Meet Flippy, a burger grilling robot from Miso Robotics and CaliBurger
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>shorter link, archived so as to not give ad rev
The lower class is now FUCKED thats what.
I look forward to the collapse of fast food in the US after all staff are replaced by robots that are then ripped apart by their "customers."
They said that during the Industrial Revolution too, faggot
and they were right?
you will be quickly fucked soon after
no, the lower class is a lot better off now then they were 200 years ago.
good, maybe muh 15/h can get a real job (yes) and double cheeseburgers will go back to being a dollar (no)
>no, the lower class is a lot better off now then they were 200 years ago.
except the industrial revolution didn't fuck over the working class, it fucked over the craftmen, you know, those people that don't exist anymore?
And there's a lot more supply than demand now, it was the opposite before.
this will push that to an even more extreme and there'll just be less jobs period, you can't just make more and more markets, that's not how it works. This shit won't push people to get "real jobs" it'll just force governments into making universal basic income
>it fucked over the craftmen, you know, those people that don't exist anymore?
Yes, they were replaced by things like union electricians and union steamfitters which make a lot more money.
>And there's a lot more supply than demand now, it was the opposite before.
Do you think these robots will build themselves?
>This shit won't push people to get "real jobs" it'll just force governments into making universal basic income
Kek we're very far from that and that's not an issue. If the machines did all the work for us we'd live a life of luxury without working. Stop basing your thoughts off Judge Dredd.
>tfw the post-menial-employment society has been known and warned about for decades now
>We're still going to hit it with literally no preparation, resulting in mass poverty and crippling economic gridlock
Ha ha, it's still decades away, r-right?
over half of all jobs currently performed by human beings could already be performed by existing technology. what you should be asking yourself is when the first purge night is going to be scheduled for
What happens when there are no more shitskins and Chinamen to blame your unemployment on?
You gonna lynch a robot?
>Do you think these robots will build themselves?
dolan drumpf supporter detected
get back to your containment board
>Yes, they were replaced by things like union electricians and union steamfitters which make a lot more money.
what, by contemporary standards? lmao, no. Own your smithing workshop and you'd be a 1%er of the time
>over half of all jobs currently performed by human beings could already be performed by existing technology
[citation needed]
firemen doctors police judges lawyers electricians plumbers the entire construction industry really, customer support, vets, nurses, etc
What makes you say that?
Do you have a source to back that? Seems highly unlikely.
>>And there's a lot more supply than demand now, it was the opposite before.
>Do you think these robots will build themselves?
Well yes, robots do almost all our manufacturing. Besides, that just mean that 1 guy will maintain robots and manufacturing for every 1000 mcdonalds workers, idiot, that's why it's an attractive business model in the first place.
>Kek we're very far from that and that's not an issue
no, why do you think creating jobs is the biggest selling point any politician can have? we are already past the point where we need more workers, we need more work. whenever you tackle such a big market, people will not find new work, they'll just become jobless in droves.
And don't get me wrong, I don't even think this is bad, almost everything will inevitably become automatized, but you'd have to be completely naive to think it won't be a massively bumpy right that ultimately leads us to having to find another solution to having people not go dirt poor
>what you should be asking yourself is when the first purge night is going to be schedule for
I'm going to guess that it's about a month after unskilled and semi-skilled labor no longer exist.
And I think you might be unpleasantly surprised about who wins that 'purge'.
>Well yes, robots do almost all our manufacturing.
Neet detected. Robots assist in plants. They do heavy lifting and simple tasks. They are supervised by humans and humans do the more complex assemblies. They also require programming and maintenance by humans. Stop watching movies.
> Besides, that just mean that 1 guy will maintain robots and manufacturing for every 1000 mcdonalds workers, idiot, that's why it's an attractive business model in the first place.
Incorrect. It's attractive to replace ineffective and overpaid burger flippers. There will be overhead costs but in the long run these job eliminations will save them money.
>no, why do you think creating jobs is the biggest selling point any politician can have? we are already past the point where we need more workers,
Incorrect. We have lower unemployment now then we had 10 years ago. The jobs sell-point is because we were hit with a recession, you underage ban. Not some magical automation advancement. You sound like an unemployed neet projecting your unemployable onto robots. Do you have a job? What is your line of work?
>but you'd have to be completely naive to think it won't be a massively bumpy right that ultimately leads us to having to find another solution to having people not go dirt poor
You're the naive one. You don't understand that new jobs will replace the old. Even for these burger flippers, someone will have to program and oversee their assembly.
>And I think you might be unpleasantly surprised about who wins that 'purge'.
We the people, r-right?
G-go, Wolverines
It doesn't matter anways... a $12/hr job won't save our asses from our massive national debt...
except they were right....Do you know how many factory workers were fired during that time
>Do you think these robots will build themselves?
it's funny you say that
>lower unemployment now then we had 10 years ago
I don't know how it is in other countries, but this is only true in the US because the government only counts people who are actively seeking a job as "unemployed." Also, what job do yo see Jaquandre getting hired for when he can't flip burgers or pretend to stock shelves at Walmart? Do you honestly think he'll suddenly learn to read good, pass algebra and become an engineer?
>a $12/hr job won't save our asses from our massive national debt...
So, what will you 'Mericans do when 2035 hits? National default?
That would cause a depression 100x worse than 1929.
Social Security is not an entitlement. Citizens paid into the fund, which was then raped by Clinton. And Bush43.
>but this is only true in the US because the government only counts people who are actively seeking a job as "unemployed."
Nice non-facts to back your assertion up. I suppose all those people just gave up after 10 years right? Get real idiot.
>Also, what job do yo see Jaquandre getting hired for when he can't flip burgers or pretend to stock shelves at Walmart
>now I will resort to racism to argue my points!
Good talking to you idiot.
money is overrated and worthless any way. We can make a better system but no one cares to implement it
>So, what will you 'Mericans do when 2035 hits? National default?
The only way out of Obama's debt is massive money printing & hyperinflation.
Make your debt worthless. It's the only way out.
Solution: Euthanasia for Jaquandre.
> Government Accountability Office
> Government Accountability
> Accountability
This is great news. Fast food employees are some of the worst people on the planet.
>Do you know how many factory workers were fired during that time
A negative number, considering the number of factory workers increased exponentially
no one is denying there will be jobs available for highly skilled professionals that willaintain and over see these automatons... but YOU'RE not getting here is that who'd do you think will qualify for those jobs....?
People that got some shitty American public education and barely walked away with a diploma or someone that came from an affluent and highly educated background?
Guess which if those outnumber s the other.
Now imagine a scenario where the other group is flat broke because they can't get jobs because their too stupid and too unskilled.
Total anarchy
Probably break into stores and destroy every robot they see
>highly skilled
yeah no. programming isn't highly skilled. overseeing a robot just in case it fucks up isn't highly skilled. tightening a bolt isn't highly skilled. kek you're such a fucking NEET.
get an actual job and see how many dumb asses work alongside you every day
>you can't just make more and more markets
>more supply than demand
That's not how any of this works, actually. And this is some very basic stuff, too.
>they arent high skills because I said so lol
just undermining robotics and engineering like some kind of fucking toddler doesn't make you right
>he thinks programmers are highly skilled
>someone will have to program and oversee their assembly
it's far from a 1:1 conversion in job numbers
trump has already reduced the debt by 12 billion. I know that's peanuts compared to the damage obama did but he's just getting started.
Memes aside, he's going to be a really good president
Not an argument
And? How many burger flipping jobs are there? Not economy dependent kek.
burger flipping jobs aren't the only ones affected by automation, mate
it's what we're talking about itt m8. what other jobs are currently being taken over by muh robot boogeyman?
Most that used to rely on people for sorting documents and writing papers can be done perfectly by bots
So nothing significant.
Literally millions
not an answer
>ITT neets complain that bots are the reason why they can't get a job
It's over, mass waves of suicides of fast food workers incoming.
How is that a bad thing?
demonizing unions for one thing.
I didn't demonize unions.
Alluding to the fact that inner city schools don't successfully prepare their students to get decent jobs is racist now, apparently. I doubt you've ever set foot in one, let alone had to work with kids who can't do their homework because state standards require them to use a computer they don't have at home and can't access at the library because it's too dangerous to go out after dark. Get back to me when you've helped kids board the bus while the cops are zipping up body bags across the street.
No one cares about Richmond because the parts that white tourists visit are safe, but the poor neighborhoods have a worse murder rate than Detroit or Chicago. When those kids can't work at the shitty McDonalds in the bottom anymore, what else are they supposed to do?
>it's an user pretends to be from the rough streets of the hood episode
We increased consumption to absorb the extra productivity per worker.
Increasing our consumption is running into environmental limits.
>Increasing our consumption is running into environmental limits.
>implying we aren't going to transition away from fossil fuels in this lifetime
National debt becomes a meaningless number when it's all owned by the central bank, like it is in Japan and like it will soon be in the US.
We aren't exactly at 100% recycling. Energy isn't the only problem.
In an ideal world they would stop spending money like idiots, so they can afford a cheap computer and internet even on welfare. Behind which they would jerk off to anime and be a nice non property damage causing, non criminal NEET.
>We aren't exactly at 100% recycling. Energy isn't the only problem.
>implying a switch from fossil fuels wouldn't reduce waste as well
Once some genius gets alternative fuels economical gasoline will be toast.
It should be illegal to be this stupid
>except the industrial revolution didn't fuck over the working class
You should check out this work called "Life in the Iron Mills" and see how stupidly wrong you are.
I'm glad I'm in entertainment. By the time this shit collapses fully I'll have enough cash from milking the bored unemployed people that I can go live on an island or something. Hopefully I can move into some sort of space colony and my progeny can help populate a new planet in a few thousand years.
No he didn't, though he will certainty take credit for it. Because he is an idiot. Like you.
oh really?
>Yes, they were replaced by things like union electricians and union steamfitters which make a lot more money.
Kind of sounded like it. Unions allow workers to negotiate for better conditions and more money. You said it like it was a bad thing. But maybe I misunderstood. Hard to gauge tone.....i
No, I said they were replaced by people who make more money. It was very neutral.
Not sure why you had to throw in the union thing then. Lots of people who don't belong to unions make a lot of money. But you said union electricians and union steamfitters. Huh.
I'm still betting you voted for drumpf.
seize the means of production comrade
I operate CNC machines for a living, it is true that they do the work of 100 men but I still need to be there watching it and pressing buttons to make it go.
Even if robots replace all the burger flippers in mcdonalds, all that means is new 'human only' places will open up. I guaran-fucking-tee there will be plenty of people willing to pay a little extra for 'authentic handmade burgers'. Premium burger joints are already a thing.
Also I really don't see mcdonalds replacing their staff with robots. It would be a PR disaster. They've been woking for years on building their image into a 'real food place'. You might see smaller chains going all automated or even new chains popping up but it won't be mcdonalds going fully auto.
We already have it. If we collectively stop producing, the whole thing collapses. Why do you think the right has put so much effort in convincing labor to give up their rights to collective bargaining with "open shop" scab laws? Fucking labor, convinced by Clear Channel propaganda, cuts their own throat.
Because he asked who replaced the craftsman. Why are you getting so upset over this? Are you a union worker?
>But you said union electricians and union steamfitters
Because they make the most. Is this hard to understand for you?
>ny times
Not him but I can't believe you read that shlock.
If an all-robot setup means I get a big mac meal for $0.99 you can fucking bet your ass I'm ordering one. Ain't no better PR than "our shit is hella cheap."
The "human touch" is fucking deadly, anyway. I don't want some shit-handling retard touching my meat, give me some sterile metal claws any day of the week.
the mentality of the average person living in a low-trust society summed up in one post
when's the last time you got sick eating at a restaurant? if you eat fast food on a regular basis or go to some filthy hole in the wall ethnic place you probably deserve to get sick anyway
You realize we're talking about McDonalds, right?
there is no reason you should ever have to eat at mcdonald's
again, how often do you actually get food poisoning? how often do you find a pube in your food? probably never
Because they are represented, have bargaining power, and make a decent wage for the highly skilled and sought after work they do. Not to mention the job is dirty and dangerous.
You sound upset. Are you starting to regret voting for Agent Orange?
How about this source then? If it's not from Breitbart you're not going to believe it?
They were completely fucked by industrialization. It took two world wars slaughtering the poor by the tens of millions to prevent mass unemployment.
>social security remains stable
>medicare doubles
Looks like we'll just have to let grandpa die when it's his natural time to go.
yes it is.
>the unskilled and stupid will lose their jobs
I don't feel pity for them. There's a fucking billion other opportunities out there but none of them want to pursue them.
Prepare for another wave of heroin overdoses, gentlemen.
>what else are they supposed to do?
Form gangs and get themselves killed, duh
>There's a fucking billion other opportunities out there
not really, no
>Lots of people who don't belong to unions make a lot of money.
Hold on, cowboy. Those guys can only make a lot of money if they aren't bullied or intimidated by unions, which means they have to work in predominately red areas since, well, unions don't really do anything for the average worker anymore other than take their money and promise the world without delivering
Jesus fucking christ, I just wanted to share an interesting development in technology with you guys.
Flippy was designed to work alongside a human counterpart. Could it replace burger flippers across the world? Maybe, but not this version; it currently acts as a force multiplier requiring less staff but certainly not as a replacement.
Unlike heart surgery robots (which actually drive up the cost per operation $1500-$2000), food establishments could theoretically buy enough of these units nationally/globally to bring the down the cost per unit, eventually making them a de facto need to run a high volume franchised fast food joint because 'muh profit margins'.
Please tell me more about this lazy hack and his failed economic philosophy. How is life in Venezuela?
Nothing in my post implied dislike of unions or support of trump.
Dont defend illegals who devalue the trades.
I don't see how this really makes sense, the investment represented by a fucking grill just doesn't justify crippling the automation process to this point. It just looks cute and gives some PhDs a justification to solve difficult problems, which really shouldn't even be an issue..
Until we have robots with true human like flexibility automation should be done in the classic way, production line wise. With the process adapted to machines, not trying to fit machines into a process adapted to humans. Like pic related.
Don't you know OP? Technology is never just technology in the year of our lord 2017. Everything has to have a political point or people who have no hope of ever understanding the science behind the development can't comment on its implications and collect free social brownie points on facebook.
>expand space travel but wahhh he wore a shirt with a naked lady on it
>create soft humanoid robots that you can have sex with but whah muh war on women
>want to expand cloning research but muh playing god
>expanding role of factory automation muh amurrican jobs
>robot to make tasty burgers but m-muh minimum wage workers gonna be out of a job
this is the world we now live in and I fucking want out