What defines flyover country exactly?
What defines flyover country exactly?
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In between east coast and west coast
everywhere besides CA and NY basically
Florida might also get a pass.
But people visit Las Vegas right? So what about Nevada? How about Colorado? I mean, people go there for skiing.
Proximity to a Cracker Barrel, Denny's, Culver's or Waffle House.
Anything that doesn't have some sort of major city that anyone outside the country knows about,
so everything around Chicago, between Chicago and Texas and Las Vegas and Seattle
That's fly over country
>Florida might also get a pass.
t. never visited Florida
Do foreigners not know Denver?
If it has good food and Californians, aka literally the worst kind of human to exist in our species's history, get triggered when you mention it.
Denver is King Shit of Fuck Mountain.
People who live their entire lives in fear of food that didn't come out of a box sealed in the Mondelez factory
Some guy in the other flyover thread reckons if your city has a river it's considered coastal because rivers flow inland from the sea.
Branson MO produces retards apparentally.
If you actually use the word "flyover" unironically, then its every single part of the country besides NYC and LA.
The people who live in those cities who use the term seriously, are the stereotype of "city folk" who can't even imagine stepping foot outside of the city center and think of the less developed suburb areas, or some high income coastal beach resort areas as "the country". Everywhere outside of the city is worthless to them and they imagine it's just some huge trailer park with walmarts scattered around where everyone is waiting in line to be a contestant on jerry springer.
Everyone in this thread who is trying to redefine the term to include their city or area, is just deluding themselves trying to impress people who don't even care they exist.. or they used to live in NYC/LA and moved "for work/school/family" or some other bullshit reason, and are trying to redefine the term because they realized they were an idiot and/or they're trying to defend the fact that they took a "step down" and moved to an "irrelevant" part of the country.
grey is flyover.
The parts of the country that ICBMs are going to "fly over" en route to the targets
>Flying over Alaska
>implying they aren't going to also strike silos housed in flyover states
Alaska in its entirety is flyover you dumb fuck. Nobody goes to Alaska.
>t. Georgia
nice try tyrone
You have to go out of your way to fly over alaska.
I live in North Carolina, everyone here either vacations to new york or georgia.
ITT: people who excursively eat in airport terminals
t. Never been to asia
Georgia has the busiest airport in the country.
It's the least flyover.
>doesn't know how hub and spoke works
Atlanta is full of fat fucks and deep fried food, nice try cleetus
Meme all you want, but you're objectively wrong. Sorry.
Nope, I have to go there for work every so often, Atlanta should be burned again. Just need you hillbillies to "rise again" and we'll send Sherman 2.0 to finish the job
>I live in North Carolina, everyone here either vacations to new york or georgia.
Gotcha, so other hicks consider Georgia a vacation spot. Is that supposed to change my mind?
Basically any state that could survive on its own and produces its own food.
He means Atlanta. One of the ten largest cities in the country. How is having the busiest airport in the world "flyover" in any way?
California is flyover?
any place that they eat a casserole more than once a week in
Just because you get to go to the airport for a connection doesn't mean you're not flyover
>Basically any state that could survive on its own
I'm not big on the whole urban lifestyle and I generally don't go inside the perimeter except to see family or a concert but there's no denying how massive and diverse it is. There's really nothing quaint or flyover about it. Drive a few hours in any direction and you'll find the type of people you're talking about. Sure they live in Atlanta too but they're the minority instead of the majority.
>he thinks california isn't self-sustainable
Flyover spotted.
you mean the state that's gonna be underwater in like 30 years? yeah fucking pass
>Leeches off the fed to pay for 6 million illegals
The money used for welfare checks and public assistance would bankrupt California. You guys have a bunch fags running the place.
>leeches off the fed
It pays back more than it takes, dumbshit. Why the fuck do you think it's using calexit as a bargaining chip?
Lol, go can join Kosovo and Somaliland, faggots.
>spends hours on end on Veeky Forums asking the stupidest of fucking questions
>gets threads hidden
The fuck back to your re d dit shithole.
>flyovers being colossally dumb
Color me surprised. California receives slightly less in federal dollars than it pays in.
If you don't live in New York City or Los Angeles, you are a flyover and are culturally, and culinarily, irrelevant. You should probably commit suicide as well.
>if you live in new york city you're an overconfident piece of shit who thinks the world revolves around him when in actuality nobody gives a fuck about it
oh cool
You're a giant fag. If you left the United States, you wouldn't get anymore federal aid. Just your shit hole to draw from. Good luck getting your money out of Juan and Jamaal. Your tech companies would move out too. I mean really. The country of California. Kek.
Branson, MO is more important than L.A. or NYC these days. Hollywood was talking about moving movie production over there.
California would be just fine on it's own (unlike Texas, kek), but calexit was never a serious proposal. California is too smart too leave the rest of the country in the hands of a bunch of retarded red states.
I'm not arguing for Calexit, but you're still a moron because you don't even understand the graph. California would be fine if federal funds were the only issue because it would also stop paying federal taxes, and California pays more than it takes in.
>Elects a shitty actor as governor
>Hurr durr Donald Drumpf
>no military to enforce their borders including the sea
Yup. Perfectly fine. As long as no one bothers you.
Daily reminder that (((shillary))) is a flyover fuck
Schwarzenegger was a pretty good governor.
>6th largest economy in the world
>wont be able to finance it's own military
Yeah, and I'm sure the rest of the continental US would just sit back while North Korea invaded California. Flyovers are really this retarded.
Don't forget, even if you live in these cities you're still a nobody.
>san francisco is fly over
>LA not
So where would all these magic soldiers and equipment come from? What airspace or sea lanes would they arrive by? You gonna train an army from scratch?
The moment Mexico made a move you'd all come running back to the union on hands and knees just like a certain Texas.
>mfw Nevada resident and someone mentions us
Nevada has no culture of it's own. Everything in Las Vegas is imported from the coasts. Everything outside of Las Vegas... is better not spoken of.
>little old california couldn't possibly be it's own country
How many Michelin star restaurants does LA have, again? Zero?
>implying they would side with commiefornia
>implying that would be enough to fend off Mexico
Yeah for like three seconds before the army comes in and stomps the fuck out of it.
More than whatever bumfuck town you're from, kid.
NorCal's where it's at, kid.
Not as many as Branson
>all of illinois is chicago
are you fucking retarded? besides the tiny spec of chicago what else is there in illinois?
Where I live, we have three 3-star restaurants.
The American Football house
I lived in Las Vegas for a couple of years, and let me tell you that it is one of the shittiest places on earth to live. Everyone there is jaded as hell, no real middle class, drug addicts roaming everywhere. The tourist areas are kept clean by an army of security workers though, so I would venture those places from time to time to cut loose.
A lot of corn and soy beans
Don't forget Lincoln's house and corn dogs, because you totally can't get corn dogs everywhere else in the country.
Some first world country America has become.
Drumpf country thinks it's still the 1860's.