I went to a longtime local sandwich shop and got a slice of pizza. For some reason, they chose to do this to it

I went to a longtime local sandwich shop and got a slice of pizza. For some reason, they chose to do this to it.

Have you ever seen this before? For reference, I live in central Connecticut.

they only cut your pizza in to cuckstrips if you yourself look like one

your server was on a substance and/or a stupid high school kid who gives a crap about his job.


easier to eat bite size pieces if you are a neanderthal who doesn't know how eat properly

wouldn't a bigger sloppier piece be more like something a caveman would eat?

>For reference, I live in Hell

I would actually like that
make it easier to dip

I've never had pizza given to me like that, but I think it is actually okay.. looks good for dipping

This. I live in a flyover state and though I miss the fresh seafood you couldn't pay me to go back to CT. Fucking bullshit liberal shithole.

I've seen people request it before but rarely. Your dude probably did this for the last customer that asked and was on autopilot.

What does liberalism have to do with the kind of food the state offers? Also, rural areas of CT tend to lean republican, just like rural areas everywhere else

Probably for dipping or to let it cool faster.

>americans are so fat they dip their greasy "pizza" into more grease


It doesn't. I'm just voicing my displeasure for it's backwards political climate as I was typing, off the top of my head, what I dislike about it.

The food is good there no doubt, especially in the bay areas near New York, but there is so much wrong not even Pepe's Pizza is once give enough.

we have a lot of turks making bad greasy af pizza here in my country, they slap a slice in front of you and roll cut it like this as if they were cutting meat.
It looks ridiculous and feels wrong but it tastes ok so I dont mind a lot

Send that shit back.

I dunno pepe's cuts their pizza fucking weird liek that

Holy fuck that's actually genius and I feel like a retard for not even thinking about doing that. Ez 2 dip in dank af sauz

Weird as it looks OP I can see a little sense to it. Notice that each piece has some crust for you to grip with. Easier to eat.

to dip thrm you faggot tripnigger

Yeah when left to their own devices. This is the pizza shop's way of looking out for the mentally challenged.

Being fat isn't really about what you eat. It's about how much you eat and what you do when you're not eating.


>speaking from experience

You can also dip in Marinara sauce.


you can fold 'n dip faggot

Huh... just realized that in my country (Finland), i dont think i've ever gotten a pizza that was allready cut into slices,pieces or whatever even if i eat it at the restaurant.

Not that i care though as im such a pleb that fork+knife all the way and my way of eating pizza is to eat the edges first and slowly go towards the center.

what the fuck

never understood the point of mushrooms on a pizza.. zero taste, slimey texture. just why?

Fresh mushrooms are fucking awezome on a pizza but if they are canned shit then it's... well... SHIT!

Your mushroom game is weak. You probably just get the shit ones in a can and they throw em on top.

hm. I'll try them again sometime....idk though

The center-part is usually too hot immediately after the pizza is served and hasnt had time to settle down yet so the changes that your toppings fall of is higher. (also, my favorite topping is slices of tomato so those need time to cool off)
And if you cant eat one pizza in a single sitting with the edges included then what kind of fucking vegan pussy are you?

mushrooms taste good to me

just bought a bag of these ones from whole foods frozen but it smells kinda and not sure if im into all kinds of mushroooms and not just fresh ones

a pizza isn't a unit of size, but I can put away a 16 inch circle and have room for desert. I find your pizza eating procedure and rationalizations deeply disturbing. Will you please check if you actually mean pizza when you type that word and if so eat it like a human being, just to check. Everyone else in the world does it different than you and we're not wrong.

>sandwich shop