How much flour do you crust your grilled cheese with?

How much flour do you crust your grilled cheese with?

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You guys know Tom is a troll right?

not sure if genius or troll

what makes you say that?


he's just eccentric

It's difficult for me to imagine what this accent sounded like when spoken by young people.

blame globalism for taking our regional identities away from us


According to linguists, regional accents are actually becoming more prominent.

>7:30 in
>finger licking good

It's so easy to be an internet troll if you're old. Everyone will just think you're senile or old-fashioned.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

I lost it at sprinkles

>now that's good watermelon

Where are the raisins

Honestly as retarded as this sounds, a bit of flour on top of creamy spread butter would be good, kinda like a roux cooking the bread

I'd eat this over anything that heavily-shilled shitlord would ever touch.


Source? Sounds like total bullshit, considering people spend more and more of their day watching television and youtube videos of people around the world.

this guy seems odd, I can get into odd but it needs to be said. definitely an odd guy