A simpler time

A simpler time...


>why pay more

Why is the bell talking?

>bacon club chalupa

>no quesarito
shit time desu

>99 cent beefy 5

>cheesy double beef burrito
So many memories.

99 cent 5-layer burrito was the pinnacle of fast food. If I could only order it..one last..time..

Number 6 steak everytime

I stewed in anger for 15 minutes earlier because I can't get a god damn .89 cent taco anymore

>no quesarito

fucking TRASH

I only order like it's 1985. Nachos supreme, Mexican pizza, taco supreme, & cinnamon twists. I only eat Taco Bell 2-3 times a year, so I want to enjoy it like when I was a kid.

ask a high volume taco bell shift manager anything

Why are you so high volume? Don't get enough exercise? Eat too much fast food?

Everyone else eats too much fucking food
It's high volume because that taco bell has been there forever
And it's on one of the busiest streets in town
We make ~190k per month

can you really get gin at taco bell?
damn that's tight

Low volume taco Bell shift manager here. How much do you make or hour?

You cannot get gin
You could probably drink the degreaser for the same effect and taste

why do you play music so loud?

>We make ~190k per month
Fuckin' A. That's almost 190 thousand tacos.

$11.50 but I haven't had my first review yet, when I do it'll be $12, then increase 0.50 cents every review

Dude I don't know but it's annoying, we can't change the volume, we can only turn the music off and on. And no I don't know why the music selection is so fucking weird, it's corporate who chooses them all

How is taco bell cheese sauce made? Please, I must know. How do I buy a crate of it?

Are you in franchise or corporate? If franchise, then it sounds like you're in a good one. The franchise I'm in is terrible. Absolutely shit. Being at a low volume store doesn't make it better either.

Nacho cheese?
All the cheese comes in bags
The nacho cheese is basically put in the rethermalizer to "cook"
To 195 degrees

I'm in a franchise

I don't know how you can buy any of the cheese though
I think the only way is to bribe a restaurant general manager to buy an extra crate of cheese desu

do you even like tacobell anymore?

The naked chalupas are overpriced and pretty hit or miss. But when you do get a good one it's fucking great. I wish they'd bring back the $1 double stacked tacos, those are a godsend when you're broke.

How long in advance do they give you before they drop something like the naked chalupa on you?

>Drive-Thru Diet
>They're good because they have less Fat

Kek Taco Bell Bell confirmed for being sentient.

I still do like taco bell.... also I get free food as a manager too, free fucking taco bell and I can make whatever creations I want

I had to regularly made 20 of those fucking things because they were only a dollar. Also technically you can still make the nacho cheese double stack but we won't sell it to you lol

They give us about 2-3 weeks in advance to do the training to know how to make food and stuff


holy shit I want a volcano taco so bad

what's your next promotional item and is it even worth my time if it's not the volcano quesarito?

ay yo why is your freeze machine always broke fix that shit

We don't know yet
We don't have one on the menu yet
Like when we take orders
Oh but we're getting new shredded chicken and the Spanish rice is replacing the Latin rice at some point soon
Maybe in summer

p.s, these comments are taken from the manager from facebook. im just redirecting them here

>order chalupa combo
>they give me the quesadilla combo

I DON'T KNOW those machines are SHIT. Sometimes too it's that they don't defrost quickly enough between the freezes we make, so it's like... it's working, but the syrup needs time to freeze, and if it sits too long then it has to defrost.
Tldr; they suck and managers hate them because we always have problems with them.

I miss the volcano sauce.

>drive-thru diet

holy shit I make 12 plus tips as a fucking stock guy at an electronic store.

>just ate 5 mini chicken quesadillas, a steak quesarito, a cheezy gordita crunch (I think? the tortilla and hard shell, and two soft tacos

>Diablo sauce is only as spicy as normal Texas Pete (literally just ate them together)

>volcano menu
I'm fucking crying now bros.. It isn't fair..

*says as a heart attack issues*

frutistas were my jam how the fuck did I forget those were a thing

t. r/cooking

why do you get tipped as a stock guy?

I make more money as a kitchen assistant. I don't have to manage people either

last time they had volcano menu I paid about $12 a bag for lava sauce, bought 4 bags and they lasted me a couple months, I put that shit on EVERYTHING


Ask for the manager and tell them you want to buy a bag of cheese. Tell them you'll pay the equivalent price in sides of nacho cheese.
Figure how many ounces in a cup of cheese, divide by how much cheese is in a bag, and have them ring you up for that much cheese. You'll probably pay like 15 fucking bux but you'll get your cheese if you want it.

>we won't sell it to you
What kind of fucking manager are you?
You ring them up for a Dorito taco, add red strips, add nacho cheese, add an extra tortilla. Charge them like $3 for their damn Double Stack if they want it so bad. Holy shit.
I made food for 4 years and my motto was "if you want it, we'll make it and find a way to charge you for it."

(kinda) worked for subway

volcano nachos 3.75

cup of water filled with soda at the
fountain 0.00

cheesy potato burrito 2.49

being a teen again skipping school to get high and eat taco bell with friends (priceless)

>cup of water filled with soda at the fountain
This is why I deny those at my store.

Oh man all that $.0004 you're losing on soda really cuts into your bottom line, I guess little Timmy won't get that surgery he needs

all that shit except the value menu is way more expensive than it is now

Fucking THIS.
Go classic or go home.
Do you remember when their taco supreme was actually big?

Gimme that enchirito.

Can't afford it don't buy it, faggot
Their profit margin is none of your concern

Indeed. Indeed. Fuck fast food got expensive in the last few years. I can remember soft tacos going for 79 cents. I remember when a $5 bill was all you needed to eat like a stoner king at the Bell. Also, Subway had $5 footlongs for practically everything on the menu.

bacon club chalupa is goat fast food product
it's till comes back occasionally
too bad it's like the most expensive single item they ever sell now

i don't buy it which is why i steal it from you instead lol

>tfw you will never head to the nearby McDonald's or Taco Bell and get a hearty snack for 99c after a long day of skateboarding with your homies ever again

why live

The queso crunch wrap was discontinued back in '06 I think. No pesky lettuce getting in the way. Also, the chili cheese burrito was and is still glorious.

>ywn skateboard in the church parking lot with your best buddy again

Taco Bell has never been good. It is quite literally the very worst fast food chain to have ever existed

>ywn talk about raises in terms of fucking cents
feels good man, I would probably kill myself if I was an hourly wagecuck

>you'll never go see a movie on Saturday night with your bros, only to come back to your rich friend's house after stopping by taco bell and sneaking his parent's beers while you play halo 2 until the sun comes up

The new rice sucks ass! I miss the Mexican rice

>that time in your life when you didn't even need to plan a specific time to hang out with your friends you just hung out regularly

i got one of those XXL stuffed burritos a few days ago and it was disgusting

never ordering something i'm not already familiar with again

taco bell has always been good. it is quite literally the best fast food chain to have ever existed.

When I take people's shit out to their cars (tvs, washing machines, etc) they give me a few bucks often. I'm working in a wealthy area so I routinely get a 5 or a 10, I probably average about 20 extra dollars a day.

Alright bros, what's the most price efficient way to eat Tbell these days?
5 buck box I think

thos $2 meal deals were fucking legit

cravings deal is GOAT

What kind of subhuman Mongoloid cunt cuts a burrito in half

fast food reviewers

>good grilled stuft burritos
>cheesy double beef
>nacho cheese chalupas
>volcano menu still there
>79/89/99 menu
>bacon club chalupas

This was the pinnacle of Taco Bell's menu. I'd give anything to get it back.

You ruined taco bell

>Fooood Review
Did anyone else read that in reviewbrah's voice?

This thread is making me want Taco Bell. Thinking about going for lunch. What should I get?


I'll have two volcano tacos and one order of volcano nachos please

Alright boys lets live mas!

So much food! What should I dig into first?

Taco salad with chicken

how often do you clean the meat hose?

Gonna start things out with the burrito supreme. Loaded up with Diablo sauce of course!

Dip everything in the cheese if you're not a pleb

Im so lucky I have roomates that are bros. We can just hang out after a long days work.

I still do this except now it's at the bar.