Well, /ceekay/?
Checkers Fries > all other fries
Definitely McDonalds
Curly fries also have a special seasoning.
>Sweet potatoes fries
Absolute shit
Curly fries are the kino of the French fry world
The all taste the same to me.
Steak or wedges. With some garlic mayo.
Crinkle cut is objectively worst
No truffle oil fries?
1. curly
2. steak
3. waffle
crinkle cut is a-tier at holding dips and sauces you fucking pleb
only waffle fries and curly fries are better
waffle fries are s-tier dippin taters
Crinkle cut over sweet potato fries
Get the fuck out of here
2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 are all trash the rest have their place with no clear winners.
>he's so autistic that he only has one interest
>he gets upset when non-autists like multiple things
End your life.
confirmed for flyover. truffle oil is disgusting stop telling yourself you like it
He's not wrong tho.
>muh fries
>muh burgers
>muh pizzas
>muh hot dogs
This is literally the shit that Americans argue about.
Smiley fries are the best.
They remind me what it's like to be happy
( ._.)
>maple leaf hat
>banner in the background says Sarnia
>Sarnia, Ontario
that right there is a Canadian
I too also hate chili-cheese fries. But why would regular cheese fries be so much higher? They're objectively worse.
>Sweet potato fries not at the bottom
>Chili fries near the bottom
whoever made this sucked off hitler
These are all the worst. The rest are all good in their own way, just depends what you're in the mood for. But pic related are never good and I refuse to eat them, ever.
Not liking steak fries is punishable by death
This is retarded, 95% of how good fries are is in how they're prepared (dried, double-fried) and 2% the fucking shape.
Pic unrelated
Thin cut sweet potato fries with skin on and a small portion of real maple syrup is tip top tier.
Smiley potatoes are the only correct accompaniment to tendies you fucking uncultured swine.
>tater tots that high
>smileys in last
>matchstick that high
>standard above crinkle cut
>steak fries not last
what a terrible list
This, but bacon cheese fries over chili-cheese
Fat ass detected.
Checkers fries appeal to the super fat for one reason: they are fried in a way that causes them to retain a huge amount of cooking oil. This is usually considered a "mistake", but that's exactly what fat people want.
>smileys at the bottom
pleb taste detected
Swap sweet potato with tater tots and I'll agree
>1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 7, 5, 14, 11, 13, the rest in any order because > shit.
Is Chick-Fil-A paying these fuckers? Why would the fries that are hardest to dip be first place? And what the fuck are "garlic fries" even doing there?
Literally this
>no poutine
>Sweet Potato fries
>Tater Tots
>steak fries
>waffle fries
>power gap
>everything else
I'll just do top five.
>Sweet Potato
>Smiley fuck off dont judge me okay its a texture thing
>Garlic fries
Anything with garlic mayo also counts highly
garlic > waffle > curly in my most humble opinion
just chug a gravy boat, you fat autist.
No, /tv/ is fucking board ruining cancer, they turn every board they infect into secondary garbage, they spam threads of the same topic, and they spam memes (like the kino we see there) in every thread. Fuck /tv/, that shit needs to stay in their own board.
>implying you'd want your fries to taste like grass
>standard fries
>fried once
I want to cut whoever made this shit infographic.
Standard cut is patrician. It's the perfect size for the crispy outside and soft inside that makes fries enjoyable.
>claims someone else is autistic for one subject
>his go too adjective for "good" is a made up word (at least in the definition he uses it) for a good film
Wew lad
>sweet potato fries aren't on the bottom
Cursed Image
Neck yourself
popeyes > checker's/rally's > arby's > mcfucks > everything else
10, 11, and 12 are the only things worth bothering with.
The rest are at best mediocre.
11 + Gravy motherfuckers.
For me it's the Potato Tornado, the best type of french fry.
first of all, these fries all look like disgusting frozen shit that you bake in your oven. very potato-y and not crispy at all. in general i'd say the better shit is more crispy and less potato-y, so it has a lower surface area to volume ratio
1. shoestring
2. standard (or garlic, why the fuck is garlic even an option)
17. curly fries
18. tater tots
nuke ontario please
People who love curly fries are weird
the seasoning is off
Waffle fries are fucking disgusting
Objective taste coming through.
God Tier:
Garlic Fries, Tater Tots, Pommes Souffles
High Tier:
Belgian Fries, Sweet Potato Fries, Cheese Fries, Curly Fries
Good Tier:
Standard Cut, Chips, Chili Cheese Fries, Potato Tornado
Low Tier:
Waffle Fries, Crinkle Cut, Shoestring, Potato Wedges
Shit Tier:
Steak Fries, Cottage Fries, Smiley
>no poutine
I frankly am flabbergasted to learn that there are people who don't think steak fries are top tier. How can you people live with yourselves?
Crinkle cut and steak fries should be the two lowest.
wtf is Kino?
>when i can finally use this
Chips are nice bro x
>potato wedges so low
>chili-cheese fries below cheese fries
>tater tots so high, as if they're at all fucking different from smiley trash
>no poutine
a) toronto ribfest is held in centennial park, on grass
b) there are tonnes of jays fans in the states, and thank god because nobody gives a fuck about baseball up here
sorry m8
but that montage was pretty inspirational
bunch of smiling healthy people from all over the world celebrating being canadian.
>belgian fries
>literally just regular fries with dipping sauce
>not knowing ontario is America Liteā¢
let's be real here
any populated province is "america lite" aside from Quebec.
Canada is "america lite"
Then where did Mexico go wrong?
Tater tots are overrated trash.
Cajun fries are the best
Jojo's with ranch.
Belgian elder god tier
>waffle fries top
I'm okay with this
garlic or cheese fries or any other additive shouldn't count. they're not fries standing on their own
Place near me has sweet potato waffle fries? They're pretty great.
>Smiley fries last
Weird, I thought /pol/ was the boogeyman board.
Maybe you're just a hysterical faggot
All boards have their quirks, but it's recognized Veeky Forums-wide that /tv/ is a special kind of fucked up.
Even /d/ looks down on them.
thick fries are shit
>curly anything but #1
>crinkle cut anything but dead last
top 3 is objectively
1. Curly
2. Sweet Potato
3. Standard
fries you make yourself are always the best
you can make them in all kinds of fun shapes
Because they are ignorant of the wonders of double-frying in dripping.
Let them remain so.
12 to 18
18 to 10
10 to 11
11 to 12
17 to 13
13 to 17
6 to 2
2 removed from the list
>above anything
holy fuck
they'll cook unevenly, creativity is not good here.
>curly not number 1
>steak not last
>no poutine
who made this terrible list?
>he likes meme fries.
Most disgusting kind of fry.
Here's the thing. If we assumed that all the fries on the list were each done at their peak execution, you could argue that any of those fries could be on top. But the reality is that some fries usually come cooked pretty poorly while others are consistently pretty great, and if the chart specified this, it'd be easier to rank this shit.