Alcohol thread
What ya'll on tonight?
Alcohol thread
What ya'll on tonight?
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dunknoo, gonna buy something tomorrow
what overpriced booze should I buy?
Saku Porter or alecoq porter
I'm on "not being a fucking degenerate", it's a craft quadruple ipa. Good stuff.
i'm 29 and i have no id and everyone thinks i'm 22
oh I might try those, but I'm going to be properly drinking so I have to get liquor
i'm not drinking because im not a degenerate alcoholic bum
Probably going to bust open a bottle of wine any minute now.
I'm having a lot of "no future" kinds of thoughts lately.
I don't fucking drink alcohol. I don't understand what is so great about it. A rich cup of coffee in the evening + internet is far more satisfying.
mõrnaja, the best vodka ~15eur a bottle
Same here, user. The no future part. I haven't been drinking in a while, and that's the only thing that keeps the existential dread at bay.
Waiting until dark, then going to smoke a blunt and get drunk at home and watch ID channel.
The American dream
On a good note I didn't shit any blood today and felt pretty good all day....No hangover like usual.
I've found the cure for a hangover.....
>1000ml+ coconut milk
>2-5 20oz gatorades
>5mg marijuana edible (indica) also optional
>greasy bacon, egg, and cheese bagel from anywhere but McDonald's
>4-8hr nap
You'll wake up like a new man
I feel like every month I slip into a horrible drunken binger and I hate it
but here I am on day 3 heavily considering extending this until sunday
I made a thread here when I woke up and at that time I seemed so sure I could end things today but apparently not
being a binge drinker is hell and I think my only escape is going to be when I ascend and start just drinking every single day
I've sorta done this in the past
if I wake up hungover and can smoke a decent amount, a nap will have me feeling at 100%
I don't really buy weed too much though and my roommate is a bit too obnoxious to sleep around so nah
These threads are not for your kind
The classic existential dread. I definitely know that feel.
I don't drink as much as I used to, but I still feel like without a little I just can't find enjoyment in a lot of things. I feel like I crawled out of a terrible nightmarish hole but without any place to go afterward, and we all know it's possible to slip back in.
I would also say that I'm drinking just enough to keep a despair at bay, which I think is more of a threat that relapsing hard on liquor. There's just a void that needs to be tended to by just some alcohol use. But it's every day.
I don't see myself bashing down liquor becoming incapacitated by fear and withdrawal again, but I still pretty much need a few drinks a day.
How to end the wild ride?
alochol isn't food. you should not be posting alcohol threads. Go to hell! Kys, drink yourself to death, and stop filling Veeky Forums with alcohol garbage.
So I stopped drinking a month ago today after drinking 1 pint + of whiskey a day for 2.5 years straight.
>No shakes
>Sleeping fine if not better
>No sweating
>No cravings
>Forgot about alcohol as a part of my routine after a week
>Feels good man
Think I am going to celebrate by breaking into one of my homebrew ciders tonight and see if I fall into some sort of shame circle.
How do people drink for years?
I'm only one a few months and I'm VERY sick because of it. It's hard to drink enough to get drunk. 12 drinks barley gets me buzzed even if I chug them as fast as possible. My stomach pukes up what I put in it... so that makes it even harder.
Suck my ass dude.
>alochol isn't food
neither is the McChicken
Currently at work and I think I'm taking a bit off from drinking. Don't really remember much but I have been puking every 15 minutes. The water is coming out cold. Pretty heavy drinker and I can barely type this on my phone cuz in shaking so bad.
Brandy, with a mug.
Just to remind me how tall I am building the wall.
I'd buy it
You have to graduate user. Only if you believe in yourself can you achieve the next level.
It's almost 5 so its time to hit the road for another bottle! At least I have my day drinking under controll for the most part, but the liqueur store was still calling me this morning.
>last week
>wake up at 4am thirsty as fuck
>drink my entire water bottle by bed bed
>pounded the whole thing without breathing through my nose
>tastes salty
>remember I had pissed in my water bottle the night before because I didn't want my roommates to see how drunk I was, again
You're a goddamn hero
Nothing, because my fat fucking wife won't go to fucking bed, and so now I have to start later and it's going to fuck my morning up.
Anyone in their late 20's/early 30's here?
I just turned 27 and I feel like it's the first year I'm starting to feel "old". I feel like I wasted the last 6 years of my life away at the bar drinking.
It just dawned on my the other night I was sitting at the bar and noticed everyone in the place was 21-23.
alcoholic bums are the worst. in downtown austin the same goddamn alkie bums ask me for change every time i walk by. i always ignore them. i always have sunglasses and earbuds on, and those faggots still try to talk to me as i walk by. so annoying.
people need to stop giving money to those idiots so they go away. its like feeding stray dogs. who the fuck wants that shit around. let them starve and move on.
>edgeasaurus douche
maybe get one of these specifically for piss so you don't mistake it
>its like feeding stray dogs
Why do people always liken homeless people to animals?
They're human beings you heartless bastards.
Yeah c'mon, homeless dogs are way more important to help
taper down with some 5% beers. only drink enough to keep the shakes and sweats away. so like one per hour or hour and a half.
then a couple less beers the next day, and so on.
it really works and its much much better for you than cold turkey.
maybe because they look, act, and live like animals. most of them forgot more about how to act civily than youll ever know about anything.
Well boys, seems as though I have anal seepage. I'm constantly having to pull brown and red toilet paper out of my ass. This should be some sort of warning sign but I don't see anything changing desu.
>This should be some sort of warning sign but I don't see anything changing desu.
Oh god this is the attitude I have. I have no health insurance and if something goes wrong I can see myself just riding it out.
Doing ginger beer and vodka right now, because I couldn't take it any more. Ginger is an alchies best friend or at least mine, haven't thrown up in over am hour. I've tapered before, but I'm coming down off 12 drinks+ a day, so it's gonna take me a minute. I really need a break from drinking, I don't think I've not had at least 2-3 drinks every day for 6+ months. Thanks for the advice user.
ive been doing 1-2 or 0 beers per night for over a month now. just to get rid of the cravings. its my reward at the end of the day. i pray to god this pattern holds. good luck to you.
You have to lose hope.
The less hope your body has the more alcohol it can retain.
I felt exactly the same at your age. I'm 30 and I now accepted the fact that I waisted a decade to alcohol, and have to rebuild an entire life from the beginning.
The sooner the better user.
Try this neat trick user. Just get a camel back, and set the water pouch on your night stand or on your bed by you. You don't even have to sit up, just grab the hose and drink away!
Insert a Foley catheter, and you won't even have to get up to pee either.
That's a good idea, but the tip of my urethra is divided in two at the middle(can't see it from the outside luckily). This is why one of my greatest fears is being cathed.
ive recently took up cocktail mixing as a side hobby. None of that tipsy bartender bullshit but classic cocktails.
Started out the night with a manhattan and then followed it with a perfect martini with a little simple syrup and a lemon twist. Mixing cocktails is like chemistry, its really fun and relaxing.
>the tip of my urethra is divided in two at the middle
Story or explanation?
Had a Maple Bacon Porter from Funky Buddha tonight. Best porter IMO, and everywhere bar normally sells out of it after 3 or 4 hours.
Hey, an austinite. Let me guess you just moved here from Cali. GO BACK.
Brilliant post that is a thousand percent true.
>Story or explanation?
None needed. Years ago, I was curious about the the inside of my dickhole looked like.
so how much do you guys actually drink?
in the past week i've drank 3 fifths of hard liquor and ~80 5% beers
3-4 liters of ~8% beer every single day
Beers and gang green
That's still not clarifying enough senpai.
I just sucked back a high-test trappist ale. It's doing the trick; I'm sleepy.
do you ever get like abdominal cramps
and for how long have you been doing this
Months now, and no cramps
Home made Apple cider tonight. 9.5% abv
2nd glass and it feels good man
2 litre PET bottle of shelf Apple juice with champagne yeast and 200g of dextrose added, special lid I made (like an airlock) and let it sit for 10 days.
Ongoing cost, $2 per 2 litres tbqh
how? The boredom and restless nights ...
Not him but when I've been successfully alcohol free I work out religiously, I read a lot and watch movies and quite tellingly I don't come to Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums one of my most detrimental habits and seems to be a trigger for drinking now. Something so comfy about shitposting drunk, as I'm doing right now.
6-8 lite beers every night x 8 years.
On the weekends and rough days plenty more. I've recently started popping a beer on my lunch break and drive home.
This. You have to have the proper equipment if you want to go full-time with this profession. Pic is my bed kit. Perfect for pissing and puking. Still working on a solution to the shitting issue.
1.4-2.1 litres of vodka every 24hrs, so around 60-90 units/day. 5 figure debt and an exploding spleen because of it.
u gonna die?
Is that you Vodkabro?
>chugs, gives peace sign, dies
bought some smirnoff in your honor for tonight
Poison of the gods. Enjoy, user.
If you count by week, you don't drink enough. How much do you drink EVERY night? *Puffs out chest*
3-5 bottle of bourbon a week, maybe 2-3 bottles of red wine.
Been there, done that. Moved on and have a wife, child and a good job
It's a hard cycle to break bro, but it's worth it
Every time I quit I find I have nothing to life for. There's no rewards for sobriety and any of the long term benefits are so intangible that I end up drinking again.
I do plan to quit this weekend though I've said that countless times over the last few years.
Find a reason to quit, don't just try to quit and hope your life will get better.
When I say find a reason, find a chick or something. You might have to hide your drinking issue at first but there's always cheeky ways to make it not so known. If it works out, you'll have found a reason to make a change.
go 2 hospital
y u do this?
some nights i drink nothing to recuperate, so i measure by week. physicians also measure by week as well.
Day off tomorrow... Today I guess.
had 3/4 bottle (1.14L) rum so far.
Three beers
>tfw 5:30 AM
Will probably finish the bottle. Playing San Andreas
whats a good drink i can make with a blender with cheapass rum or vodka?
NOT pina coladas because theyre way too fatty with all that heavy cream.
>alcoholics anonymous
>first thing they ask you is to introduce yourself
It's gonna be sugary or fatty regardless. Just add fruit juice, and ice in a blender. Maybe top with club soda.
The worst. Family friend last year got sober and has been trying to drag me forever. I've been to some myself, but it's really a pathetic environment that makes me feel even worse about myself.
Mods please don't delete these threads it's all we have ;_;
>600/700ml bourbon down, 2:30am AU EST.
cheers cunts
>tastes good
>not fatty
pick two
what do you mean by "fatty"?
Not loaded with dense calories
alcohol is pretty bad already, you should just do shots every 10-15 minutes until you feel good.
it looks really nasty
sugary is ok, ive kind of accepted that
Agree with this guy. Been this for about 4 days now and keep passing out. You'll feel good eventually
>tfw you escape another binge week and now you have to reassemble the pieces of your life
the closer I come to finally getting out of this habit the less functional it feels like I become while in the midst of it
>Wake up
>2 hours until alcohol sale closes
>Trying to will myself not to go and buy alcohol
it's hard
This is the same problem because when I'm drunk and need to piss I'll just piss in the camelback
Most miserable post ITT, Christ man...
Even when you're an alcoholic, you really don't need to be this much of a degenerate
>Extreme diarrhea
Glad I didn't buy any alcohol today