Back bacon > hockey pucks > reddit strips
Back bacon > hockey pucks > reddit strips
pucks are the worst of the three
bacon is overrated as shit but reddit strips are clearly superior.
In Australia the bacon looks like the one on the bottom right. It makes a pretty filling brekky if you're having it with eggs or whatever
peameal bacon
can australians ever learn english, or are they doomed to talk like babies?
hey yo 'go 'za brah, namsain?
This is the best bacon ever and since I have moved to the states from Canada I cannot find it
The word "edgy" really has lost all meaning now. It's not Nine Inch Nails of you to point out that grown adults are using toddler terms
Americans use toddler terms all the time
i highly doubt the dog cares which kind of cut the treat is
My dog hates beggin strips. He's a pooch of discerning taste.
Sad fact that this isn't a thing in the states.
I ate it every morning when I was in the UK and the shit-strip never could satisfy me
Ah yes, the go-to fallback for whenever an American is criticised
>"brekky is stupid"
>"it's a stupid word"
>"what? you seem obsessed with America, m8"
because you're always
Let us resume showing off delicious bacon. Here's some homemade prepared canadian and regular bacon I prepared for a potluck.
You're mentally ill. We're not even the same person
not really. you just... think about it a lot
It's kind of ironic you saying that after multiple post sperging out over him using slang you don't like.
Where's the regular bacon?
Enjoy your high cholesterol.
top right seems to be bacon, not sure what the rest are supposed to be
t. finland
is this nigger serious
The top right is canadian bacon that's been lightly fried. Bottom is standard streak bacon that I hand sliced from slabs.
I also made some Pancetta a couple of times in my old house, but haven't done it in a while.
>You're mentally ill. We're not even the same person
everyone who is not me is a samefag
get over it
i get my dog this one!
>cures his own bacon
get a load of this reddit-lord
>post thread that insults Americans
>oz, bongs, leafs and various europours circle jerk
>Americans respond
Wash, rinse, repeat
That's what makes it so fun coming here
Most of the boards on this site are overrun by anti american redditors who care more about "muh epic banter" than having a good discussion without needless ad hominems. It's really caused me to hate europeons and basically all other foreigners I used to respect. It has transcended banter, I really feel like everyone on the internet is racist against me. Even americans have been brainwashed into expressing antiamerican sentiment, calling their own people disgusting and what not because they consumed europeon socialist propaganda. I think the internet is done. It used to be good when it belonged to the american middleclass. Now it's full of subhuman normalfags. Good day
Is this pasta?
yes :)
share it with reddit!
>Criticize other nationalities
>lelelel babby speak
>gets criticized
>muh obsessed
This doesn't post doesn't make any sense.
Looks nice,
>yuropoors actually think this asshurt strawman comic makes any sense
So where is the regular bacon? Neither of those are regular bacon. But let me guess, you're American and what is regular to you is regular to everyone.
Always so arrogant.
What site are you using? Because it isn't the chon. The polar opposite is the standard, but then you are no doubt shitposting.
>this post
>a good discussion
I don't see any bacon there.
Just slabs of belly waste.