Have you ever bought a meal for a homeless guy?

Have you ever bought a meal for a homeless guy?

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If I give him food he's gonna sell his food stamps for crack

Everytime I see a homeless guy I go to the nearest McDonalds and buy five McChickens for him and say, for you, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

If they look like an alright person and not a junkie/crust I'll offer to get them something
You'd be amazed how often they get snippy and just demand money instead.

A meth addict asked me for $40 once.

I said, no, $40 a is a lot of money. But she and her "husband" could have a piece of cake that I bought. She yelled at me that she didn't want my cake, she wanted MONEY. She then haggled for me to give her $20, then $10, then $5, and when I still wouldn't give her money, she grabbed my cake and ran away

I once gave my leftovers from a meal I didn't really like.

I do this pretty much every time I'm chillin in any nearby cities. Philly, NYC, Trenton, Princeton, whatever. I get a ton of shit from a food truck or local joint and carry the leftovers around and give them to the first bum I find. I don't talk to them or ask if they're hungry, I just drop the food right next to them, to avoid shit like this


true story i did this

lol fuck no. Lazy cunts should get a job. They're all on payments anyway.

Yeah. Old black dude.

He was really pissed that I did it. He just wanted the money. We just went to a Taco Del Mar, and the whole time he bitched at me that I wouldn't just give him the money.

I hate all homeless people.

Earlier this week I saw one of them walking around in a parking lot screaming and punching her own head. Was thinking about knocking her retarded head into the ground and doing the world a favor.

no, i believe in natural selection

Nope but during the summer I have a cooler full of water bottles in my car that I toss to the homeless and streetwalkers on hot days.

stop that, if you help them survive they will just breed more disgusting homeless "people"

But it actually saved me from getting mugged once because the dude recognized me.

i went for lunch with a friend, and payed for it
and she got hers wrapped up to go
and a homeless guy asked for it
and she wouldn't give it to him
and it made me kind of mad for some reason


i didn't realize we were being marked on this



>he dies because no water
>not there to mug you to begin with

wew lad

Bought a street beggar a meal. He refused it and demanded money.
Later found out he was a grifter that worked over people leaving a church down the street and several other churches in town on a rotating basis.
Was after Katrina and he gave a story about needing money to go visit his kids in Louisiana. A friend gave him $250 that he was saving for a new PC. Friend found out the guy was grifting, and lost his faith shortly after.