>ate a whole pint of ben and jerry's in one sitting again
Ate a whole pint of ben and jerry's in one sitting again
Other urls found in this thread:
> a pint
> not a gallon
keep trying, fatty, you'll eat yourself into a coma yet!
what flavor? that's where you'll be judged.
they don't even make them in gallons, thank god. I'd have to get a bigger spoon
boom chocollata cookie core
Gotta work it off.
you have good taste. that's almost as satisfying as having a 12 pack of beer for yourself and a movie playlist.
>don't change for anyone
iktf, cherry garcia
Nigga, everybody does this. It's classified as self torture if you don't.
>haven't done that in over two months
I'm gonna make it bros
thanks user
my 2nd favorite hnnngggg
yeah I know but I feel guilty every time cause I'm actually fat
good on ya mate, ice cream is a trick. I always regret eating it 5 minutes after, but before and during its like drugs.
living the dream
You could get the Vermonster.
It an easily be made at home, not just at an actual Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Shop.
And you're obese as you've stated, so you probably live on SSDI and get food stamps, so no worries, just spend all your food stamps on the ingredients and have a huge binge.
>broke the toilet at work im so heavy
>nobody saw me go in or leave the bathroom
>deny any involvement when asked about it
>they all know it was me
> >ate a whole pint of ben and jerry's in one sitting again
Ben and Jerry's has a weird chemical taste to it.
It's probably the chemicals.
Bernie runs his weenie through each batch.
how do you avoid brain freeze?
Make sure the cold doesn't touch the roof of your mouth too much or for too long
I'm dieting and still do shit like this every now and again. A pint is only like 800 calories depending on flavor. You'll be fine just eat lightly the rest of the day.
could you not just wait till it's melted and drink it?
Could you not just hold your breath until you die?
I do that all the time, ice cream is my weakness, but it's also usually the only thing I will eat the whole day because I'm not a fatty.
>A pint is only like 800 calories
pretty sure it's closer to 1000, but yeah you can still be fine as long as you don't each much else the rest of the day.
only obese people would want to eat that much sugar and cream in sitting.
My vice is savoury food
>lost 60 lbs over the past six months
>still occasionally spend $20 at taco bell
Probably gonna be a fat boy after work tonight
Ya looking now you are right they range from about 1000 - 1200. I usually go for the froyo stuff which is why I was thinking 800.
>tfw ate 3 McDoubles, 2 McChickens, and 2 large fries and also ate half of a half-gallon tub of strawberry shortcake ice cream
Don't know why you would sweat that. At that point you obviously aren't even trying so don't worry about it. If you are fine with being overweight just keep being overweight nobody really cares.
Apart from being seen as a blight on society by all non fatties
Everyone's a blight to society
Bulimc here, out of every food ice cream is the easiest and most pleasant going back up... just keep that in mind.
Christ how much do you weigh
>tfw finally manage to start getting a hold of my sugar addiction, then along comes pic related
help me Veeky Forums, it tastes like heaven
thats not healthy user
should have just owned up to it
they would have had real sympathy for you
now they all probably hate you for trying to lie about it
>mfw all the good flavors either get retired or are limited batches, or they change the formula
RIP coffee heath bar crunch, the new toffee they use tastes like burnt bitter garbage
not to mention the texture is like sand.
>lost 35 lbs over last 4 months
>got some dark chocolate thinking I wouldn't want to eat much of it
>ate the whole bar
dammit.. oh well.. at least it's "healthy"
>tfw passed 300 lbs recently
Is there any hope for me?
no the point of no return is 360-400
you can still make it if you start today
Chocolate is actually pretty low calorie. A whole bar of Cadbury Dark Chocolate is only like 300ish calories.
And I feel guilty for drinking 600-800 calories of soda a day.
Clearly I need to up my game if I want to win the fat ass Olympics.
Fellow fat boys tell me about your guilt.
>passed 300 lbs
Like... in terms of lifting?
>run 5 miles a day 5 days a week
>somehow still weigh 235
I don't understand. I'm dieting too. I eat 2200 calories a day on average. I'm not some kind of fucking anomaly with reusable fat. How the fuck am I not losing weight.
I'm noticing the difference that I'm fitter but I'm still a fatass.
You realize that a pint of Ben and Jerry's is like 800-1000 calories depending on the flavor, so it's not like you're much better. And you're drinking empty calories, at least a pint of ice cream fills you up. I can pound a large soda when I go to taco bell, and then still eat 2000 calories worth of food.
Burh you should be eating like 1700 calories.
you're definintely eating more than 2200 calories.
also 2200 calories plus running that much isn't really going to do it for you.
try eating like 1500 + running, the weight should fall off easily
are you a manlet? manlets have to cut harder to lose, but we also put on muscle faster/easier too, so its a give/take
If you fat fucks are here in the US, change your fucking lives right now. I don't want to have to pay for your medical expenses due to your degenerate lifestyles.
could be you're exchanging fat for muscle/bone density, but unless you're doing heavy lifting it's not likely.
Do you feel like your body has changed shape over time? How tall are you? Weight isn't everything
I tried. I didn't have the energy to actually do anything. I felt weak and dizzy half the time. I can't concentrate at work to actually get shit done. I don't know how people do hardcore cutting diets and still act productive.
>you're definintely eating more than 2200 calories.
I record it, I measure and weigh everything. I don't understand. I don't know where unexpected calories would come from.
>also 2200 calories plus running that much isn't really going to do it for you.
I tried going lower, it makes me exhausted all the time.
>are you a manlet? manlets have to cut harder to lose, but we also put on muscle faster/easier too, so its a give/take
I'm 6'2"
I can tell my legs have gotten leaner but that's about it.
>How tall are you?
>inb4 we have to pay for your several stress tumors
last time I checked I have to pay for all my medical expenses myself, free insurance in the US is a fucking myth unless it's provided by your union in which case that comes directly out of your dues
Well what are you eating. If you put most of your calories into protiens like lean meats and also fibrous veggies. You should feel fine. Don't fall for the "eat what you want it's just about net calories" meme. Efficient cutting comes with the right foods.
well you seem to be doing it right, if you're 6'2, 2200 calories is moderate, depending on your activity level
just remember you're body, no matter how fucked your genetics are or how bad your thyroid issues are, cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics
it is impossible to NOT lose weight if you are burning more than you are eating.
So just keep going, the progress will catch up eventually.
bro we're in the exact same boat
welcome to the genetic nightmare of slow metabolism
you just have to get your body used to lower calorie subsistence, it sucks a lot but you'll be completely used to it within a couple weeks
you obviously have the willpower to keep things going despite no obvious changes, so what's a little extra push, keep it up
Here I'll walk you guys through a daily meal routine for me.
3 mugs of hot tea with 1 tbsp of half and half each (60 calories)
1 protein bar (200 calories)
Ramen noodles (430 calories)
>Afternoon snack
Protein bar (200 calories)
1 gallon sugar free peach tea (50 calories)
16 oz chicken (560 calories)
Vegetable side dish (~200 calories)
>Evening Snack
Fruit Smoothie consisting of
2 cups nonfat greek yogurt (340 calories)
2 cups frozen fruit, normally strawberries (100 calories)
1 tbsp sugar (45 calories)
Total: 2185 calories
This is my most common daily routine.
you drink a gallon of tea for dinner?? not being a shitter or anything I'm just a little confused and weirdly impressed.
eat a better breakfast though and cut out that ramen noodle shit
how about just skipping the breakfast entirely, and just eating two large meals
one after 12, and one before 9pm
cut out the ramen, cut out the protein bars, cut out the fruit smoothie
just keep it basic. you're eating wayy to much necessary shit
Eat eggs instead of the protein bar at breakfast (if you don't have time to make them in the morining, keep hard boiled in the fridge)
Eat a piece of meat instead of ramen at lunch
Don't have the 500 calorie smoothie at the end of the day, have some chocolate or just plain fruit/yogurt instead.
I thank god every day for diet soda.
unnecessary ***
user do you shit bars of lead
It just makes you hungrier and fatter. Stop fucking drinking it.
>you drink a gallon of tea for dinner?? not being a shitter or anything I'm just a little confused and weirdly impressed.
It became a routine at some point. I make dinner right after I get done at the gym and I normally sweat until I look like I got out of a pool. I make dinner, shower, and drink a lot of tea when I get home.
>eat a better breakfast though and cut out that ramen noodle shit
I know this is probably part of the problem but I have a case of ramen I have to eat through. I don't want to just throw it away.
>Eat eggs instead of the protein bar at breakfast (if you don't have time to make them in the morning, keep hard boiled in the fridge)
That makes sense. I'll try and switch over. I'll boil and peal a batch of eggs on weekends. I'll keep protein bars as my afternoon snack.
>Eat a piece of meat instead of ramen at lunch
I really need to. I should get in the habit of packing lunch for myself. I'll make BBQ chicken or something on the weekends and pack containers of it. I need to get rid of all the ramen I have though.
>Don't have the 500 calorie smoothie at the end of the day, have some chocolate or just plain fruit/yogurt instead.
I normally have it at least 2-3 hours before going to bed, would that make a difference?
I try to eat in small meals throughout the day because its easier on my stomach. I have a sensitive gut for the most part. I've also heard that more small meals is better for you rather than a few large ones. Though I'm not a nutritionist so I don't know for sure.
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Diet soda has no calories it can't make you fatter.
I count calories so I'm not worried about the hunger either.
I have had the problem with poor bowel movements in the past. Sometimes I take out something from the daily routine to have fiber supplement instead.
Is it really that bad?
its not that its bad its just... all over the place
so much filler. just stick to basics. smaller meals throughout the day are generally healthier, but you're not eating small meals, you're eating snacks.
try intermittent fasting, worked for me
Not really. If you are looking to reduce think about jell-o for a snack. A large packet makes 4 cups of jello at 80 calories I eat it every single day.
you can literally cut all those meals in half and be fine
have eggs and fiber for breakfast, keep it under 400
eat a light lunch, maybe a salad with meat or beans, keep it under 250/300
there's no reason a vegetable side dish should be 200 calories unless it's covered in cheese and sauce, same with the pound of chicken. Use less oil and fat in your cooking, marinades and proper seasoning are key.
Don't drink your calories at the end of the day, just have half that amount of yogurt with fruit mixed in, don't let it go over 300 calories
keep it under 1900 and you'll be losing a couple pounds a week in no time provided you really ARE running 5 miles a day.
>inb4 b-but it triggers the insulin response and spikes blood sugar
My college roommate for three years was diabetic and he drank a lot of diet soda (he actually was a fucking shrimp, a very skinny kid, type one). He would be dead if it effected blood sugar.
It does make you hungry psychologically though, unless it has caffeine.
If you get hungry before bed eat some carrots/cellery (but don't eat too close to bed)
also forgot to mention that some people don't take into consideration that hard liquor has a LOT of calories in it, so if you drink that's gonna be adding a lot to your sugar total. I think it was something like a shot of vodka is 100/150 calories
Ramen lasts forever, when you're thinner eat it then.
>there's no reason a vegetable side dish should be 200 calories unless it's covered in cheese and sauce
I normally have 4-6 cups of vegetables. The last few days it's been green beans.
>Don't drink your calories at the end of the day, just have half that amount of yogurt with fruit mixed in, don't let it go over 300 calories
Makes sense.
>same with the pound of chicken.
I don't use oil when I cook chicken. Most of the time I brine and bake it.
>eat a light lunch, maybe a salad with meat or beans, keep it under 250/300
Makes sense. I'll probably try doing batch cooking on weekends.
>provided you really ARE running 5 miles a day.
Most days I run between 5 and 5.5 miles. I never run longer than 55 minutes. Yesterday I did not run nearly as well (only 4.5 miles) because I think I may be slowly injuring my foot.
How bad of an idea would eating hummus with vegetables as a snack be?
I am trying to cut out alcohol from my diet. I only drink socially now and then I try to limit myself.
sounds like your key problem is your huge portion sizes then
it's gonna suck but reduce them, that should be the answer
You know, if you dropped the noodles for eggs or meat and had less sugar in the smoothie you could almost do lazy keto of sorts
It's worth considering if you really want to lose weight, the first week or so sucks but it's not so bad if you keep electrolytes up
and once you're fat adapted cravings for carbs pretty much vanish, I get sick thinking of carbs nowadays
Hummus is 25 calories a tablespoon, so it sounds like a fine idea to me.
I heard that keto hurts your liver. I had jaundice as an infant and it left my liver permanently damaged.
Huh, can't say i've heard that about keto before. I know it can reverse fatty liver disease caused by carbohydrates but not damage it.
Anyway, It's just a suggestion and I've found it's a pretty simple diet to follow since you get to eat a lot of good stuff which actually keeps you full (fats) so it's pretty easy to run a caloric deficit
>the first week or so sucks
never had that problem, but it takes your body a week of strict diet to actually enter ketosis.
The diet works wonders, but if your fat ass can't stay away from that piece of bread then you've just set yourself back an entire week because you'll need to re-enter ketosis.
It requires more discipline than a simple CICO diet, and while I'd recommend it to anyone with the willpower to handle a month without sugar and bread or pasta I wouldn't say it's the best diet for losing weight because of how easily you can fuck it up. I'm not joking, one cookie or piece of cake can throw you out of ketosis and set you back seven days, buy the test strips and learn to use them, there's no such thing as lazy keto.
absolute bullshit, it only takes half a day to re-enter ketosis
It's really not that tough of a diet as long as you're eating enough fat to maintain ketosis and you aren't going into starvation mode
While dieting I tried a couple different diets and never had the discipline for keto. I did have a lot a success with a high volume diet though.
There's a decent introduction for it but basically just stuff yourself with low calorie foods. Depending on what you are eating you may not even find it physically possible to eat enough calories in a day.
You are wrong, buy the strips and see for yourself. You don't have to trust me.
I used to think it took "a day or two" before I actually started testing.
>I did have a lot a success with a high volume diet though.
Good job, there's no single answer to dieting and keto isn't for everyone.
>buying commie cream
In theory I'm lifting 300 like whenever I get up.
I've noticed that too. That seems to be a really good idea now that I think about it. Are there any downsides to it?
Other than it's literally an eating disorder?
It's a disorder if you're compelled to do it. I think vomiting is a wise and valid choice.
>It's an addiction if you're compelled to do it. I think shooting H is a wise and valid choice.
choosing to vomit ice cream on occasion does not mean you have bulimia
I know, just like smoking meth once in a while doesn't mean you're addicted to meth.
Overpriced shit, may as well buy Talenti for such a small amount.
There is nothing inherently bad about Bulimia. I'll concede that if I were to do that, it would technically be demonstrating Bulimia; but where is the harm in that?