Whats youre favourite beef Veeky Forums? Me? I love veal. I hope they suffered.
Whats youre favourite beef Veeky Forums? Me? I love veal. I hope they suffered
Car/nay Hard/sawda
With everything
I love...
>Any dry-aged cut cooked to a perfect medium-rare
>Standing rib roast / prime rib of beef with the good crust
>Tenderloin with some kind of crust-- be it herb or bone-marrow-- cooked pink
I could go on. I love beef.
How flyover are you? The moral outrage over veal was an 80s and 90s thing. It became passé when everyone realized how silly it is to worry about baby cows when the entire factory farming apparatus is cruel as fuck
Obviously giving up ALL beef was not something people were up for, so the drama became a quaint relic of a naïve age
Wow you really tried hard on this post
heinously overstuffed
It's just too versatile.
There's no difference so I don't give a fuck.
Says who
Anybody who eats that shit regularly you fat fucking texan
What a shitty nitwit you must be honestly
>Every food item i eat must be so overflowing with filling that I need a fork because the droppings will turn themselves into a completely secondary meal
>Because I am a fat fucking texan
We did it reddit!
More user
if your fillings spill out all over the place while you try to eat it then you are eating a poorly constructed taco
>he likes his food with less food in it
Wew. That man knows how to draw a rectum.
I prefer a more delicious and wholesome vegan beef substitute, because I am not a feeble minded murderer.
yeah, Veeky Forums is for conservatives, we love jesus and budweiser
I could go for a donut right now.
Veal is lamb, not beef
veal is beef
lamb is mutton
So how long are we looking at daily veal threads for OP?
I see you're sticking with the whole "Yum veal, yay baby cow suffering" thing to put in the OP. Good choice, particularly obnoxious.
Anyway, I wish you all the (You)s in the world.