Have you ever bought a meal for a homeless guy?

Have you ever bought a meal for a homeless guy?

no. fuck the homeless.

mostly they're not homeless, they live in rooming houses, collect welfare, and can't supplement their welfare with paper-trail income so they just beg to get cash.

any one of them could easily be a dishwasher or construction site laborer but they won't

I may murder one if I encounter a situation where I can get away with it.

Yes but just the white ones.

Sometimes give them leftovers from a restaurant.

No but I buy them entertainment as I throw firecrackers at them as they sleep under the overpass.

It's important to give back.

No, I just buy them drugs instead.

If petrol stations do that 1 bottle of water for $3 or 3 for $4 business I'll get the extras and hand them out to whoever I come across that looks hot or thirsty.

you need to go back to /b/ for another ~6 months

Or maybe you need to go back to >>>/reddit/ permanently. Sorry I work hard and don't feel like giving a free handout to the guy who gets fucked up half the day and panhandles for the rest.

Oh wait, I'm not sorry at all.

No, im borderline homeless myself so fuck them. I've never asked for a handout

Faggots like you are so obnoxious

Yeah. It makes me feel good inside. :)

$3 for one bottle of water? That's insane. You sound nice though.

Yup, several times.
I also keep bottled water, towels, and blankets in my trunk to hand out to homeless people.
However, if they want money, they rarely get it, unless they sit through my lecture about using it to buy good stuff first before buying their smack. ;)

No, I live in Finland and only people who are homeless are that by their own choice.

[spoiler]Benis :D[/spoiler]

All they want is beer or cigarettes

I fed homeless cats in Japan once.

>hey buddy can ya spare some change...?

no how about you put down the pipe and pick up some work boots you societal draining family disappointing city debeautifying passive aggressive piece of trash

>I understand, god bless

every goddamn time with these faggots

You sound pretty cringy yourself my
Man. Just don't answer then

No. Feeding wild animals creates dependent populations that are incapable of feeding themselves.


Sort of?

>Guy outside a wendy's a million fucking years ago begging for money to get something to eat.
>get my shit, on a whim decide to get him a burger and fries too
>if I was the type of queer cunt to believe in angels and miracles and shit I'd say it was some kind of shit like that, but they probably just fucked my change up becaise I ended up not being charged for the homeless guy's food.

Nah, I don't really do sympathy very well. My brother gave a homeless guy a beer once and he was super excited about it. Makes sense I guess, cut out the middle-man

Even $4 for 3 sounds insane to me.
Here a sixpack of 1.5l bottled water costs $3-$4 without any special "sales".

Just get out scum.

sounds like he's in australia considering he calls it a petrol station

as a social worker currently employed at what the americans here would call a halfwayhouse/shelter:

bullshit. at least in europe the people living in the streets mostly have some sort of untreated mental disorder and CANNOT live a normal live. plenty of help around but they are just unable to live like we do because that would mnean to accdeept that help and change. substance abuse also plays a big role in this, so does low iq (honestly, look it up)


almost nobody is homeless by choice. most of them have some form of reasoning behind it but i would not call it being homeless by choice

most young homeless actually do work but as they get older their bodies and minds weaken way more due to their living arrangements (and the afforementioned substance abuse). this is why most of the permanent inhabitants of shelters are 50+ years old.

that beeing said: i dont give the homeless anything.

We don't have homeless people here in Branson.

here in Argentina there are good homeless who always give them change whenever I can
and fucking children that are paco consumers that will not doubt in stab you 7 times in gangs to steal everything from you and use it to keep consumig that shit

>As a naive European communist, I'm going to post bullshit responses without sources to back them up


i can assure i am not a communist there are not many studies about but i can reccomend the fichter studie munich 1994 or the SEEWOLF studie. they are in german so fuck you

No because Romanian niggers need to get the fuck out of my city and my country

Fuck them. Most homeless people in my are are fucking scammers. I wish them all a painful and slow death.

>go to 7/11
>Pull out gift card
>teller asks me how to use it
>I don't fucking know, that's your job
>shrugs at me and says he doesn't know
>alright, get me your manager
>he's not here
>then just fucking forget it, I'm never coming back
>run into bicycle hobo right outside, who stops me for his speech
>Hey-o man I'm not even going to ask you for money, but I need a place to stay, so I'll walk with you to the hostel and you can give the front desk the money
>I stay silent, as I tend to do
>He continues to say:
>or anything you can give me
>I wasn't going to give him something, but then I remembered the gift card
>Here, take this. There's money on it, but the cashier doesn't know how to do his job
>I give him a cigarette I found on the ground too
>I turn to leave
>ayo, I still need money for the hostel
>I just gave you seven dollars and a cigarette
>but I can't use a gift card at the hostel
>I know

hope he's a dick to the 7/11 people

It's not angels or bullshit like that but good things like that happen all the time

>I've never asked for a handout

i bought a homeless guy a beer once. when i tried to strike up a conversation it became very obvious he was so excited to have alcohol he couldn't finish a sentence, so it was mostly gibberish. it was sad, and i'll never do it again.

Just once - a man asked me to buy him sth to eat, I bought him a loaf of bread, margarine and some luncheon meat. I wasn't earning any money back than, but still had some hard feelings about buying hm shit food. Now I would like to give someone in desperate need couple jars of jam, pickles or tomatoe sauce I've made, some frozen home made food I store in my freezer, butter, good bread, some bottled water, matches and a blanket.

No I can't even afford my own food

I forgot to mention also that I'd suck there dick and tuck them into their amassed blanket pile. Hopefully they have somewhere to store all the shit I feel like handed out to them knowing that they don't.

what is a paco?


Never money.

I used to care about the homeless until weed got legalized here in Seattle and all the dumbasses were like dude free weed and moved here without money or shelter. They're all homeless. Guess what? You need momey for legal weed. Fuck those cunts

The other day some black dude with only a couple of teeth in his mouth, smiled funny at me, while sitting there, begging.
I bought a Mcchicken, opened it and snorted in it.
He looked so happy when I gave it to him.

fucking kek

Yes. I bought a homeless guy Chick-fil-a one time since he sat outside of it on regular basis with his dog.

I offered him the meal and he was a complete cunt about it. Said he, "already gots a bunch today so I just gonna feed it to the dog" in the smarmiest way possible.

I fucking ate that shit in front of him and never broke eye contact.

>Helping the homeless, ever

All poor people should be killed.

>by my edge

I did once.
>Hobo was kicked out of the Chinese restaurant I was eating at.
>Went outside after I finished and told him I'd buy him some food.
>He asks for a burger with fries.
>Hit the Burger King next door and get him some random burger meal with the works.
>Go back outside to see him being arrested.
>mfw I get second lunch.

>almost nobody is homeless by choice

I live near Berkeley, California and I would like to have a word with you.

Let us not forget the professional beggars that make upwards of six figures in annual income hidden in the big cities

>See a bum on his Blackberry
>wait, what
>it's a fucking scam

>See different "homeless" people in the same spot with the same 'Please help, homeless' sign.
>The fuckers are taking turns panhandling.

>people begging in front of the grocery store making $50/hr
>people bagging inside of the grocery store making $8/hr

really gives the ol' brain a strain

Yeah i bought him a cheese burger and he threw it on the ground and spit on it and said he wanted cash.

He smelt like alcohol so that fucking piece of shit was probably going to buy some drugs or liquor

Most of them have some sort of mental illness, hence the reason they can't get a job.

Na, seeing as I am technically homeless, but not jobless, myself.
A kid gave me $20 for letting him pet and hold some kittens I tried to sell once after saying I looked like shit.
He seemed like a good lad.

he gave you $20 out of pity/charity, not "for" anything

>Get off work.
>A thunderstorm had passed earlier, could still smell the rain in the air.
>Go to a store I frequent after work to get booze, see a soaked looking guy sitting by the door.
>He asks me if I could buy him some food.
>Decide fuck it, walk him in the store, past the booze, over to the deli, let him pick out what he wants.
>Gets a sandwich pack.
>And a soda.
>Pay for it and walk him out.
>The Cashier asks me point blank during the transaction if he asked me to do this.
>Tell her not to worry about it.
>Can feel her glaring as we leave.
>Watch him leave, grateful for some food.
>Go back inside and buy my box of wine.
Fucking cunt.

Liberals chose that path, user.


>owned a tortilla shop with dad
>one day random dude comes asking for a few tortillas
>gave him some, he looked like a homeless
>i started working in the mornings and didn't saw him for a while
>saw him coming and my dad told him to leave
>guy came everyday asking for. free tortillas

also there was this other guy who came wanting free tortillas too, one day he tried to sell us expired frozen food he found on a supermarket dumpster

>Can feel her glaring as we leave.

i think it was more of the fact that you brought him into the store rather than just you buying him stuff.

Straight from my paycheck.

My college had a 2 for 1 deal for whoppers at the local burger king. There were always homeless guys hanging around. One of them asks me for change so I say "how about I get you a whopper bro" So I go get 2 since one was free and hand it to him, then he says "where's the change?"

fuck the homeless

Nah, I'm genuinely terrified of the homeless

Yeah, once. I made a bunch of money selling weed and I felt guilty about it, so I bought the homeless guy near BK anything he wanted. He also wanted to shine my shoes. I said no, but he insisted. He wanted to feel like he worked for the meal. So I let him, but goddamn it was the most awkward thing.


You see the exact same type of emergence in human behavior as you do in that of the fed birds.

I poured soda on a homeless girl who was sleeping the other day. She woke up startled and looked like she was going to cry when she realized what happened and saw me and my friends laughing at her. It's funny cause she looked like a young kid maybe 16-17. Wonder how she got in this position.

Good times.

no, we don't have real homeless, only gross gypsies.

haha nice

I once bought a homeless guy some food from walmart and when he thanked me he breathed into my mouth so i had the taste of garbage and cigarettes in the back of my throat for the next quarter hour. From that point onward I've ignored homeless people. I feel like god was telling me not to interact with trash people.

I gave a homeless guy an unopened can of bourbon and cola once but he didn't want it, he just wanted a cigarette but I don't smoke

So I drank the bourbon myself

What an ungrateful cunt

I'm black and me too desu. I've come to realize in the last 10 years of living in a predominately black area that black people suck and I would hate to prolong the life of someone just for him to likely rob or murder someone. So I purposely only help white homeless people unless a non-white guy seems alright (an RARE exception).

>decide to go for a walk around my city, with headphones of course so people will maybe get the message not to accost me
>still get street people bothering me (I prefer to call them street people rather than homeless since many of them actually have homes from scamming), salespeople trying to flag me down, psychics trying to sell me their books, rappers hawking their mixtapes, etc.
>worst of all, guy bumps into me on purpose and drops his empty bottle of wine that's in a bag, shattering it... claims that was his only bottle and he needs money for another one

If you put me in charge of quality of life in the city, I would make laws against accosting people in all of these various ways. Shit is unacceptable and probably makes people avoid walking around.

One of the first unwritten rules of polite society is to respect other people's personal space.

You should have took turns fucking her instead

We know where she sleeps we might go mess with her some more

Oh, and I forgot the other one-- I shit you not-- I'm sitting at a restaurant after my walk and this father comes in with his two kids. He loudly proclaims, "my children need your donations for the basketball blah blah blah", just blatantly doing a scam involving his kids rather than, you know, getting a real fucking job and leaving everybody else the fuck alone.

Nothing like proof that most anons are trash people.

Yes, I do. If I have a pack of smokes I'll give em one too. Never money, only food. As a loony who had to deal with that shit myself, I know what it's like to be on the short end of that stick. I'll also hand out seeds and explain that food will indeed grow from the blighted soil that enrobes most cities.

It was probably your fault. Take the fucking headphones off and be more aware of your surroundings.

its the weather senpai nobody wants to be homeless in Minnesota because they would freeze to death

I was coked up at a 7/11 at 5am and bought every corn dog they had and a bundle of bananas for the homeless people outside.

If you're talking about the guy who bumped into me, it was definitely not my fault. I saw him walking towards me and looking at me in the eyes. He did a very hammy job acting like running into me was an accident. Also pretty sure he was drunk.

>girlfriend and I leave restaurant, walking to car
>cross paths with homeless guy
>asks for change
>girlfriend is a little too kindhearted for her own good sometimes
>gf: "I'm sorry I don't, but you can have my food if you want"
>guy takes it, doesnt say thank you, just asks what it is
>gf tells him its indian food
>he grumbles "god dammit i hate that fucking shit"
>i take the bag right back out of his hands

fuck homeless people

How big are her tits? Does she have a fat pussy? What's the ass situation like?

Why not? All the other homeless have.

Seriously, rape is about 100% prevalent for women in homeless camps and 50% for men.

>I'll also hand out seeds and explain that food will indeed grow from the blighted soil that enrobes most cities.

Is that on your way to the monastery?

Get off your high horse, the only anons who are trash are the ones talking about assaulting the homeless. The notion that people are entitled to drop out of society and live off handouts is bullshit.

>i take the bag right back out of his hands

I want to believe you but I don't, you probably pussied out afraid your GF would bust your balls

True that! She's asking for it by being homeless. She is kinda hot.

For 5 years now Ive bought a bottle of cheap vodka to a homeless man who always hang around this supermarket close to where I live. The smile on his face always warms my heart and assure me im doing the right thing.

When was the last time you had sex

Last week, but are you sure you quoted the right person?

Yes. How was it?

Just chiming in, you can get a 24 pack for like $5 where I live.

let me assail your doubts, was well and truly worth a bottle of liquor

Do you have a girlfriend

Do you ever ask yourself "Why did he choose me for this?" I'm asking honestly not in a trolling way.

Yes, I was walking near a university in the city and he must have mistook me for a college kid (who would be a good mark for his scam).



I like you

Every time I say no, they always start some speech about how rough it is. Once I was finishing eating a pretzel as one was talking to me, and whipped out another [spoiler]I love pretzels[spoiler] and he just looked at me in disgust. Was hilarious desu