far
I think I've got it this time boys
Is that the Gorilla Mindset Jew?
No wonder I've been eating a lot more.. like I'll eat a big meal but still be craving something shortly after. I thought I was pregnant
I drink every night... at least 359 days a year...just turned 31 weight 270lbs...was wanting to quit, applied for a job that im very qualified to do and have applied for it every time there has been an opening but I never get called for a interview I told myself if I got the job I would cut way back or stop completely but no call back so fuck it, I don't know what to do...keep on keeping on guess or blow my brains out who knows...I only drink beer by the way 8-10 per night on average had 13 last night tho
I've been experiencing that for sure. Currently adjusting my diet to mostly fruit and vegetables and drinking as much water as I can.
I guess you should take up smoking and drinking so you can get rid of them by quitting.