Cooking infographics thread?
Cooking inforgraphics thread.
Cooking infographics thread?
Cooking inforgraphics thread.
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Any good recipes out there Veeky Forums?
Haven't tried this one yet, but it looks good.
>throw away mccormick spice packet
>recreate it with mccormick spices
Does seem odd. Is there any significant difference among the spice brands? I've always assumed it's all more or less the same stuff.
>the spice blends don't fit on to one line and share lines with other blends
Holy shit my fucking eyes. And this is not an OCD thing, I am messy as fuck, this is just 3rd grade tier graphic design
Burger Bro? Are you out there?
This one is a classic.
>arbitrary cooking times
in honor of our lord beef
Be not a cook temps noob!
This one is pleasant to look at
Still not %100 on this one. Doesn't isn't spaghetti usually made with heavy read sauce and spaghetti noodles?
Not in Italy and thus not what it was designed for but it's your food, fuck it up however you like.
It is actually pretty good. I've made them a few times.
Cancer ass fuck
so edgy dude
Here is better version.
only in america. tomato sauce for spaghetti in italy is rather thin with no meat
Why shouldn't onions and potatoes be near each other?