So like what's the deal with pineapple pizza, why do people hate it so much?
It's just a topping, you don't see me shitting on people for putting anchovies or tomato slices on pizza, it's just fruit.
So like what's the deal with pineapple pizza, why do people hate it so much?
It's just a topping, you don't see me shitting on people for putting anchovies or tomato slices on pizza, it's just fruit.
All three of those things share tastes with the pizza already. Pineapple doesn't mesh, and tastes disgusting warm just as cheese tastes gross with a fruity sweetness added.
The pizza and pineapple actively make each other worse.
>just fruit
I don't mind sweet with savory, and I love pineapple, but it's a wasted topping and a watery mess. Anchovies actually impart a savory, salty taste (like my cum in your mom's mouth).
>asking a majority American board about pizza
Pissing in the wind, user.
but pizza is american....
inb4 an Italian insists you're SUPPOSED TO use an insufficient amount of cheese and undercook the dough
They don't have cheese in America so they're very unlikely to have pizza.
Pineapple is not sweet. It is sour, and full of umami and enzymes that tenderize meat.
>being such a simpleton you must rely on copying the same insult you were rightfully called and then as a retort misspelling it with the language your ancestors invented
Pizza is Italian in origin, and a huge Italian American thing. Nobody gets bent out of shape when the toppings resemble things you might fins on a pizza in Italy. But in North America (and Japan, for that matter) some pizza makers take great glee in coming up with the most outrageous pizzas possible. Pineapple and Canadian bacon was that back in the 60's. BBQ chicken was that in the 90's. Today it's Buffalo chicken with ranch dressing. And pic related. LC's is doing BBQ beef now, too. These pizzas are retarded, and Hawaiian pizza pretty much got the ball rolling on this level of retardation. It's the symbol of taking a good idea like pizza and fucking it up just because you can.
It's bread and cheese
It's fucking bread and cheese
pinneapple is sour and it's not watery, what the hell
>being such a simpleton you find Donald funny
Pineapple is sweet retards. Just because it burns your mouth doesn't make the actual taste sour. What nigga ever puckered his lips on pineapple
So is a grilled cheese sandwich, a Danish and bagel with a schmear. And if someone started selling grilled cheese with fruit cocktail in it, a kale Danish or a bagel with sloppy joe on it I'd call bullshit as well. It's perfectly OK if a food item is bullshit. Look at BK chicken fries or a TB quesarito. Or a fucking ramen burger. These things are bullshit as well.
it depends where it grows
Pizza sauce and pineapple are both sweet/acidic. If fruits, sweets, or acids don't belong on a pizza have fun going sauce-less. pls cry more about the texture of a baked fruit and how unfamiliar things are yucky.
'wasted topping'
'watery mess'
sounds like the problem revolves around ordering from a shitty pizza place that charges for fruit/veg toppings and doesn't drain their shitty canned pineapple well enough.
jesus, you're fucking dense. Pineapple, dependent on varietal and the region it was grown, can lean more towards sweet or more towards acidic. It's probably best described as tart, because it is sugary while also being acidic.
Ham and pineapple: Tasty combo, releasing flavors from ham, tenderizing, and adding mild acidity and quickly-caramelizing sugars while cooking.
Pizza: Fucking excellent, already based around a sauce made of sweet and acidic tomato, and capable of accepting meat and non-meat toppings
Ham and pineapple pizza: bullshit disgusting non-food who the fuck eats this? It clearly doesn't comply with the basic pepperoni-and-cheese structure I have limited pizza time to. Yucky.
Please explain anti-pineapple pizza sentiments from a culinary point-of-view instead of 'ew, yucky' or 'it doesn't belong there'.
i dont mind it BUT i hate hot pineapple.
>tI clearly doesn't comply with the basic pepperoni-and-cheese structure I have limited pizza time to.
I'm no fan of pepperoni, either. But at least it makes sense. Salumi is not beyone the pale when it comes to pizza. But pepperoni is a shit quality product, thus only appropriate for shit quality pizza.
>Please explain anti-pineapple pizza sentiments from a culinary point-of-view
There's no relation to anything Italian about it. Some Greek in the middle of nowhere Canada came up with it. Yes, it's novel. Ham served with canned pineapple was a thing back in the '60's. She just put it on a pizza. And it's not that it doesn't work - ham and pineapple do work together because the sweet acidity acts as a counterpoint to the salty fatty ham. Just like the tomato sauce on the pizza is the sweet acid counterpoint to the salty fatty cheese. So far so good. But put it all together and you have two unrelated acid counterpoints playing against two salty fatty things. The ham and cheese get along fine, but the pineapple fights with the tomato. In the amount typically applied to a Hawaiian pizza it completely overwhelms the sauce and most of the flavor the cheese brings to the party. Plus its excessive sweetness dominates, making the experience more like eating a salty, greasy cheese danish instead of a pizza. You're throwing off the balance by using too much of an ingredient that's gonna dominate everything, even if it ought to work conceptually.
>pizza sauce
LaRosa's get out
Its more of an acquired taste Like Coffee. I can only really eat it in small quantities
Which is unironically shit
I completely agree with everything you said. A small slice of pineapple goes great with a big salty gammon steak, but pizza is a far more delicate grouping of flavours. It doesn't hold up to the sweetness of pineapple.
oh, you can't read either
i should have figured silly me
>he just keeps copying what other people say
>he just parrots insults
I'm sure it could work if the pieces of pineapple were really small and sparingly applied, but that's never the case.
>There's no relation to anything Italian about it.
Neither is pizza
even if it was, so what?
Are you the asshole that gets mad when someone eats eggs for dinner?
Do you accept chicken and waffles only because it's a black thing?
it's just so gross, sweet and crunchy and soggy and kind of bitter - like what the fuck is going on?
one time me and two friends ordered two pizzas and they insisted on getting pineapple on one, so as soon as it showed up i grabbed 2/3rds of the pepperoni one. they didn't like it but fuck them, they want pineapple they can eat pineapple.
>a shitty pizza place that charges for fruit/veg toppings
you mean all of them except the one place you apparently order from? i've never in my life seen a pizza place that charged less for onion than they did for ham.
My point was that the balance between tomato and cheese on a pizza is a more subtle thing, whereas the balance between pineapple and ham is anything but. So bring pineapple to the party and you obliterate everything else. It's the same reason BBQ chicken pizza or Buffalo chicken pizza don't work - the BBQ and Buffalo sauce just obliterate all the other flavors. That fact that none of this shit would ever be done in Italy just backs up the idea that when you have a good set of traditional values around cuisine you don't let stupid shit like this to stand.
>That fact that none of this shit would ever be done in Italy
again, what does italy have to do with anything? It certainly has nothing to do with pizza.
Why do burgers open those threads to larp as eurocucks and talk to themselves all the time
>It certainly has nothing to do with pizza.
It kinda does. Because what do all the shitty pizzas out there have in common? They don't resemble anything you could find in Italy.
oh, I get it, you have the brain damage.
It's literally become a normie meme to have a hyperbolic hatred towards pineapple on pizza.
Just admit you fell for the contrarian normie meme so we can move on
Brain damage is putting ranch dressing on pizza.
I live in georgia, ranch is basically ketchup here
ever see ranch on a steak? I can say I have.
pizza is a vegetable
ranch goes on vegetables
it's not rocket surgery
FUCK pineap-
Wait, what did you say about my mom and your cum?
Because of today's shitty Social-Media ways a simple and innocent joking comment said to a child by a president of another country was misconstrued as being a maniacal order.
People can put whatever the fuck they want on their pizza, and if anyone works at a pizza place and someone orders toppings you don't like... you still have to put them on.
>It's just a topping, you don't see me shitting on people for putting anchovies or tomato slices on pizza
I will gladly shit on people who put anchovies on pizza, or anything else. Anchovies should be outlawed as an ingredient.
Pineapple is great though, and sweetens the taste of a pizza nicely when used together with ham and blue cheese.
Nigger fuck off, it has a more extreme version of a tomato's flavor profile.
You're objectively wrong. There are scientific studies on how multiple deficiencies in your brain's chemistry has led it to perform incorrect thought processes.
New York City makes you look like a retard
>Anything other than cheese on my Pizza
Mango is the superior alternative to pineapple for a similar flavor and texture.
>mango pulled pork pizza
Thank you jesus
Get off your cripple cart and say that.
I've had BBQ Chicken pizza with bacon and Pineapple.
That was the only way it worked for me
it's always tepid and watery, too sweet and clashes horribly with the tomato and cheese.
>Pineapple is not sweet
OP is right. Pineapple is almost identical to tomato.
Pineapple pizza with blue cheese: discuss.
Das sum bullshit right there
use dried you cunt
>this level of brain science
>on Veeky Forums of all places
I'm impressed