Hello Veeky Forums

Hello Veeky Forums
I have come down with a sudden flu.
Would you know any foods to help with this?

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Flu = Virus

Drink a lot of fluids so I guess soup would be good. Other than that you just have to wait for your body to fight it off.

I just came here to thank you for the blini image.


I usually get over the flu in 2 days by drinking a shit ton of water, good juice or eat an acai bowl, sleep, ibuprofen when the fever gets bad, and finally when I'm recovering I eat a big fat meal.

lol that guys gonna end up with mice in his car

Jesus what a disgusting savage. I can't even imagine what the rest of his car looks like.

Literally nature's medicine.

firt i have a big swallow of Buckleys, which is superpowered canadian cough syrp. get it or something similar.

then i make a pitcher or two of orange juice, with sprite mixed in if i've got it. and make some chicken noodle soup.

then after you're all loaded up on fluids, grab a heated blanket and a hooded sweater, and sweat it all out.

If that faggot cat ever pawed at my food id snap its arms and legs and then bash it against the wall by its tail until it was close to death then I'd stamp it's fucking brains out


Fuck you nigger, kot is life.

mods, pls ban, kot will not tolerate this

thou art a cuckold and a fool

Everyone around you knows you own a cat, you smell of urine and don't even know it. Pathetic to be subservient to an animal that makes you BEG for attention from it. Sad. Bigly.

Get a real pet, pic related.

>what the rest of his car looks like.
clean as fuck because he puts all the trash down the shift hole


is that a capybara?

Behead those who insult blini.


All the kotenok in the world will die because of your post, gopnik.

Enjoy your toxoplasmosis. Slave.


Go clean your animals crap sand contraption, please.

>he said as he shilled his shitty pet

Doggos are good too, but I'm sorry to say your doggo is ugly as fuck.

That's the brain parasite you picked up from your cat talking...shhh, hush now. Peace be with you, poor things.

Honestly those breeds are fucking bizarre. I have a mutt rescue. He's a good boy.

Just went to a ramen place for my cold since the weekend. Good for those electrolytes. Any bone broth will do

Orange juice and hot-and-sour soup

Echinacea boosts the immune system and is a antiviral.

Can be found in most health food sections as a supplement for the immune system.

Shiitake mushrooms are compared to some of the most powerful medication.

Best way to find dried shiitake mushrooms them is to get this brand and flavor of instant ramen from your local grocery store.
Chow Mein Teriyaki Beef Flavor Chow Mein Noodles

Dandelions are higher in vitamin C than any food. You can get a dry tea pack or pick them. But they have to be from a area free of pollution and pesticides. Only plants that have not flowered yet.

Immune system boosting tea speeds recovery time:

1 tbs dried shiitake mushrooms.
1tsp of ginger
1 tsp of dried echinacea
1/2 tsp orange peels
1 tsp dried dandelion leaves.
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp ginger

>Bring water to rolling boil on stove
>Add shit
>Turn down heat till it is simmering.
>Cover with a lid and let it cook for 15 minutes.
>Strain into cup
>Cover with something (measuring cup fits exactly right over a cup)
>This is called steeping
>Steep the concoction for up to 10 minutes.
>I must warn you, dandelions taste like dirt and it will taste more bitter the longer it steeps.

Woops, meant 1/4 tsp of ginger. Shit is powerful.

How to waste time and money in several easy steps.

I'll waste you you fucking cunt. Fucking little faggot where do you live? I'll fucking destroy you

Check your basement.

On a Thinkpad. I love you.


campbell's chicken noodle soup and sprite

looks like an ugly bitch bull terrier


It's a fucking nigger dog

Kot is really getting obese

Hot green tea with lemon and honey
Qt3.14 trap gf to rub your toesies


For me, it's the bacon egg and cheese.

That's some anime edginess right there.


Get some spicy food and sweat it out.

How long do I have to submit?

If you have a flu you need to eat hotdogs, milk, and a cat

Masturbate till you cum out red puss


When i had it a couple weeks ago, i made a depth charge of a pint of strong cider heated with a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of ginger with a quadruple brandy dropped in, and drank it sitting in a bath as hot as i could bear, to help sweat out all the virus.
I dont think it helped much. I was sick as a pig for days.

>allowing a bag of worms near food

bruh, bull terriers are some of the dopiest dogs, it's great. Them and Amstaffs, it's like having a big warm log that wants to sit on you and play with its kong

anyways OP, Pho is your friend, especially with lime and chile

That's a cute floof.

That's an ugly fucking dog. Atleast get something fluffy and cute, like a husky or some shit.

get some garlic in you
