Opinions on hard root beer? I just tried this brand and really didn't like it. The first couple sips tasted ok, but as I kept drinking an unpleasant bitter anise-y flavor built up in my mouth until I just couldn't keep drinking it. I finished about half the bottle and dumped the rest. Are there any brands you guys like?
Opinions on hard root beer? I just tried this brand and really didn't like it. The first couple sips tasted ok...
I fucking love root beer but just can't bring myself to enjoy hard root beer.it always just tastes like they added vodka or something, as opposed to ciders that had alcohol in mind from the very beginning.
Makes sense. I kept thinking that maybe this would be ok in a root beer float or something, but then I realized that there are plenty of nonalcoholic root beers that taste way better, so there would be no reason to go out of my way to make a hard root beer tolerable.
I tried Not Your Dad's I think it was called. I didn't much care for it, tasted like root beer that had gone bad.
No ones dont it right yet.
Best is not your dads, and its not even that good, im also a huge fucking rootbeer fiend.
kinda says it best.
Personally I think rum+IBC rootbeer in a vanilla float could be god tier, just enough rum for that stronger kick, but not ruining the rootbeer flavor.
I'm not clear why root beer is among the more popular directions to go with the alcopop trend, generally. The word "beer" is already there?
I'd be very interested in one that emphasized the true sassafras flavor though.
im going to shoot your dog
Wow rude
hey man what did i do to you don't touch the dog he a good boy you have something against sassafras
I love rootbeer but I can only drink one bottle of hard rootbeer before i don't want anymore
Pic related is the only hard root beer that I've really liked.
Most of them seem like they just added vanilla and called it a day.
Man hard root beer just tastes like root beer, I'm not dropping 10 bucks on something that tastes like root beer that gets me drunk. I'll just buy root beer and use the vodka that I already undoubtedly have
I fucking love root beer. I've tried several hard root beers and so far NYF's has the best that I've tasted. It actually tastes like root beer unlike other shit except with a hint of hops that's largely over-shadowed by the vanilla. I love it.
the only one I tried was way too sweet, somehow sweeter than regular root beer. not trying drink a pound of sugar to get drunk.
>paying extra for a pre mixed drink that you can mix yourself in two seconds
I'd try it as novelty. I mean I tend to go to the non-sugared classic boozy alcohols for the most part but I still like a Coca Cola every now and then.
But this shit is too expensive. Whenever I notice it at the market it's like 8 or 10 bucks for a six pack. For crying out loud that's the same price for exported beer.
For real I say try to avoid super sweet alcohols. The sugar rush of the Sugar from the Mixer plus the Sugar of the Alcohol itself leads to a really shitty crash.
Hard soda is for women and faggots, like pleb-tier ciders.
I didn't have any ginger beer for a dark and stormy so I mixed gosling's and root beer and it tasted pretty good.
Sprecher did it right. It's the only hard root beer I've found that was actually good, but it's not surprising since their actual root beer us great.
If you want something much better mix a good root beer with absinthe, it tastes amazing.