eating meat is pretty fucked up...
Eating meat is pretty fucked up
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>>Eating factory farmed meat is pretty fucked up
I fixed that for ya, champ.
There's other meat than just the factory farmed garbage....
Mass producing meat is pretty fucked up
I don't mind eating it though
they look happy
This. Maybe the only good idea that came from "organic" farming.
Also those chickens are relatively well kept.
Hunting and old-school free range farming have existed for centuries before the concept of "organic food"
I love the taste of all meat, i dont give a fuck if some chicken suffered when it was alive, you think they give a fuck about you?
I'm off to make a cheap chicken breast from a chicken that undoubtedly spent its whole life in a tiny cage. Its going to taste all the better for it.
>Its going to taste all the better for it.
No, it's going to be pretty flavorless. Get a free-range chicken instead. It will taste a lot better.
>Its going to taste all the better for it.
You're a heterotroph. Everything you eat (apart from the occasional rock) either is or was once alive, and practically all herbivores are also opportunistic carnivores.
stressed animals taste like shit
main reason you always go for an instant kill when hunting
all i see in that picture is dinner op
basically this. Just because they don't have a face doesn't mean that plants don't feel pain.
Do you think I care what conditions these animals are kept in?
Do I care about the living conditions of Uzbek children gathering cotton for my shirts?
I know, but the the entire "organic food" gave it more accessibility which means that even the local grocer has some.
And why do you think this is a merit? You edgy little child.
>Do you think I care what conditions these animals are kept in?
Most people care about flavor of their food, so yes, you should care about what conditions they are kept in. Stressed animals and poor feed = flavor suffers.
...not to mention the breed of animal raised in factory farms tend to be optimized for fast growth rather than the best flavor.
I actually feel worse for the plants that I eat desu
animals are dicks
YOU'RE pretty fucked up.
>so much denial
The chicken farms posted so far are perfectly fine with me. If you're trying to change minds here, then post something horrible.
But, good luck with that. I quite enjoy the chicken I get for one dollar a pound, I have never gotten sick and find it quite tasty. They're located in insignificant rural places and staffed by insignificant people. Out of sight, out of mind.
I agree both the meat and eggs taste slightly better from more natural conditions, but at five to ten times the price, its a non-starter. That's for perpetual guilty liberals with excessive money. Choose your fights carefully, is this really the number one issue on your mind? Put that effort towards a real problem.
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.
>natural light
>perches and walking room
>free access to food and water
>birds appear clean and healthy
>beaks intact
i see nothing wrong here
this one looks pretty bad, i only buy eggs from hens raised on pasture. the eggs taste better too
Organic is non geneticly modified. You can have a geneticly modified deer hunt it down, and not have organic meat
>Look Mom, I posted it again!
Fucking this. I hate factory farming as much as the next faggot but there's this thing called free range farming.
I hate when veganfags try and shame me every time I eat meat.
>Western crudity and barbarity
>Everything you eat (apart from the occasional rock) either is or was once alive
Check your living privileges, you biological shitlord
the irony is this is more cruel to the chickens than OP's pic because the cows can step on them
you've never been to farm in your life
yeah well if animals didn't want to be eaten then why are they so tasty? checkmate
i'm a nihilist so it doesn't bother me
what bothers a nihilist?
idk, what?
having to give a shit
Eating in general is pretty fucked up.
Honestly thing about it, you're absorbing atoms and making them part of your body by soaking them in acid and running them though a tunnel in your body that pulls the useful bits out and gets rid of everything else.
Eating is pretty crazy in general.
I'm really high.
Maybe so, but we have done it since dawn of man and we're still here.
>believe in racial equality
>believe in LGBTQ rights
>believe in women's rights
>think war and the death penalty are morally wrong
>tell them eating meat is wrong
You are pretty fucked up, OP.
>plants feel pain
Plants don't even have nervous systems
Animals are just walking resources like coal or iron. They don't have feelings. If you don't eat meat you're a faggot.
factory farming is terrible
found the veganfag
you can just see how many hormones and antibiotics they full those chickens with
me on the left
I love to murder
You shove it in your mouth, mash it up with your teeth, swallow. Just like eating any other (normal) thing.
Not quite sure how that's fucked up.
looks shooped.
It's not, I just paused a YouTube video at the right time and used the snip tool
The sadness in his eyes is very real, even if it's for a second only
fucking kek'd
Nervous systems don't matter, it's the capability to process unhappiness as a complex emotion that matters. chicken are no closer to doing that than a plant, or a rock.
This desu
Those chickums look happy and healthy
define universal compassion without human opinion. give me an example of "universal compassion"
actually give me a list of fucking examples of "universal compassion"
maybe like how lions eat gazelle alive.
or sharks.
or fucking black holes.
please fucking define "UNIVERSAL compassion" without sounding like a fucking hippie idiot.
vitamin b12 plus your a cuck if you don't eat meat
mmmmm i bet i ate that fuck for breakfast this morning. or some pig related to him.
adjust your statement to "eating meat CAN be pretty fucked up". I don't at all think it's fucked up to kill a deer and eat it when the state is encouraging hunting due to overpopulation. If you care that much eat free-range grass fed. Those animals are likely pretty happy before they die
eating plants is pretty fucked up...
>please love me
dont worry, i will love you with mashed potatoes and apple sauce
It really isn't, buttercup.
Is that free-range corn?
See how its exposed to natural light and open air? Now that's how you ethically treat a plant.
Plants also prefer chemical fertilizers, pesticides to prevent insects, herbicides to prevent weeds, antifungal agents, and artificial irrigation. Why not just give every creature exactly what it wants to thrive and be happy? We are here to serve them, not the other way around.
I bet you make sure every meat item you eat is 100% free range don't you?
Not him but I have chickens and my horse stepped on one before haha. It was flat like pan cake.... Pic related one of my girls