What makes chocolate milk so good?
What makes chocolate milk so good?
Fat and sugar.
I assume it's sugar.
But it's still good when you make it with other sweeteners, so there must be more to it.
Powdered Negroe
powdered niggertoes?
if no one has mentioned yet, its probably the sugar content.
that, or sugar.
All sweeteners are sugar or trying to emulate sugar.
So the answer is still sugar.
In addition to the sugar and cocao fat which themselves are addicting, chocolate as a package is a little pharmacy which includes caffeine plus phenylethylamine, theobromine, anandamide, tyramine, and tryptophan all of which individually act as mild stimulants, metabolize into serotonin or increase dopamine production, or activate the same cannabinoid and opiod receptors as weed/morphine in a much less strong manner.
Then you dissolve it into dairy which has more sugar (lactose) and fat and another chemcial called casein which when digested forms casomorphin, another opiate though in small quantities (which are highly concentrated however when turned into cheese).
So you start out with a base of sugar and fat, dissolve it into a solution of more sugar and more fat. Throw in a serving of caffeine, as well as a whole drug store list of natural chemicals that are are biologically active in the brain's pleasure circuit and you have the perfect recipe for a substance that is more physiologically desirable than the sum of it's parts.
This combination is also most likely, IMO, the reason why milk chocolate as opposed to dark came to become the most popular variety.
Forgot to add, this is also where, IMO, the initial stereotype of the depressed women setting in her bed eating a few pints of chocolate Häagen-Dazs came from. These chemicals + sugar/fat content in the dairy/chocolate are all concentrated in super-premium ice cream form/bonbons vs. liquid milk and (like morphine) act as a very, very, mild anesthetics and mood enhancers for when you are feeling bad (have emotionally-induced brain chemical deficiencies).
Sad chicks are self-medicating with a spoon.
I make chocolate milk with just cowboys powder and milk. Sometimes i cook it with some cornstarch to thicken it then chill it because store bought chocolate milk always seems to be thicker than normal milk and i think it makes it better.
So why can I chug warm chocolate milk so fast as opposed to other liquids?
Well aside from sugar, it also has chocolate. I assume that may have some influence
>cowboys powder
your addiction to sugar.
Being 7 years old
I prefer regular.
What's with all the hate?
the chocolate naturally makes the milk creamier and smoother to drink
I have a friend that works at a very large dairy. She will never drink chocolate milk. They use the very bottom dregs of the "barrel." It's full of blood send puss. Have fun drinking your chocolate milk
I too have a friend that works in a dairy but they said it's just regular milk mixed with flavouring, colouring and sweetener
All milk is full of blood and pus. That is why they pasteurize it you double nigger.
>It's full of blood send puss.
So it's like a pussy? Sounds delicious. Grow a pair son.
"All Milk is filled with blood and puss" Yep, and that's why I don't drink milk. It's from an animal that has four stomachs. It is for a calf that weighs 20 pounds at birth and in a month it weighs 100 pounds. It's also full of hormones and anti-biotics. It's pretty much the worse things you can put into your body.