I got meme'd fucking hard. Veeky Forums kept telling me this was the best Guinness! It's one of the worst!
I got meme'd fucking hard. Veeky Forums kept telling me this was the best Guinness! It's one of the worst!
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But, OP, all Guinness is shit.
>he fell for the guinness meme
Yah, Guinness is trash
inb4 >muh real Irish Guinness!
Get fucked, mick
All guinness blows ass
nice memes, kids
the extra stout is decent
bottled beer is pretty garbage
I mean it's not can but it's still not that great.
Guinness is literally the only form of alcohol I will consume. I don't know,I've never had Guinness outside of Ireland so maybe it just tastes different in your country.
>not having a tap installed in your home with kegs delivered daily
maximum pleb
>their best offering is only decent
>But, OP, all Guinness is shit.
This, its like baby's first and last stout. Watery, disgusting, overrated trash.
OP here. No it's fucking not. It's watery. It tastes like alcohol despite being only 7.5% (no one likes the taste of pure alcohol lets stop that meme). The after taste is nice, I will give it that. But everything else is pure shit. Watery, bitter, shit. If I want watery, bitter hsit, I want at least a 9% abv. Drake's Denogginizer anyone?
This. Except it wasn't my first stout. It's just bad period. Never going to try Guinness again. I'd rather have an IPA.
I'm talking about the regular Extra Stout not the shit you bought.
Foreign extra is supposedly better than regular extra stout. I highly doubt a cheaper beer is going to magically taste better.
"It tastes better cuz it costs more"
ordinary guinness tastes shite,this stuff does taste better, but I can get local stuff that's better for less
>I got meme'd
Why does this board attract so many retards?
Do you hate when language evolve or are you too dumb to understand what he means?
>out of a bottle
There's your problem.
Is it watery or too strong? Make up your mind mongo.
Every time someone says that a marketer for guinness pops a random erection. Diamonds are forever my dude.
Why would a Guinness employee want the company to sell less product? You're fucking retarded kiddo
It's nice that you are trying different beers but the way you write makes me think you don't drink that much.
Ah yes the only way to properly enjoy our luxury product is if you follow this magic routine or you are a filthy pleb.
Answer the actual question you faggot, why would anyone who wants to sell Guinness be happy that someone is pushing an opinion that sells less Guinness? I didn't mean cans, I meant from the tap, the only way it even is drinkable. Guinness is not a luxury product. A pint costs the same as most other pints besides the really cheap stuff like PBR or Bud.
They push the strict pouring rules to sell more guinness, blind tests show it doesn't really matter how it is poured. The from the tap thing is just an extension of the elitist pouring stuff, I can't think of any other beer where even people who don't drink it SWEAR that it can only be drank from the tap. People who like guinness drink it at home however they like but the elitest shit makes guinness stand out from other beers in peoples minds.
Googling "Guinness blind taste test" only gives me a video of four fat fucks who blind tested the bottle and couldn't even tell it was guinness, then said they thought it was worse than tap Guinness when it was revealed to be Guinness, along with a bunch of world record shit. So either give a sauce, or get the fuck out.
Oh I must have just read a discussion about that on a message board when I was reading about guinness. Try searching guinness pour blind test. Taste is subjective, sure beer, regardless of brand is best drank at a bar that has clean taps/lines and fresh kegs but unless your bottled/canned beer expired or got fucked up somehow on the transit then it tastes fine. I'd even argue that unless the pub you are going to sells a lot of guinness then can/bottle is better because who knows how long the keg has been there, if they clean their equipment well, or if they poured away the beer left in the lines since the last guy ordered one 2 days ago.
.t guy who used to drink guinness every day in various forms before i got sober
There is a taste difference between the breweries.
Guinness has QI teams which keep pubs in order across Ireland, so you don't have to worry about that sort of thing there.
Sounds nice, that doesn't extend to the UK though because I have had some shitty tasting pints there for sure.
From my (limited) experience Guinness is good if you can get a ~proper~ one, but you can only do that in NI or Eire.
Everything that gets exported is shite.
I'm probably totally wrong etc. etc. But I've never had a decent Guinness that wasn't 'on the isle'.
If you want a nice stout that doesn't taste like frothy dishwater, try pic related.
(The best ghost brand ever.)
Everyone knows Guinness is for mixing. Mix it with an ale. Half Guinness half Spotted Cow is amazing.
The only mixed beer I'll drink is a snake bite, but I like using a milk stout from my area instead of guinness
>it tastes better because it costs less!
Both. If tastes like water but has a strong alcoholic tastes. It's like drinking malt liquor.
>le drink beers to be classy
I will be in Dublin for a week mid-June. If not the Guinness brewery, where should we go?
if youve had enough to know youve already lost
Best Guinness.
West Indies Porter senpai.
back home
That's not what he wrote.
On the other hand, you DID write that it should taste better because it costs more.
That's because you didn't get the super-deluxe rare Guinness that's made exclusively for Amsterdam.
>you DID write that it should taste better because it costs more.
No, I didn't.
>Foreign extra is supposedly better than regular extra stout.