What is the best cut of beef and why is it skirt steak?
What is the best cut of beef and why is it skirt steak?
Sorry but ribeye is king
That's a funny way of spelling ribeye.
>cutting skirt steak with the grain
ribeye is a close second. you cant beat the robust flavor of a skirt steak
Overcooked but good sear. Cutting with the grain like a pleb.
Bad sear. Nothing else to judge.
Not yours but 8/10. Slightly overcooked.
>ribeye is a close second
incorrect. for steaks, skirt steak is unmber 5. beneath ribeye, t bone, tenderloin and sirloin.
Meh honestly tenderloin is my least favorite cut. Its tasteless unless its some american wagyu or better. Even prime tenderloin is pretty weak because it is so lean. Its a cut of steak that clueless people and girls order.
Also insanely overpriced. You can get a dry aged prime ribeye at the butcher for the same price as choice tenderloin.
wrap it in bacon
it is overpriced to shit though
I wonder if posters like this realize how much a fag they come off as
90% of the time it's bait
The problem with skirt steak is that everyone knows about skirt steak. The nearby hispanic grocer used to sell vac-sealed skirt steak pairs (inner+outer) for $2.99/lb. Now, it's like $8/lb for inner skirt and outer skirt is basically unavailable.
The only real underrated cuts left are top blade and short ribs
short ribs are getting pretty popular these days and can be pretty expensive.
Pan Seared + Oven vs Grill
What type of cut is a filet mignon?
A meme cut.
grill is good for smokey flavor. that's it
Sous vide + reverse sear obviously
fuck you memeing faggot
Skirt steak was great cut of meat at $2.99 a lb. Once you hipster fuckers "discovered" it, and it shot up to $7.99, I gave up on it unless I go to my local Carniceria, which still has the best prices, and the best marinades.
I wonder will the increasingly expensive peasant cuts ever get so popular and trendy that people will end up forgetting about the actual good parts of the cow?