Imagine a world without eggs! Not a pleasant thought, right?
Imagine a world without eggs! Not a pleasant thought, right?
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they taste awful but i eat them for health
>a world with less clogged arteries and tortured/raped enslaved animals
Sounds pretty good
>clogged arteries
lol! get off Veeky Forums mum!
Oh vegans.
I would shit a whole lot less. Fuck those delicious diarrhea machines...
Fucking millennials and their bro science egg addiction. I swear.
Do the effects stack?
>eat a dozen eggs
>over 500 times more likely to get diabeetus
>over 200 billion times more likely to get colon cancer
>protein and fat
>causing diabetes
>>over 200 billion times more likely to get colon cancer
hahahaha that made me laugh, i do eat 4 eggs a day and have yet to get ass cancer.
Well without them people wouldnt be shoving horrifying amount's of toxic cholesterol down there throat's so it would be very good if they didnt exist
>the implication that dietary cholesterol is bad for you
Hang yourself, my friend.
>dietary cholesterol equals serum cholesterol
I'm a big fan of this meme
>dietary cholesterol doesn't raise serum cholesterol
this meme needs to die
I would eat more eggs if they weren't so expensive were I live
I guess it's a good thing in the end though, because the chickens aren't treated like garbage
It didn't raise mine because my body decided not to believe the memes
Best egg i ever made
Can anyone tell me how to cook eggs? I always fuck it up
I think he meant artificial insemination
Boil water, insert egg in water. Wait 7 mins, take up. Throw egg against nearest wall. Still hanging? Needs more time boiling.
Always use this test for eggs
go take your supplements, skeleton man of no flavor
I could live without plain eggs but living without eggs as an ingredient would be painful. So many good cakes etc. require them and I love a good cake.
you're going to have to go back to where ever you came from
I used it on your mum's cunt.
It's medium rare.
AND when i finished iT WAS WELL DONE
I wish your dad did this to his balls before he gave birth to you
Jokes on him, he started as an egg cell.
>that perfectly hard boiled egg on the right
>hahahaha that made me laugh, i do smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and have yet to get lung cancer.
I love eggs. My digestive track sure doesn't though.
1965 called. They want their junk science back.
Soft boiled master race. Eat min. 4 per sitting.
Other way around bud
Hello fat-earther
>its old so its bad!!!!
Typical millenial fat-earther
You won't fool me!
For a second I thought it said "not a pheasant thought."
And I love the occasional egg and eggproduct, don't do this to me man.
Why are vegans so retarded?
Da fuck is wrong with saturated fat you mong?
If you are a healthy individual it literally does nothing to you.
t. literal egg industry shill
Dietary cholesterol has been shown to not affect body cholesterol. Not that eggs are "healthy" as they're just fat and protein, but there's nothing worse about them than normal meat
>There is much evidence to indicate a positive linear trend between cholesterol intake and low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, and therefore increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)
>It is thus recommended that saturated fatty acid, trans fatty acid, and cholesterol consumption be as low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
Yes, 2005, most likely citing studies from even earlier. This was disproven only a few years ago.
That study is over 12 years old.
>M.L.F. has received funding from the American Egg Board to conduct research on the effects of eggs on lipoprotein metabolism in different populations.
Absolutely nothing in there disproves anything btw. The people who don't respond are fat and insulin resistant and already have elevated cholesterol to the point that they can't absorb anymore due to its enterohepatic recirculation. Healthy individuals are negatively impacted
A lot of the data cited is epidemiological and based on food frequency questionnaires, which are gender studies tier and not considered reliable.
>Epidemiological studies have limited power to detect effects of such magnitude and thus do not provide a meaningful basis for establishing adverse effects of dietary cholesterol.
The rest is outpatient meaning telling people to eat more eggs and/or giving them some free to eat and hoping they will comply and not change anything else in their diet and lifestyle, which is also obviously weak pseudoscience. The IOM report on the other hand relies on controlled feeding studies done in metabolic wards were all variables are controlled.
The studies showing earth is not flat are ~2550 years old. What's your point?
That literally means nothing you fat-earther retard
>Isaac Newton is wrong, his science is from last millennium!!!
Kill yourself
>That study is over 12 years old.
The Egg Board (Council) is also a very powerful lobby, and it took them quite a while to support the right people who support the right research.
A sensible approach doesn't ignore vast amounts of scientific research, or zeroes in on just the research that supports their narrowmindedness but considers it as a whole and provides balance to their overall dietary and health decisions.
We'll he's not right, either. Gravity is still a theory
Why are vegans so delusional?
What vast amount of research? There is no proof that dietary cholesterol intake increases ldl proteins.
Im gonna laugh when you hang yourself
Not an argument
Not an argument
wow this thread makes me want to kill myself.
Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?
A world without eggs is a world without bearnaise sauce, and I don't want to live in that world.
>still a theory
You fucking imbecile. This shit drives me up the walls.
Google "Scientific Theory"
That said, the whole dietary cholesterol thing is kinda interesting: