>Parts of the animals that should be eaten more often
Seriously, what a waste
>Parts of the animals that should be eaten more often
Seriously, what a waste
agree if they are deep fried, otherwise its a bit tough to eat boiled prawn heads
how would one eat them?
wouldn't it just taste of shell and eyes
There's an art to eating them and getting the best bits but if you deep fry them like said, just pop them in your mouth and munch the whole thing.
Failing that, use them in your fish/seafood stock for tons of flavour.
You can make prawn brain gelato...saw it on Iron Chef once...
I always save them and fish bones/scales for stock. I don't eat them because I'm afraid of kidney stones.
You can also save shellfish shells and use them. I popped them in the freezer, a couple oysters shells made a super thick chili
>mfw I suck the brains out of a sea bug's head
Tendons. They're really good in soup.
You usually just suck whatever remains in the head i tried it once and didn't like it so im not eating them
>mfw eating with a group of picky manchildren whitebreads
>we go out to a chinese joint
>one of them keeps trying to humiliate another of them for not using chopsticks correctly
>I stay neutral for the first 15 minutes
>he keeps at it
>finally I ask him why there is a growing heap of shrimp heads, the entire back half of the shrimp near the tail with part of the meat chewed off, shrimp shells, and shrimp legs on his plate
>are you going to waste all that?
>he is quiet for the rest of the meal
It's a question of education and many people of European descent are lacking in that area. They grow up thinking meat comes from "the store" and they feel a compulsive urge to separate the "good part" [sic] from the parts of the animal that look like maybe it might have been alive once
Honestly I don't understand why vegetarianism isn't a bigger thing among whites, considering how squeamish they are about actual, non-tendies meat.
Mmmm mudbugs
Not really though
Half-eaten chicken wings should become a criminal offense!
>Watching someone eat chicken wings with a fork.
I use mine to make stock
How do people not know how to eat chicken wings in a manner that lets them clean all the meat off the bone?
White people.
My little sister does this
I'm white and I eat all the meat off my wings.
We don't eat the shell because we're not subhuman. We don't have to force ourselves to eat the shit part of the animal just to survive. Go back to gook chan you filth
> eating literal water-insects
You don't have to be a disgusting peasant in the year 2017, user
I'm white and I don't eat wings. I prefer boneless wings (let's be honest, these are nuggets). Wings are shitty and boneless wings are way better.
I play with them like finger puppets
t. assblasted white boi
yeah white people are just pussies can't believe they won't eat anything fried in gutter oil
He has a point, you slanted eyed nigger.
>Do you know what suck the heads mean?
>Because I went someplace with Keith once, and he didn't know
>I mean it ain't nothin bad, it's bout eatin.
More like Europeans are civilised and like good quality food instead of devouring live termites and maggots like africans or bug-souled chinks.
it's fucking wasteful.
>eating animals
Seriously, what a waste of plant food.
Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?
no argument from me
Chicken hearts
>good Georgia boys not knowing what 'suck the heads' means
the least realistic part of the game
suddenly got this vision of the future where only aliens inhabit the earth and these aliens are the only ones allowed to post on Veeky Forums and some alien creates this very same thread only the picture is of human heads not prawn heads
If only aliens inhabit the earth then where did they get the human heads?
lunar human farms. do you even think before you post?
I love going to my local cantonese restaurant and ordering salt and pepper shrimp with heads
first couple of times I went there, they would always ask me if I was sure I wanted this and that because I'm not asian, but after watching me eat all of the more foreign dishes on the menu they have started to accept me, even though I don't understand even a little cantonese.
>salt and pepper shrimp with heads
truly the patrician choice
Also it's an all day dim sum menu too. I usually go there and load up on chicken feet, pork buns, lotus wrapped rice, and dumplings
I can make all the stuff myself, but those damn chinos make it so much better
My cracka
Sweetbreads and other organs. Also animal face. I eat babacoa all the time and use pig face for my tamales.
Haha yeah fuck white people right for only eating the best parts of the animal and not the shitty tasting, tough to eat scraps. Man wouldn't it be better if all white people were dead like xD
And then I said to him "Why is there a delectable monkey dick left on your plate? Aren't you going to eat that?"
Do you consider the cheeks part of the face?
Cheeks from pigs or cows are fucking delicious provided you cook them low, slow and long enough.
i like wings, but they're not worth the price and chore of eating. although i guess some people enjoy the chore, like cracking sunflower seeds.
if you like the taste, prepare chicken thighs in the same way. more meat, easier to eat. and so much cheaper.
>It's a question of education and many people of European descent are lacking in that area.
>Wasting food
It's my white privilege