Whiskey Thread?
What are you currently drinking?
Currently enjoying Lagavulin 16
and just bought a bottle of Té Bheag
Whiskey Thread?
What are you currently drinking?
Currently enjoying Lagavulin 16
and just bought a bottle of Té Bheag
I am pursuing a housing situation in which I have ample access to some norm sized black cock.
happy for you
>makes a whiskey thread
>posts whisky
wheres that /sodapop/ thread
I was thinking of getting the lagavulin, how is it? Since it's islay i Imagine a nice peat flavor?
I like this stuff.
Not OP, but had it before. It is really nice, very peaty but not abrasive and in your face like Laphroaig 10 is. It is much more complex and sophisticated. I like it a lot, although personally I prefer Ardbeg 10.
Off to Costco soon to pick up a bottle, they had Laphroaig QC in for £26 last time I was in so hopefully they still have a few bottles left
nice and peaty but it's not going to going to smother out the more complex flavors like a 10 yr or 12 yr would do, smokey (really smooth rather than harsh), woody, tastes of vanilla. surprisingly sweet, surprisingly smooth and rich other than dat laphroaig 10
genuinely some of the best whiskey, especially if you like smokey whiskey
Ardbeg 10 is fucking great, but I personally prefer this
Laphroaig QC is the best Laphroaig
dalmore is a meme
This is a food board, discussion of poisons belongs on /b/ or /out/.
I'm not drinking anything except water, fruit punch or coffee because I love myself and I don't hate my life unlike you degenerates.
Yes thats whats his review says
>love yourself
okay pal
ralfy is a hack
Horst Luening is better
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that you have severe brain damage. Let me put it to you simpler, KILL YOURSELF JUNKIE
caffeine is a meme that doesn't taste good
Horst is a sell out in way but I do enjoy his reviews also. Ralfy is just comfy watching, not for actual reviews, but there's some actual useful info in his videos, they are high quality and its like watching a TV show. Actual reviews sites like whiskybase and stuff is where you should get your info from.
Horst is a sellout but he doesn't bullshit in his reviews
ralfy has some good info, but the reviews are shit, not really comfy but entertaining and engaging
whiskeybase is alright but I like videos most of all
At least it doesn't fucking kill you.
>doesn't taste good
child detected. go sip your daddys spoiled oat juice you little faggot.
Real men drink their coffee black (with 2 frozen eggs)
>caffeine is a meme
>meme = overrated
Underage detected.
On frosty jacks ATM. Ama
coffee makes me want to kill myself because it's so shiiiitttt
enjoy your hipster bars with de constructed coffee
underage = overage
overage = meme
middleage detected
>coffee makes me want to kill myself
I'm sure living your shit faggy life is what really makes you want to kill yourself, just do it pussy. Literally no one would care and the few people that pretend that they do would be relieved instead of watching some autistic faggot drink himself to death.
pretty decent
Milleniel logic.
>I sure do love this authentic Whiskey *pours into sippy cup) mmmmm *sip* so good rotten oats and farts burning my mouth mmmm MMMM! *gulp gulp gulp* DURRRR HURRRRRDURRRRR I LUV WHISKY *throws sippy cup on the floor and grabs bottle* DURRRR *CHUG CHUG CHUG* hurrrrrrr why is mu hlife shit *drink drink sob*
Pathetic as fuck. At least drink something that actually tastes good.
You really have shit taste buds friend, probably some medical problem actually, do you take some meds? Not even in my youngest years did I hate coffee, I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I hated fish and tomatoes for some reason. Now I still don't enjoy fish that much but tomatoes and stuff taste ok since our pallets develop and diminish in some aspects. So either your young, delusional or sick.
How does it taste? Never drank japanese whiskey since its overpirced (not a singlemalt or kentucky straight, no age statement, low abv, pricier)
back to alcopops with you.
It tastes like literal feces fermented in a wooden barrel like all other whiskys, I just like the label and because its Japanese.
>you will never be this upset over someone enjoying something
>enjoying something
Ah yes like heroin junkies "enjoy" getting a fix.
The adults (See: Non-millenial drug addicts) are having a conversation about coffee, now leave.
caffeine makes people so angry
wow i got rekt
enjoy your WKD
sure it's great
I don't like liquid poo
caffeine drinkers know all about getting their "fix"
Maybe if you drank coffee instead of cum and tears you wouldn't be so salty.
been fun chatting with you fuckfaces
going to work
au revoir
I know it's early in the day but I'm sure the gloryhole you attend will pick up enough traffic to where you don't have to shitpost on your phone in between sucking cocks.
don't get service anyway
sucks my man
no innuendo intended
What is this fag shitting in a whiskey thread. Fucking fag go somewhere else and post RELATED stuff and stuff wasting your time, posting angrily in whiskey breads wont brink your alchie dad back
Alcohol is a drug, NOT a food item.