>avoid energy drinks for about a month
>use caffeine powder if I really need stimulation because it's cheaper
>buy one of pic related
>take maybe six or seven sips
>already more stimulated than all month
>even a bit of mood elevation
Really makes me wonder what the fuck they really put in this. Energy drink general?
Avoid energy drinks for about a month
Maybe it's the taurine? I know whenever I drink rockstars on my break for work I come back feeling good and act more pleasant. It's kinda scary.
Well that one is loaded with sugar, but usually it's b6, b12, and taurine that gives you the extra boost. The blue rockstar even has Yerba mate in it
The ingredients are listed on the can
>thinking I'm literate
Jokes on you, pal.
I've notice this too, why do energy drinks elevate mood a little?
Is the Rockstar who make energy drinks the same Rockstar who make GTA?
Come 10 years and we'll probably learn how bad they are for us.
I still miss the NOS with 260mg caffeine. That shit got me through college.
>we'll learn how bad they are for us in TEN years
Have you been living under a rock ? They're fucking liquid poison, drink that shit everyday and push kidney stones through your dick
Monster > NOS > Red Rain > Red Bull > Amp > Rockstar
Nuh uh
source: dick free of stones
just wait till you turn 20, satan
Best energy drink coming through
Too bad I can only find it at HEB.
>fucking liquid poison
>drink it
>don't die
>drink rat poison
>really advocating energy drinks being good
>reading comprehension
How's life on the spectrum?
Energy drinks are unhealthy you fucking autist they aren't "fucking liquid poison" stop using inflammatory language to make everyone think you're smarter than you are.
It's been well over 10 years since energy drinks got big m8. I think we're in the clear.
It's like anything else, don't overdo it and you'll be fine
My nigger. In Houston they are in all the indian run gas stations. Bought a case for 50 bucks from a pajeet. Indeed the best energy drink.
It is the aspartame that elevates your mood.
If you're trying to avoid the caffeine, then just have a glass of water with lemon juice, aspartame based sweetener, and a Vitamin B supplement.
My favourite
i like
to drink
Rockstar Zeros have 250mg in them if you're missing out on something with a high dose.
>Monster > NOS > Red Rain > Red Bull > Amp > Rockstar
You forgot Venom>Monster
>Drink a half liter can of this sugary life-shortening monstrosity
>Go take a nap afterwards
these drinks do nothing for me. If anything the gas makes me bloated and I have to lay down for a while
Try the sugar free stuff instead. Monster ultra and rockstar pure zero rule.
If you really want some good but a little more spendy, Bang lemon drop tastes awesome and had 300mg of caffeine in a can. Their sour heads flavor tastes like a watermelon warhead, and the star pop one is their most popular but I haven't tried it yet. My gym sells them for 3$
Full Throttle is tasty as fuck
Monster Absolute Zero tastes like Squirt and I love it.
I sometimes like drinking caffiene when I am very very VERY tired and then taking a 30 or so minute nap. When I get up from the nap the caffiene is starting to kick in and I get double refreshed with less of a crash later it's amazing please try. OR, wake up an hour early drink one and then go back to sleep. When you wake up again in a while you are ready to get out of bed and not be so depressed for a day.
>>avoid energy drinks for about a month
woah, what an achievement bro
energy drinks are a fucking meme, at least to me, never felt like they have any effect
i once comsumed 13 red bulls with whiskey at a club when i was a teen in one night and just felt asleep when i came back home
literally feels like im drinking a regular soda
not even trying to sound ""hardcore"", shit just doesnt work on me
>i once comsumed 13 red bulls with whiskey at a club
>drinking a depressant and a stimulant together
>why am I not stimulated
inb4 one of those retards who think that alcohol is a stimulant
i drink them a lot without alcohol tho,i just love the taste of enrgy drinks, still no effect on me