How can I replicate this, Veeky Forums?
How can I replicate this, Veeky Forums?
God shes so fucking useless
do they taste good?
they look like a shit
Period pancakes probably taste better than that shit
It's just food coloring
Real blood turns black when cooked
It's kinda scary that you know that.
Your kinda dumb for not realising that blood coagulate.
You could play along you know. It's more fun that way.
You never eaten black pudding?
I eat ur mums cunny ever cycle
Nope, that's English right? I never knew they ate darkies over there. We treat the spooks pretty good down here in the great US of A, even had one as a president for awhile.
I dunno, but it looks pretty good. I've had spinach tortillas before.
Good post.
so what's worse:
unshapely spinach "pancakes" or well done steak with ketchup?
the pancakes obviously
>pancakes are tasty
>spinach is tasty
>a pancake that has been flipped wrong can be unsightly without the flavor (already established as 'tasty') changing
I wouldn't take them from Chelsea Clinton on principle, but I want to try making them myself.
xxkmason's response is gold
You fools
We have spinach pancakes all the time in finland, they are better than regular pancakes, quite delicious.
Google "pinaattiletut" and google translate.
speaks the truth