Elephant garlic

> infinitely easier to peel
> High yield of fresh garlic with little effort
> No detectable difference in taste
> Comparable in price

Why on earth would you use regular garlic and not this

I have never seen this sold at the market. I live in Southern California.

>brb importing fucking garlic

For you

> No detectable difference in taste
Ah, but that is where you have gone amiss!

that looks nothing like an elephant

Because who the fuck needs a whole clove of that monstrous garlic?

Because I grow my own standard garlic and btfo anything you can buy. Pic related, part of last year's harvest in June that we're still using.

>GMO trash
lmao enjoy the mind control chemicals built into the genes of your garlic

fucking pleb

>Why on earth would you use regular garlic and not this

I'm vegan

I really don't need that much garlic. Also if you slightly crush the clove the "skin" comes off easily.

It's called elephant garlic because the stem looks like the trunk of an elephant dipshit.

But that's wrong.
For one, it's a variety of shallot. For another, it tastes like a shallot with only a vaguely garlicky taste. It's more like an afterthought of garlic than the flavour of it.

It's a legit variety. First time I saw it was in the late 80s or early 90s. My mother bought one because she thought she was being fancy but it tasted of shallot rather than garlic, so she used it to make a rempah for something. It's over 20 years ago now so I don't remember what the rempah was for, but I clearly remember elephant garlic just being an overgrown shallot.

it's a type of onion, not garlic, and is less pungent

You forgot
>Not actually garlic




That looks nasty


that's very rude of you

>growing garlic in the fridge

Amerilard detected. Yes, amerilards are really this stupid. I visited there, once and only once. Never again. Life's far too short.

4x the size of a regular clove with half the taste. Amazing!

>No detectable difference in taste


> Calling it a market and not a store

Grandma pls go

>muh GMOs

when will this meme die

not him but you know there are still markets right? I live in the middle of nowhere leafistan and even we have farmers markets.

unless this is bait I guess?

>responding to anime poster
they're manchildern and always wrong.

It's at Walmart. or, literally, any other grocery store in SoCal.

Can we be BFF's?

double digit iq

>> No detectable difference in taste
Doubt it. Like anything natural the smallest varieties tend to taste the best, such as with tomatoes.

It's weird. I got ahold of that big garlic, and I didn't know what it was called or that it existed, but I just intuitively called it elephant garlic. I think it's some sort of naming convention we have for large size versions of things.

Which is why my wife calls me elephant as well ;)

>smells like shit
>tastes like bland nothing

They aren't comparable in taste at all, elephant garlic is significantly milder. It's more for making garlic spreads and etc

Because it only keeps elephant vampires away. It's regular vampires I'm worried about

but elephant vampires never forget



Blah blah. I vant to suck your blood. Or peanuts. Gimme some peanuts.

>He doesn't get his garlic directly imported from Gilroy
and you call yourself a californian

>use twice as much
>you're still paying half what you would for regular garlic



Is that because if you put all your weight on her, you'll crush her to death?

He's making the point that you didn't clean any of your garlic off, trim it at all, prepare it before you put it in the fridge so it looks like shit, you could've saved a lot of space and not have that horrifying shit in your fridge.

Why does it even matter, neo-flyover?


Reminder that literally every single product of selective breeding and agriculture is technically genetic modification, and that current gene insertion techniques have simply broadened our control of the process.


Is "flyover reaction face guy" the new
O B S E S S E D posting?

At least you figured out that some people still live in America even though they have different taste than you

>I failed the most basic science class, but you should unlearn truth to not hurt my feelings
fuck off, retard.

lol, no. You might as well claim that offspring from sexual reproduction = GMO because technically it is impossible to reproduce sexually and have offspring that are exact clones of the parents

can i have some?

friendly reminder that GMOs are completely unregulated thanks to bill clinton and you have no fucking clue what you're actually stuffing into your face



Never heard of it before. If I could get it with ease I would.

Haven't seen it around here in years, sadly.

So not much different than "organic" foods, huh?

Ranch 99

Waste of time to convince these fucking brainlets.
You always fear what you don't understand

I raise you one bar with single clove garlic, superior in taste and even more efficient!

I think it's a nu-male reaction face that's typically used to mock out-of-touch snobs living in metropolitan areas.

Out of touch with what? How many common foods cause hillbillies to cower in fear?

The out of touch ones are the people who get upset over god that doesn't come out of a cardboard box. It's not 1955 anymore, logistics happened

jesus christ I want that in my life

this would save me so much time and lookks fukccingngg good!!

>ugh just thinking of crushing that baby... I am so excited to get my hands on one of these things


Need to find this.

I didnt follow the argument from the beginning but explain yourself

Not OP retard.

Who the fuck cares how it looks in the fridge? What kinda faggot shit is that?

>I want my fridge to have great presentation!
And you implied the other guy was a nu-male. Kek.

i dont like garlic
i think its disgusting

sometimes its really hard to tell what you guys on ck are arguing about but I finally get it

It really wasn't worth the argument.

Garlic's really healthy, you'd probably be pleasantly surprised how many things you enjoyed had garlic in them; you just have to know how to cook it. I get surprised when people say they don't like broccoli but that's probably cos they've been eating shit raw broccoli or something..

No one's even arguing. Are you okay?

dont try to pull that shit with me asshole, hang your head in shame and walk away

not an argument

that's right. know your place.

Where do you find that

"God" was supposed to be "food" but with the typo it's much more fun

I do, it's above you because I don't get autistically mad when a contradicting opinion surfaces.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

> Elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum) is a perennial plant belonging to the onion genus. It is not a true garlic, but actually a variant of the garden leek.

It's not GMO

You don't actually know what garlic tastes like do you.

I'm guessing it's an ironic thing about how many anniversaries you've forgotten